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Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2011
Views Views: 6401
Sorry for the late update of the website after Week 1, I was out of town and the scores were a little late getting to me. In future, if you could report your team's scores via text (somebody's gotta have a cell on the field, don't they?) to 905-409-7773 that would work best - I won't be around this weekend either so send me your scores!

Also new this week is the new Trash Talk site (obviously you found it, congrats!) - a little streamlined and hosted ourselves (thanks for the work on this Drew!). I've left a link to the old Trash Talk site in case you want to go back and check out historical posts although Drew did bring over the pre-season posts as you can see.

So, what did I miss? Navy's upset of the defending champs surprised some. Did we learn anything else out there this week? Looking forward to reading all about it - you're hers, so may as well make use of the new TT site and let me know what I missed!


Posted By Posted By: Matt S Baby 1
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2011
Views Views: 6388
Hello Gents,

I've got two brand news pairs of Nike cleats size 10 that I bought on eBay last year and have never worn other than to try on indoors.

Nike Zoom Flyposite TD (Navy) http://www.finishline.com/store/catalog/product.jsp?sourceid=shopping&productId=prod670910&NIKE&cid=44

Nike 7V7 TD

These puppies have never seen grass and the reason I'm selling them is that I have a problem and can't stop buying cleats. These are rare cleats around this neck of the woods and I'm going to re-post on eBay if no one snatches these. $60 each and they are yours. If you want to buy both I can let them go for $118...let's make it $100.

If intersted I'll be at the fields around 10:30 playing with Baby and will have the cleats on my person. TJ and I are hoping to open up a store front by Oct 1st so stay tuned for details.

Matt (Baby #1)

Posted By Posted By: Matt Lover
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2011
Views Views: 6339
The news boards first spam... Thanks Matt

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2011
Views Views: 6323
Looks like all teams were able to put points up. Looks like we may have a season!!!

What was with all thouse crippled teams. Last week was a bit of a mess.

Posted By Posted By: WhiteyFan91
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2011
Views Views: 6310
Let's go Drew, let's go!!!

Helluva an effort, let's see if you can build on it and have the defending champs start out the season 0-2!!!

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2011
Views Views: 6304
Love the encouragement bro... Thanks.
Talk to Colin, maybe he'll let you play in that one. We may be short.


Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2011
Views Views: 6282
Seems to be the theme this year.

Posted By Posted By: Anon
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2011
Views Views: 6238
Being short in Nov is perfect.
Being short in Sept, not so much.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6166
who said that? mccaskie, was that you? being short is perfect...

Posted By Posted By: Lonely
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6138
Shultz... Where are you?
This board needs you!

Posted By Posted By: ghost writer
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6137
Wouldn't classify a navy upset against the 'reigning' champs....the only thing colin's squad has in common with the champs of years past is the colour of their jerseys.

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6102
You ask for it, you get it!

As I said last week, Week 1 is always a bit of a crap-shoot as you are never quite sure what to expect from the new lineups. That is made even tougher by the fact that so many teams had players that did not show up for week 1. Whether it was the TFONT tournament in Brampton or other commitments, teams were “short” last week. (not McCaskie short, but short of players…)

3-2 in week 1; I’ll take it. I was surprised by the ability of Wes’s squad to power there way past Chambers. The second loss was betting on last years champs. Unfortunately it seems like the Orange team thought the season started this week.

With another influx of players this week, it will be interesting to see which teams can get the big “M” on their side and build some early season promise.

North 8:00 - Team 7(Black-Drew) vs Team 9(Orange-Colin)

Drew’s team dropped it’s opener, to nobody’s surprise. Orange hung in tough with Noah’s squad despite being shorthanded. Let’s try our comparison method again this week…

Drew < Colin, Carswell < M.Hadden, Eskins = Smart, McDonald = Hendry, Best < R.Hadden, Dionne < Big Pete, Carter/Chappelle/Clarks = Hazlett/Harding/Julien/King

The only way Black wins this game is if Orange thinks the season starts next week and doesn’t show…

-- Take ORANGE

North 9:30 - Team 10(Burgundy-Dave) vs Team 4(Navy-Noah)

Dave should actually be there this week. Nice to have a QB like Scott to fall back on when you can’t be there. Will this be an old-fashioned Dave-Noah shoot-out as we have seen in the past?

Spackman = Noah, Katradis > DaSilva, Rafuse > Matthews, Elkington > Quane, Thompson < Imai, Rigg < McCaskie, Oleksik/Jeune/Roskar < Fowler/Dunnett/Charmley

The top of the group is weighed too heavily in favor of Burgundy. Should be an exciting, high-scoring affair


South 9:30 - Team 8(Gold-Nick) vs Team 1(Teal-Chambers)

From what I heard, Teal started strong last week, but fell apart in the second half against Silver. Nick got off to a good start with a win against a tough red squad.

Mikos > Chambers, Heath < Blanche, Glover = Alexander, S.Bird > Hackett, P.Bird < Marshall, El-Hajjeh < Morris, Sederis/Phillips/Hickson = Newberry/McKeon/Livingstone/etc…

This should be a close one, but I will go with the more experienced QB in this one.

-- Take GOLD

North 11:00 - Team 5(Red-Adam) vs Team 3(Green-Miller)

Red lost a close one with Nick last week, while Miller took their opener against Black.

A.King < Miller, Dehaney < Wray, W.King > Payne, Klassen > Carquez, Verville < Hanley, Young = Cain, Crouter/Heighways/Scanga < Warburton/Neznik/Wood/Higney

This again should be a close game, but I think the combination of Miller-Wray wins out.

-- Take GREEN

South 11:00 - Team 2(Baby- Chris) vs Team 6(Silver-Wes)

OK, so will we actually see all of Baby this week? (Rumour has it that TJ has a boo-boo again) Silver was mighty impressive last week in winning handily against Teal. Wes seems to have gotten himself some nice hat pick-ups…

Pierre < Coke, Bradimore > J.Schleiffer, Brooks < M.Schleiffer, Siekowski > Fletcher, Sabadin = Snyder, Hubenig < JW Martin, Schulz/Greatrix/Benight/Massey < Clarkins/Lungrin/Meyer/Zmozynski

Jumping on their bandwagon early and riding it out until it gets a flat…

-- Take SILVER

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6081
Good Job Shultzy, you got one right at least - Silver wins this week. Boys, I am high on the coke train and i see no end in sight! We have a solid squad, and will win it all this year.

Out of curiosity, how did the Tank v TJ battle go last week? Should i take no posts from the tank this week to suggest it may not have gone according to plan?

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6054
"Tank" impressed me. A lot of guys don't bother really running patterns if there's a good player covering them (they just walk to the sideline to "take the defender out of the play"), but Frank showed great effort and hustle. As Spackman and Rafuse teach him to tighten up his routes (which are already quite good), his athleticism will make him a very tough mark. Still a little raw on defence, but most young guys are. Besides, the Whitby game isn't about defence, is it?

Frank is already a very good player and I expect him to inch closer to elite by the end of the year, his competitive nature will make his game grow by leaps and bounds.

Nice wok out there, Frank.

See you in the playoffs.


Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2011
Views Views: 6035
North 9 - Orange (Colin) 7 - Black (Drew)

Close game last week for Drew. Good job! Maybe you might not be at the bottom after all. It looks like the teams are evenly matched this year.

Orange by ONE PLAY (if they show up)

North 4 - Navy (Noah) 10 - Burgundy (Spack)

Burgundy was lucky TJ left early last week!
But Spack is back! Good game for Navy last week.

Burgundy by only ONE PLAY

Henry South 1 - Teal (Chambers) 8 - Gold (Nick)

Chambers played a tough team last week and will come out this week guns blazing he has that drive about him.

Teal by ONE PLAY

North 3 - Green (Miller) 5 - Red (King)

Miller vs King (Take Miller)
Wray vs Dehaney (Tim Way better than Phil).
As for the rest I think Red is slightly better.

Green by ONE PLAY in a close one

South 6 - Silver (Wes) 2 - Baby (T.0.)

Wes vs TO (TO if he plays defence)
Tj Vs Schleiffer (take TJ)
as for the rest Take Silver hands down

Silver in a nail bitter by ONE HALF OF A PLAY

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 6004
Tank here.

I'm liking the look of the new trash talk site here but without much of it going on seems like a bit of a waste. Where's all the player bashing from 2 years ago that I would always read in my rookie year, too scared to reply not knowing how good everyone was. Let's go people!

Nothing against TJ here but we were in fact winning 14 - 12 when he left the game. Our whole team was stepping up for the lack of two of our better players.

Last week I only had one big play which came at the end of the game but hopefully, with out that freak player (TJ) covering me I can make some more.

Snyder, I had a few miscues but my TJs only td against me came when Rodney ran me over and laid me out on my back.

And as for this game against Noah, I'm not to sure how DaSilva plays. I'm still learning names and faces but if my defensive game is at its peak, which it usually is, than DaSilva is going to have one hell of a time trying to break something open on me.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 6001
A few grammatical errors in the last post. Don't mind them as I lack the ability to remember to proof read my work.

Posted By Posted By: Spank The Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5969
Frank is gay

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5966
C'mon now, Tank's sexuality is none of our business and has no effect on his (football) gameplay.
He is absolutely correct that the talk isn't there just yet, and he's right to encourage the more timid amongst us to step it up. well done young frank!
So, in the spirit of Trash Talk, and to continue my 100% accurate prediction mark, i would respectfully suggest the following to the good readership of the WMFL TT Board:
- I will catch at least one ball tomorrow. Most of you know me fairly well, so the chances of me catching a ball from my own QB is probably 50/50 (hey, i'm working on it!).
- therefore, my predicition is that the one ball will be thrown by TO. Yes, that's right, I am calling a pick.
Normally i pick Miller off, so i see this week one pick versus TO in order to prepare to pick Miller TWICE the following week.

Posted By Posted By: The Sleeper #1 from the HAT
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5962
I always wanted to know and perhaps the vets and or a league exec can address this.... Why is it that we don't keep player stats??

Even though we don't have refs, it's not that hard to jot down a guys name if he scores and/or makes a pic??? I mean each QB knows who he threw to.


Posted By Posted By: Apple Synder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5963
Synder is Franks lover.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5945
Personally I think stats are overrated. To me it doesn't matter too much who actually scores the TD, only that a TD is scored. Same for INTs. I think the ultimate reason however is actually doing it. Who accumulates them? Do we post a spreadsheet? Who does the spreadsheet? ETC.

Pain in the ass for something that really doesn't matter too much!

BTW, I like the talk young Frank. Looking forward to the battle between you and DaSilva this week.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5942
OK, so here's the poop, Sleeper #1...

Last week I couldn't make it to the games and it took me until Monday to get all the SCORES (even then, I'm not 100% certain that they were all correct) and you're suggesting that we should maybe try to keep track of who actually caught TDs, converts and made INTs (and then after that who caught how many passes, and then for how many yards? - just kidding, I'm sure you're not suggesting that).

I am HIGHLY skeptical that we could ever track this level of detail...but, y'know, it sounds like you are the sort of guy who might just be interested in attending every game and tracking that shit for us, putting it into a spreadsheet (or Access database) and preparing a pretty report that can easily be posted on the site every Saturday afternoon (which is usually when I post the updated standings). So, thanks for that offer, step forward out of the shadows of the anonymity that is your nom de plume, let us know your name so that you might be anointed!


PS - as I mentioned in the start of this thread, I won't be at the field this week after the first half of the first game, so please text me the scores so I can update the standings sometime prior to Monday night!

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5919
1) Stats are over rated in a rec league. Write down your own numbers if you care, and then you can compare them to the 4 other guys who care about it in this league.

2) Frank's a good player, but he's going to have his hands full covering DaSilva with Noah throwing him the ball. That said, DaSilva will have his hands full covering Frank with Spackman throwing him the ball, so the only real winner here will be the guys watching from the hill. I still think that DaSilva gets the edge here.

3) I rolled my ankle pretty badly, and I was going to sit out the game, but then I remembered that we're playing Silver and that whole team is garbage, led by their mediocre QB Wes. With the low calibre of play, both offensively and defensively, that I'm expecting out of that over-rated squad, I should be able to hop around and make plays at about 40%.

4) No way Snyder picks off T.O., unless we're up by 40 and Chris feels sorry for him and tosses him a softy. Even if he did, Snyder would probably be too busy crying over his horrible Denver Broncos to be seeing clearly.

5) The Detroit Lions are going to crush the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday at 1 pm. I'm gonna get my popcorn ready!


Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5912
That was not the real TJ good readership. No no, the real TJ would never have erred on points 3 and 4 the way this most obvious imposter has done (note that i actually concur with points 1, 3, and 5).
Good readership, i ask not that you judge the real TJ on the lies and untruths espoused by the imposter.
Point 3 - The silver team is not garbage, but rather something far more rare and far more precious. The team is a championship in the making, and it is beautiful.
Point 4 - As for the predicted pick, it will not be a pitty-pick. I assure you that i would rather knock down a pitty-pick than to catch it. The only way the pick doesn't happen will be in the event that TO chooses not to throw at the dominating defense he will see when he looks my way. I would also add that i cannot cry over my beloved Broncos. Rather, i rejoice in the manner in which they are proactively going after the #1 pick in next years draft. Amen prophet fox, deliver us the evils of the devil McDaniels!

Posted By Posted By: Scott
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5906

I'm pretty sure every team in the league including the Lions is going to beat up on the Chiefs this year. I've been saying they are overrated all off season. They didn't beat a single good team last year and even just barely beat the crappy teams. Their true colours were shown in the first round of the playoffs last season as well as in their game against the Bills last week.



Going to be fun to have our full team out this Saturday and show all the people going on and on about the parody in the league this year just how wrong they are.

Posted By Posted By: Dictionary
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5899
par·i·ty Noun/ˈparitē/
1. The state or condition of being equal, esp. regarding status or pay

par·o·dy /ˈparədē/
Noun: An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect

Is there parity in the league or will Burgandy imitate football with comedic effect. Hmmmm

Posted By Posted By: Scott
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5878
Ah Dictionary you got me again. Well done :).

I did mean parity but I suppose it may also look like a parody as Burgundy will win each game by so many points it will be comedic by the end of the year.

Posted By Posted By: Glen
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2011
Views Views: 5857
Here are stats for TJ I played you last week and scorded 3 tds I wil get another 3 tds this week n the fisrt half


Posted By Posted By: Scott
Posted On Posted On: Sep 17th, 2011
Views Views: 5809
Any news from the games today.

I know we (burgundy) won over Navy.
Black lost to Orange.
Baby lost to Silver
Gold beat Teal

What about Red v. Green.

Posted By Posted By: miller
Posted On Posted On: Sep 17th, 2011
Views Views: 5807

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5715
Once again no standings posted and it's Monday morning...sorry guys. So, I did get a score from the Gold-Teal game (48-28) and Colin thought the score in the Orange-Black game was 46-6, so I'll use that. If I don't get scores (post here or text 905-409-7773) for Burgandy's win over Navy, Silver's win over Baby and Green's win over Red I'll post 8-0 scores for those, just to get the standings out.

Good news...next week I'll be reffing the middle game, so I'll get the early score myself and should be able to get the other games since I'll be there...so, the standings should be updated Saturday afternoon.

Posted By Posted By: Anonymous
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5708
Burgandy 60 - Navy 30

Posted By Posted By: Glenn
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5690
Silver 40 - 38
or 38 - 36

Posted By Posted By: The Sleeper #1 from the HAT
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5661
Well thanks for the reasoning gents. But I'll still don't think it's a big deal for keeping the stats for scores and picks/per team.

Duncan you're right, in no way would keeping all "relevant" stats be possible (attempts, thrown to, rec, yds etc.) and I wasn't suggesting it.

As far as me attending all the games and taking them down myself. I'd love to, but then I'd also have to become Schultzy, AP and ONE PLAY and really change the rankings and predictions on the outcomes based on the stats. Besides it's more fun putting up numbers week over week on unsuspecting D's than writing them down!!

I was just hoping that I could a least get something for my (huckabuck posed) rookie card if the stats we're added to it!!

Posted By Posted By: Vets and Exec
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5640
"I always wanted to know and perhaps the vets and or a league exec can address this.... Why is it that we don't keep player stats??

Even though we don't have refs, it's not that hard to jot down a guys name if he scores and/or makes a pic??? I mean each QB knows who he threw to.


If keeping/knowing stats of the WMFL would add enjoyment/meaning to your life one iota, I'd suggest you seek some serious personal counselling on Saturday mornings and step away from the football field. You need help...and fast

The Vets and the Exec

Posted By Posted By: T Wray
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5632
I guess asking for statistics to be kept is such an egregious request that it results in name calling and insults.

Imagine this was a league where those involved could give their opinion on how to make improvements, and someone listened ?

Every other football league I've played in, has kept statistics. It doesn't seem like a terrible request

Do I care if statistics are kept, nope.

But I do care enough about this league that when those involved give their opinion, the executive should listen.

Whether it's statistics, adding a 7th player on the defensive side of the field, drafting each team for every round( not just the first 5), allowing new players in the league to play with a group of friends.

I'm sure there are many other ideas shared by the remainder of the league.


Posted By Posted By: Fan
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5608
Way to serious of posters on here.

To lighten things up...

Tuna is my hero!

Posted By Posted By: Scott
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2011
Views Views: 5599
Thanks Fan.

Burgundy is strong this year that Drew is actually too scared to even show up for the game this weekend.

Which is too bad as I was planning on reeling in about 3 or 4 picks against him.

Posted By Posted By: Raf
Posted On Posted On: Sep 20th, 2011
Views Views: 5581
Im listening Tim, I wouldnt call myself part of the exec though. So guess it doesnt matter about my opinion or listening to the players who make this league grow. But on a bright note the league has got some new players that look really good and few qbs too. Im having alot of fun not playing qb.

Posted By Posted By: Scott
Posted On Posted On: Sep 20th, 2011
Views Views: 5576
Me too Raf. Go Burgundy!!!!!!!

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 20th, 2011
Views Views: 5566
I thought Raf joined the Exec this year?

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Whitby Mens Football League