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Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3927
I'm a little late with the new thread, but nobody's posted on the old thread so the demand doesn't seem to be too high � unless you were all awaiting this before you exploded with your thoughts, trash talk and whatever you call what Snyder posts...

So, Week 5 � Miller misses out on win #1 in a last second field goal by the 49ers who now sit in first place, guess this shows something about the balance of the league? Don't look now, here come the Ravens! Why was a game postponed from week 1 to avoid a default, rescheduled in week 5 only to have one of the teams say the other couldn't pick up a player to avoid a default? Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe one of the teams lost earlier in the day and didn't want an 0-2 day so they took the default. This is all just speculation on my part based on what I heard, I wasn't there...

Week 6 brings us the Mid-Season Festivities. Following the middle games four skills competitions will be held for FG kicking, Punting, QB Accuracy and Whitby's Fastest Man. Additionally, the tailgate will be fired up so govern yourselves accordingly.

Seeya on the field!

Posted By Posted By: Tim W
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3924
Ravens - Giants Recap

With all of the pre game trash talk going on there was much anticipation for the Baltimore and New York game.

This game was played at 1100am however is being posted first at the request of Snyder.

Both teams featured a strong defence.

Unfortunately , like the Super Bowl played a decade ago between these two teams, neither had an excellent qb.

Both qbs did their best Trent dilfer impersonation managing the game for their respective teams.

Fortunately for the ravens Dilfer morphed into ray Lewis when they payed defence? Craziness.

To the game,

I missed the first score by the ravens but one can assume it was likely a beautiful spiral
From the golden arm of TJ. I kid, I kid.

With the score 8-3, future phenom Giorgio Mikos scored a very nice touchdown for the giants to put them ahead 9-8. The score remained the same after a missed conversion.

The teams exchanged turnovers and defensive stops until the ravens put together a solid drive.

With the ravens determined to punch one into the end zone, TJ was able to connect from about the 15 yard line with Kyle Clarkin.

Clarkin ran an in pattern from the left side, picked the wobbly ball from the air in front of several giant defenders, bobbled it momentarily and regained control while crossing the goal line

Kyle made father Glenn proud, and jealous ?, with the great display of concentration and catching ability that has eluded his father. I heard receiving skills skip a generation ?
Nice catch Kyle !

Ravens were up 16-9 after the convert

Again the teams traded turnovers and defensive stops until TJ stepped on the gas and sealed the win.

QB Bradimore hooked up with Ben Blanche for another touchdown.

Final Score

Ravens 22 - Giants 9

Despite the loss, the giants looked strong even without the ever absent Carswell. Where is that guy anyways ?

Nick looked to his emerging star Jordan several times to make the big play. Jordan has great speed and catching ability.

Giorgio looked very good and given his age and once someone shows him how to run a route , look out.

The ravens defence was the deciding factor in this game. Their bend but don't break style worked well and they made big stops or picks when the giants would finally get close to the end zone.

Posted By Posted By: Tim W
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3922
Green bay - washington Recap

The Packers and Redskins faced off during one of the 930am games.

Raf vs Noah in a high scoring affair.

The Packers dominated this affair from the get go. The packers defence forced Noah into several first half turnovers. The packers were able to convert almost every offensive possession into a score.

The scoring was distributed with ciaran hickson nabbing a touchdown along with Justin lane.

Justin was able to break free of the Washington defence and score 4 times during the game.

The packers led 30-0 at half time.

After a pep talk by team captain Noah, the redskins came our firing in the second half scoring 3 touchdowns.

Speedy Charles Higney III or CH3 as I like to call him, was a force on both sides of the ball all game. He played excellent defence and was difficult to contain while playing offence.

Noah did a good job spreading the ball around to his receivers.

Unfortunately the Packers were also able to put up a couple scores
In the second half.

Final score Greenbay 50 - Washington 22

Greenbay looks to take on the winless broncos this coming week
While Washington looks to get back in the win column against Pittsburgh.

Posted By Posted By: Tim W
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3919
I forgot to mention this last week.

I just want to thank Glenn Clarkin for sticking around to help ref the late game two weeks ago. Glenn also volunteered to ref the late-late game this past week.


Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3913
OK, so I’ve been asked by the Executive to post the details of the Mid-Season Festivities...

The competitions, as previously posted, include FG, Punt, QB Accuracy, Whitby's Fastest Man. You may enter a maximum of two events. Winners of each event will receive a FREE MEMBERSHIP for 2013.

The BBQ will be fired up and available for all! I hear that there may be some generous players who might be providing beer to thirsty players in need...

There will be a 50/50 draw, 50% of the proceeds will go to the winner, 50% will be used to offset the costs associated with the Mid-Season, so bring your cash and support the cause!

Reminder to the teams playing in the late games - your games will start later, immediately following the Skills Competition. If you want to participate in any of the competitions then show up for your regular game time.

Reminder to the teams playing in the early games - if you want to participate in any of the competitions then hang around on the hill and enjoy the second games and some BBQ.

I think that covers it, if I've missed or misrepresented something I'm sure that someone from the Executive will set you all straight in short order.

Posted By Posted By: Justin Lane?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3904
What a steal in the last round!!!

Posted By Posted By: Big Pete
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3877
Denver - San Fran Recap

The Broncos and 49ers faced off in the early game.

The Broncos were only fielding 6 players, with the always willing Phil C playing defense only...

Despite being short-handed, the Broncos took the early lead, stopping the 49ers on their first few drives and scoring on a long pass down the middle to a certain centre, who will remain nameless, and a couple of other TD's to some other guys. (at least one to Phil D, I think...)

The 49ers countered with one long TD to Sami and then just before half the 49ers attempted a field goal, but the usually consistent Chambers missed this one, only getting his team a single to make the half-time score 20-9 for the Broncos.

In the second half, the 49ers were able to keep the Broncos out of the end zone and creeped back to take a 21-20 lead late in the game.

The Broncos finally were able to put together a sustained drive, which led to a short field goal attempt. After some kicking advice from Chambers in the first half, the young Hazlett was able to hit the FG to put the Broncos up 23-21 with only 3 plays left.

After missing on the first play, the 49ers botched the snap on the second play and under pressure Chambers threw one up that Jay Schleiff was able to come down with, putting the 49ers in potential FG range.

On this one Chambers made no mistake, hitting from about 40 yards out to give his team the 24-23 win!

Next week the Broncos try to get their first win against the Packers at 11:30, while the 49ers again play early, this time against the Cowboys.

Posted By Posted By: MM
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3845
Good recap Pete... Miller and crew kept it interesting and played a great short handed game as well.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3829
Dunc, when i win two of the skills competitions do i get a free membership next year and the year after?

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3827

Maybe you misread the categories?
here they again:
FG, Punt, QB Accuracy, Whitby's Fastest Man

I don't see funniest trash talker, shortest hair, best bringer of beer or oven mitt hands on the list.
Not sure which categories you planning to exceed at??

Posted By Posted By: Raven
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3814
Ohh snap... Snider Sucks!

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3809
Snyder: No only one membership will be awarded but you can show your dominance by winning 2 events.

Having said that if YOU personally win 2 evetns I may just buy you a beer!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2012
Views Views: 3794
I appreciate the votes of support men, it gives me strength!
Can we make it a Guiness Mike?

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 11th, 2012
Views Views: 3715
Guiness it is Snyder!

By the way Chambers.... Your going down in the FG competition this year!

Posted By Posted By: grade 3 teacher
Posted On Posted On: Oct 11th, 2012
Views Views: 3692
Yes, Michael, but you won't win the grammar competition. "Your" is a possessive pronoun in the second person. I believe that you were implying that Chambers (whom you refer to correctly as "you", the subject in the second person) was going to perform the action of going down, not possess it. Your (possessive) intent was to say, "Chambers, you are going down..." and you should therefore have used the contraction "you're".

Good luck to all of you in pursuit of excellence. I just wish that knights these days were as well educated as they were in days of yore.

Posted By Posted By: #88
Posted On Posted On: Oct 11th, 2012
Views Views: 3677
Youz both rong, it U'r

Posted By Posted By: Toast
Posted On Posted On: Oct 11th, 2012
Views Views: 3637
The only English word in that previous sentence was "both", and it was in the wrong place. Well said.

Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3600
8:00 10 - Cowboys (Spack) 9 - 49ers (Chambers)
Cowboys are beatable the Browns proved that last week. 49ers can win games. This should be a good game. I’m going with 49ers this week

49ers by ONE half of a PLAY

9:30 5 - Giants (Nick) 1 - Browns (Ryan)
This is going to be another close game Nick played against a tough D last week while the Browns barley beat Cowboys Browns are looking good while Nick looks to be discouraged

Browns by ONE PLAY

9:30 3 - Steelers (King) 4 - Redskins (Noah)
Steelers continue to struggle the W and the Redskins not far behind this game is big for these two teams. What team can keep from being the bottom?

Redskins by ONE PLAY

11:30 2 - Packers (Raf) 8 - Broncos (Miller)
Miller has had a stroke of bad luck losing very close games. The Packers struggle to get players out.

Packers by ONE PLAY

11:30 6 - Ravens (TJ) 7 - Patriots (Colin)
Ravens strong Defense against a Patriots Strong Offence this match up should be a good game to watch. Offence should prevail.

Patriots BY ONE PLAY

That is it for this week all the teams this year look good and even. Any one of these teams could be at the top. Remember these games all come down to ONE PLAY

Posted By Posted By: #whatever
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3597
Hahahahahaha, this is what you've come too? That's so funny that you post a comment and you use my #88 but not your real name or who you really are...so the next time you try to be someone your not and post dumb shit just make sure you keep on doing it, don't stop now! I get it you guys have class.

Posted By Posted By: Makes sense now
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3592
that first post by the fake #88 was was to clever to be the real #88

Posted By Posted By: grade 3 teacher
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3589
tsk tsk tsk

"to" is a preposition, used for expressing motion towards a point (person, place, thing, idea), the opposite of "from". The correct work is the homonym "too" which is an adverb, used in instances where you might be able to substitute the word "also" or you are indicating that something is beyond the desirable or expected level ("too clever").

The two of you boys really should spend a little more time with your studies.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3561
Wow, lots of references to grammar. Glad we are such an articulate group.
Still, all this reference to education etc reminds me of THE MASSIVE SCHOOLING that the G-men will be laying on the Browns this week!!!

Posted By Posted By: GRAPES
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3564
I am not even gonna ask Schultzy if he wants me to do this again, I am just gonna do it.

At least here I don’t have to listen to that little twerp McLean going on and on about something. He reminds me of that Snyder guy. He’s annoying, but pretty easy to swat away!! See how the Ravens swatted Snyder and the Giants away last weekend. The board has certainly been a lot more quiet this week…

I hope all of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend. For a first-timer on the picks game, I did pretty well with a 4-2 record. I expect I would’ve been 5-1 had the 6th game actually been contested… Oh well, what can you do…

My three stars for last week are:

3> DaSilva – helping the Patiots fight back to win their matchup
2> Chambers – big kick to win a hard-fought game
1> Big Steve – keeping the masses on the hill fed week after week

I will try again this week and see how things go.

Henry North - 8:00 – Cowboys vs 49ers

Spackman vs Chambers – Chambers pulled out a tight win last week over the Broncos, while Spack lost a tight game to the Browns. Chambers is playing a solid brand of football this year, utilizing his weapons well, acting like the true Power-play quarterback. Not sure exactly what is going on with Spack this year. Not what I am told he is usually like. However, his experience still stands out… Advantage: COWBOYS
Wong vs Heath --- Heath was there last week and seemed to show no ill-effects from his previous injury. Again, Wong is a solid player, but I don’t think he matches up well with Heath. Advantage 49ERS
Glover vs Schleiffer --- Glover gets to be compared for the second-straight week with a Schleiffer. Last week I called it even, but this week I can’t. Jay is playing excellent football this year and it starting to prove himself as a true team leader. Advantage 49ERS
Bird vs Hendry --- Young Bird is a solid player who probably spends a lot of this game matched up against Heath. He is that skilled. Hendry is good, but not in that league…Advantage: COWBOYS
REST OF THE TEAM – Two very good benches which have played key roles in both teams games thus far. I think McCaskie and Morris are a bigger advantage for the 49ERS, though, no matter what that #88 idiot say… Advantage: 49ERS

PICK – 49ERS will win a close one

Henry South - 9:30 – Steelers vs Redskins

King vs Tumin --- Neither one of these QBs have been playing very well this year. One would think that Tumin’s experience would be a critical factor here. In the end the one who connects on the most long-balls, which they will both throw very often, will win this one. Advantage: REDSKINS
Pierre vs Anton --- I am not sure I need to say much about this matchup, do I? Pierre is better. Advantage STEELERS
W.King vs Siekowski ---- Not sure that Matty is the guy to try and cover big Wes. Such a solid player down the middle. I don’t see anyone on the ‘Skins being able to stop him. Advantage STEELERS
Staff vs Higney --- Higney has been playing very well lately, as outlined by TW in his recap of last weeks game. In this case, I will give him a slight advantage over Staff. Advantage: REDSKINS
REST OF THE TEAM – Steelers need to get all their guys out. They have a solid bench, probably one that is a little better than the Redskins. Advantage: STEELERS

PICK – STEELERS screwed me in the NFL picks last night, but I think they win this one…

Henry North - 9:30 – Giants vs Browns
Mikos vs Meyer --- Nick has been playing pretty well this season, slinging that ball around to his young guns. Ryan is playing outstanding week-in, week-out, certainly proving that he belongs. Usually I go with the experience, but in this case I think the young stud QB wins has the advantage. Advantage: BROWNS
Carswell vs Zmozynski –The speed of Zmozynski is something that even Carswell can’t match. It is an advantage that not many teams have been able to shutdown. If Carswell shows, he is in for a long day, I think… Advantage: BROWNS
Hischer vs Schleiffer --- Mike S has the advantage over Hischer… Advantage: BROWNS
Klassen vs Desouza --- Klassen gets the nod here. He is playing solid on both sides of the ball this year and continues to impress this old dog. Advantage: GIANTS
REST OF THE TEAM --- The best Giants are in this group, and I don’t mean you Snyder. Young Mikos and Mario are critical to the Giants success. However, the Browns have the experienced bench of Smart, Julien and the Clarks. Advantage: EVEN

PICK – BROWNS will win this one…

Henry South - 11:00 – Ravens vs Patriots

Hadden 1 vs Bradimore --- T.J. is playing better at QB this year, but this is still not an even matchup, unless Colin throws the picks like he did last week…(doesn’t usually happen 2 weeks in a row) Advantage: PATRIOTS
Hadden 2 vs Blanche--- I always love watching these two play against one another. Even as they get a little older, these two are still the best two players in this league, in my opinion. Advantage: EVEN
DaSilva vs Rafuse --- How come, in the matchups, DaSilva always seems to be matched up against the other teams tallest guy. Last week Wes King, this week, young Raf. HAHAHA DaSilva is the critical piece to this matchup, I think. He can move and give Colin a really reliable second option after Mike. Rafuse is good, but not at that level yet… Advantage: PATRIOTS
Matthews vs Walker --- Matthews still makes some mistakes that you don’t expect, while Walker is the experienced vet, especially on this Ravens D. Advantage: RAVENS
REST OF THE TEAM – Rich H, Hugh, Steve, and Mike S give the Pats a solid base, but the Ravens have an outstanding bench of Toast, Rodney, Carter and Clarkins. Wow, not sure which one I would rather have. Advantage: EVEN

PICK – This should easily be the Game of the Week. I will take the PATRIOTS by a convert.

Henry North - 11:00 – Packers vs Broncos

Rafuse vs Miller --- Mike is so relaxed, it’s fun to watch. Miller is stressing about this winless thing, and it shows. He needs to take a page from Mike and just let things come… Advantage: PACKERS
Wray vs Dehaney --- This should be fun!! If you haven’t been watching the Broncos, Phil is playing some outstanding football. Tim should be able to match this, however. Advantage: EVEN
Payne vs Gautama --- This should be a good matchup to watch too. Payne has the size to actually cover Neeraj well, unlike many in the league. Advantage: EVEN
Katradis vs Hanley --- Sorry Jomo, but this is not a good matchup for you. Frank is playing well both on O and D. Advantage: PACKERS

PICK – Sorry Miller, but I don’t see a win yet… PACKERS

See you next week. Who will be my three stars???

Donald S. Cherry aka Grapes

Posted By Posted By: Longest FG
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3537
Wide open FG competition... the champ is out!

Posted By Posted By: DaveC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3513
Snyder is not kicking?

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3479
Wow, grapes. You are a bitter little man, I must have severely victimized you on Tje field. Still, your posts are entertaining even while your analysis demonstrates sub-corky intelligence.
We have a plan to shut the Z down, no majors. Score prediction 28-4 giants over browns.
On another note. Big props to Steve O for the BBQ each week. There is no more solid a guy than he.

Posted By Posted By: "the Z"
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3465
I like the nickname Synder thank you, awfully bold prediction on the score of the game though. Goodluck

Posted By Posted By: Clarkin
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3460
Ravens Don't forget we Ref our first game tomorrow 930 am north I will be there but we need someone else.
Hey Snyder A.C.A.T.T. you thought you were done with us last week.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3449
Did anyone else notice the Defensive player of the year step up?
Three (3), and I repeat, THREE (3 for anyone who cannot read) Interceptions against Noah.
This was clearly a break out game for Tank, who apparently, even through scoring in every game so far, has to redeem himself constantly.
This scrutiny has become ridiculous.
I am looking forward to taking on the giants and covering the new up and comer Mikos. A lot of talks that he'll show me a thing or two this year.
Expect a few more Interceptions this week as the board has remained silent until now about my defensive play.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3448
Not true Glenn. Everyone knows ACATT power comes in threes. You g Kyle did play great last week tho. We will see what a lone clarkin can do this week!

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3447
Tank again,
Yes, I do realize that we don't play the giants until later in the year. Just making sure you guys are expecting a good match up... and by that, I mean he'll be covered extremely well.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3441
Snyder again;
Not sure u can cover young giorgio tank. I guess we will see.
I was thinking of covering wray or Paine, bit since Ur talking I might just cover u so u get no receptions.

Posted By Posted By: Patrick Willis
Posted On Posted On: Oct 12th, 2012
Views Views: 3420
Can't wait to see a beaver cry tomorrow

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2012
Views Views: 3347
Anybody know the Redskins - Steelers score?

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2012
Views Views: 3344
Hi Duncan,

44-38 skins

Good game stealers!

Posted By Posted By: G$
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2012
Views Views: 3274
thank - you to the league executive's for all their work this past saturday and every saturday . thank's to all the players in the league for their Work too .

Posted By Posted By: points against
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2012
Views Views: 3207
that points against total for the redskins is eye-popping

Is it "No A" or "No D" ?

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