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Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 4272
Another wet week, what did Week 3 tell us?
Favourites are shaping up, so are disappointments, who may become the Cinderellas of the playoffs...

Posted By Posted By: TJ Hadden
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 4246
The Patriots mission of giving Noah a false sense of security is complete. Now, we lie low and wait for the playoffs ...

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 4224
TJ, got some bad news for you...that WASN'T Noah. I know it LOOKED like Noah, even had the pump-fake down pretty good, but there was one dead giveaway, 54 points in the rain? c'mon man! Noah hasn't scored 54 points in the last 3 rain games combined!

Near as I can figure it was some sort of Mogwai body-snatchers hybrid - seems the 'water rule' caused 'Noah' to turn into a Gremlin-QB (rather than multiplying - presumably he would've multiplied if fed after midnight) capable of playing in the water. This could be quite scary for the rest of the league, but remember, Gremlins cannot be exposed to direct sunlight so the forecast for this weekend should play into the hands of the winless Miller Redskins.

Any other theories (and please, nothing far-fetched like Noah figured out how to play in the rain)

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 4203

Was that what that was? Man, it felt like I was playing Madden on Super Easy mode (is that even a thing???). I was wondering cuz I even looked a certain direction and a couple of times you just straight out fell down. And I did think it was weird when you were fist pumping and giving me high fives when we scored all those times. But I guess it all makes sense now.

I did think I got that rain monkey off my back so I was starting to feel real good about myself. Now I see I am just the victim of a Hadden mind game again this year. Oh well,things aren't too bad, at least we play Miller this week.


Posted By Posted By: Revis island
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 4187
evryine beat on the skins its ok but when we get our shit together dont cry

Posted By Posted By: Greg Schiano
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2013
Views Views: 4138
Ummm, Mike Shannahan, I think old age is finally catching up with you buddy! We have Darelle over here, you must be thinking of Deangelo's Hallway, where everyone gets a long pass! :P

Posted By Posted By: stating the obvious
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2013
Views Views: 4139
Redskins roster = shit together


Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2013
Views Views: 4019
Playing the Broncos this weekend should be a snooze. Can't wait to get my hands on a couple more INT's and maybe another pick 6.

Can Ben and Matt play THAT well?

I know $$$$ is good for a few TD's.

Any Game picks this week? I would like to know where we rank vs the Broncos.

Posted By Posted By: The Line
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2013
Views Views: 3946
Steelers vs Redskins

Mismatch of the week. When I first saw the Redskins roster I thought this was a team that can score with no defense. Last week the defense played better (although slowing down TO in the rain may not count) and the offense got even worse. Unless Miller figures out how to use his big receivers better they will continue to struggle. Steelers are a solid team. Watch for the Klassen/Staff and Wray/Everyone Else confrontations for entertainment value as the score gets lopsided early.

Steelers by 20

Browns vs Broncos

Game of the week, I guess. Browns continue to show they have the talent to compete with the better teams. With the weather supposed to be good, the Browns quickness will make up for team Smurf’s height problem. Broncos got Spacked last week but still put up some points as Chambers continues to improve. Good close game.

Browns by 1

Ravens vs Packers

On paper this is a mismatch. Ravens should win easily. With Ravens attendance still a question I can’t pick them. Packers are inconsistent as expected with TO at QB but with good weather he should be able to put up good enough numbers. Ugly game. Big plays will decide this one.

Packers by 3

Patriots vs Cowboys

As most of you know, Spack and TJ have some on field history. Look for Spack to go to Dave Z a lot to try and make TJ look bad and get him to react to create some drama. Mike didn’t look too healthy out there last week so I expect the Patriots to get Spacked like every team will.

Cowboys by 14

Thought I’d try a BCS type ranking system as well,

1 – Cowboys (3-0) It will take a great effort, bad weather and some luck to stop an undefeated season.
2 – Steelers (2-1) Good team but a distant second.
3 – Browns (2-1) Wins are against two winless teams, need to see more to move up.
4 – Broncos (2-1) Inexperience at QB will hurt but only loss is to Cowboys.
5 – Patriots (2-1) Injuries slowing them down for now.
6 – Packers (1-2) WR playing QB will bring any team down.
7 – Ravens (0-3) If they show up they can move up quickly.
8 – Redskins (0-3) Winless season?

Posted By Posted By: TJ Hadden
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2013
Views Views: 3941
The Patriots will be extremely short handed, so we might need some help from the league this week.

I'm away in Edmonton Saturday, and I think both Colin and Mike are out as well. If anyone else is missing, we'll need to add some players.

Posted By Posted By: Phil
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2013
Views Views: 3933
Hey TJ, I'm available and the Redskins don't ref after our early game so we should have other guys willing to play.

Posted By Posted By: Not distant
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2013
Views Views: 3922
It is clear The Line is not on the Cowboys or the Steelers otherwise he would know their game was tied with about a minute left. Cowboys may very well be the better team, but it is definitely not distant.

Posted By Posted By: Raf Jr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2013
Views Views: 3898
Raf Jr will be making his season debut this Saturday. Cant wait to get on the field and get some wins with you Ravens!

T.O. if you are smart you wont want to be throwing to my side of the field. I am feeling a couple interceptions on Saturday!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3862
Don't worry Phil, the cowboys must have sabotaged all of the patriots computers.
RAF Jr, sorry I won't be there to watch you put on the show you've advertised. You guys still won't won though. Packers rule!

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy - Week 4
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3849
Perhaps I am starting to get this thing figured out. 4-0 last week, 9-3 on the season.

A couple of notes from last week. The Steelers are good, very good and will put up a lot of points every game, nothing new for Noah. An easy and obvious one is the Dave Z is fast, damn fast. The man takes a simple cross underneath and shifts gears 2 or 3 times to outrun everyone to the corner and then to the end zone. Incredible!!

North 9:00 – Team 7 (Redskins) vs. Team 1 (Steelers)

As I said, Noah is going to put up points. This Redskins team gave up 30+ to T.O. in the rain last week. With good weather expected, Noah should be able to put up 50+. On the other side of the field, Miller is really struggling to find his targets. This could be a very long game for John…

-- Take the Steelers in a rout

South 9:00 – Team 6 (Browns) vs. Team 4 (Broncos)

Browns looked very good last week in taking out the undermanned Ravens. The Broncos came crashing back down to earth, as Spack scored at will. This should be an interesting game, as the Broncos strength is their depth, and they should be able to hang close with Nick and his youngsters. However, in the end, I am still a fan of the Browns roster.

-- Take the Browns

North 10:45 – Team 8 (Ravens) vs. Team 3 (Packers)

Nice win by the Packers last week. They looked pretty solid in the rain while beating up the weak sister of the league. The Ravens have been short-handed for the first 3 weeks, but it sounds like the young Raf will finally be there. Will it be enough to get them win #1? This should be the game of the week, in my estimate. It should come down to the wire, but I think a big play at the end will win it.

-- Take the Packers in a nail-biter

South 10:45 – Team 2 (Cowboys) vs. Team 5 (Patriots)

The Patriots are beat-up and bloodied already. It sounds like this one might be a league-team against Spack as many Pats seem to be out of town… That’s fine, it doesn’t change the fact that the ‘Boys will put up 50 points…

-- Take the Cowboys in a run-away

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Cowboys
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3772
FYI - Schleiffer and Desouza will be ~15 minutes late to the game tomorrow due to softball playoffs. We will save the day when we arrive though so don't fear.

Posted By Posted By: Cowboys
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3766
FYI cowboys also going to be missing their second and third round picks

Posted By Posted By: Cowboys
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3747
FMI - does Spack count as the first rd pick?

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2013
Views Views: 3738
So many factors at the last second!! That is why I wait.

Steelers vs Redskins

Noah Tumin +
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen =
Jomo Hanley +
Dan Fowler +
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo =
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson

Noah has found a good groove with his team on O not to sure about the defense. John has no groove with his team yet.

Steelers will win easy

Browns vs Broncos

Nick Mikos +
Phil Dehaney =
Frank Katradis +
Giorgio Mikos +
Brad Smart =
Brion Hendry
Nate Coates =
Mario Bianco =
Sami El-Hajjeh =
Thomas Jeffrey +
Kent Clark =
Kyle Clark

Browns in a close game

Ravens vs Packers

Mike Rafuse ++
Matt Rafuse +
Kevin DaSilva +
Steve Matthews +
Rodney Eskins +
Taylor Eskins +
Fabrice MacLean +
Steve Oleksik =
Steve McConnell
Dave Carter =
Dennis Downey

Mike know how to play football although Snyder thinks they have the best D in the league. (maybe) Mike will pick it apart. Packers o is not strong enough to win this game.

Ravens is the last drive of the game.

Patriots vs Cowboys

Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski ++
Ryan Myer (out)
Jordan Hischer (out)
Darryl Cain +
Mike Schleiffer (late)+
Bryan DeSouza (late)
Tim McCaskie +
Gary Blizzard +
Aaron Baechler
Stevins Jeune +
Dave Warburton +

This is an obvious Cowboy whippin with no Haddens

Cowboy's + 50

Have fun out there boys !! stay cool its only a game!!

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2013
Views Views: 3693
Congrats Browns, my ass will hurt from the kicking all weekend...

Anyone....Please post scores from late games

Posted By Posted By: Matt S
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2013
Views Views: 3612
Cowboys 64 - Pats 8. Cowboys with a 2 pt convert with no time on the clock to seal the gm.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2013
Views Views: 3603
Ravens 46 Packers 6. Sorry for the late post.

Posted By Posted By: probably everyone
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2013
Views Views: 3569
that's fucking awesome dave

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