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Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2013
Views Views: 9114
Regular season's all done, how do the results compare to expectations? What will happen with this new format? Who got a good draw, who is in tough?

The playoff schedule is on the website in the rtf file, I'm working on creating a database with the playoff schedule and pooled standings, so sit tight. First week schedule is posted below, remember, if you don't play your team is required to provide two refs for the games that are going on (refs ref opposite pool).

4th - Ravens vs 5th Patriots
3rd Browns vs 6th Redskins
1st Cowboys vs 8th Packers
2nd Steelers vs 7th Broncos

New format in a nutshell - teams divided into two pools based on regular season standing (1, 4, 5, 8 and 2, 3, 6, 7). Round robin in your pool, first two in pool standings cross-over against first two in other pool (1 vs 2), bottom two cross-over as well. Winners play winners, losers play losers. Note that pool standings are based solely on playoff games - tiebreakers remain the same as for regular season.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2013
Views Views: 9111
OK, that wasn't too tough, the playoff schedule is posted in pdf format and the database is all set to report on standings split out by division.

BTW, I didn't mention that the final standings included two ties (Ravens/Patriots and Redskins/Broncos). As luck would have it, each of those teams played one another the last week of the season with the lower standing team beating the team with one more win to square their records. The first tie-breaker is head-to-head, so the Ravens and Redskins captured the higher final standing, however 4 & 5 are in the same pool anyway, as are 6 & 7 so the tie-breaker didn't really matter that much in this case.

Good luck in the playoffs boys, seeya on the field.

Posted By Posted By: Ciaran
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2013
Views Views: 9100
Who's in tough? Every team in the 1-4-5-8 division. Dan, Mike, and I ref'd the Ravens - Patriots to close the season (52 - 38 final). It was a hugely entertaining to watch the 2 who played in last years' final go back and forth. Both QBs (Raf, Colin) were in playoff form with the difference being 6 points for most of the game. With Spack tossing 8 TDs in the Cowboys - Packers season finale. I'd say that's a division that will be hotly contested, and it's easy to imagine a 3-way tie at the end of the playoff round robin.

Posted By Posted By: Mario
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2013
Views Views: 9049
An open invite to the first 4 people to respond. We run Pickup basketball at Norman G Powers in North Oshawa and are looking for a few players. $40 and its Monday nights from 8-10pm. We go until June.

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2013
Views Views: 9046
If anyone is worried about skill level or conditioning for basketball, don't worry about it, I play. And every single one of you have either sacked me or beaten me on a route over the years.

That is all.

Posted By Posted By: Kent
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2013
Views Views: 9037
If you can handle an old guy, I'm in.

Posted By Posted By: Raven P while on the Squeelers..
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2013
Views Views: 9001
I may be up for some basketball! Who runs it?

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 8953
Basketball? Basketball?? We talking Basketball.. not practice.. basketball?

Going into the playoffs we have 1 WMFL post & 4x basket ball posts! basketball, we talking basketball?

Not very often we have back to back games, but this weekend Ravens & Patriots face off again after last week's titanic defensive gem 144-130 victory for the Ravens.

Who learn'd the most last weekend? Who executes??


Posted By Posted By: PRIMETIME
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 8899
I have been given word that we are responsible for reffing every week we being the packers... Is this true, and what's the reasoning for being responsible to ref every week? I work night shift and wknds... This is going to be very difficult for me to be reffing every week

Posted By Posted By: question
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 8896
is it 2 per team or just 1 per team? every team needs to ref?

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2013
Views Views: 8887
Every team is responsible for providing 2 refs every week. You and your opponent from that week will both ref the game in the opposite pool, so each playoff game will have 4 refs. With 5 weeks of playoffs and 12 players per team you shouldn't have to ref more than one playoff game each, unless you choose to ref more or your team has been reduced to fewer than 10 players.

Posted By Posted By: Allen Iverson
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2013
Views Views: 8807
If I can't practice, I can't practice. It is as simple as that. It ain't about that at all. It's easy to sum it up if you're just talking about practice. We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we're talking about practice. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?

Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that but I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I honestly do but we're talking about practice. We're talking about practice man. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about practice. When you come to Henry Street High School and you see me play, you've seen me play right, you've seen me give everything I've got, but we're talking about practice right now.

Posted By Posted By: Wow
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2013
Views Views: 8803
This board is regressing

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2013
Views Views: 8769
Ok sports fans lets stick to football!! Playoffs are here lets get this board talking!!

4th - Ravens vs 5th Patriots

8 - Ravens (Rafuse)

Mike Rafuse +
Matt Rafuse
Kevin DaSilva
Steve Matthews +
Rodney Eskins +
Taylor Eskins +
Fabrice MacLean +
Steve Oleksik +
Steve McConnell
Dave Carter +
Dennis Downey


5 - Patriots (Colin)
Colin Hadden
Mike Hadden +
TJ Bradimore +
Dan Bradimore
Rich Hadden
Rodney Hubenig
Iain Johnson
Jordan Mowbray
Cameron Dunnett
Sean Harding +
Brett Burns
Chris Meadus

More depth on the Ravens I think we will see a repeat of last week. What do you think TJ Haddens Raf's anyone have a comment ?

Ravens more than 1 TD

3rd Browns vs 6th Redskins

6 - Browns (Nick)
Nick Mikos
Phil Dehaney =
Frank Katradis =
Giorgio Mikos +
Brad Smart +
Brion Hendry +
Nate Coates +
Mario Bianco +
Sami El-Hajjeh +
Thomas Jeffrey +
Kent Clark +
Kyle Clark +


7 - Redskins (Miller)
John Miller +
Alex Carswell =
Adam King =
Wes King
Andrew Staff
Paul Shannon
Jason Best
Chris Dufty
Todd Julien
Shawn Heighway
Phil Choloniuk
Brad Crouter

Carswell need to show up to make this interesting otherwise Nick has this all day long

Browns more than 2 TDs What are your thoughts Phil Todd, Miller any Kings have a comment??

1st Cowboys vs 8th Packers

2 - Cowboys (Spack)
Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski ++
Ryan Myer
Jordan Hischer =
Darryl Cain =
Mike Schleiffer +
Bryan DeSouza
Tim McCaskie +
Gary Blizzard +
Aaron Baechler
Stevins Jeune
Dave Warburton


3 - Packers (T.O.)
Chris Heath
Charles Higney +
Tony Scanga =
Kevin Higney
Hugh Marshall
Matt Snyder
Derek Leahy
Pete Hazlett
Jack Hazlett +
Doug McKeon +
Jason Lungrin +

Can't see anything changing with this undefeated team this week. What about you Snyder??

Cowboys More than 3 Td's

2nd Steelers vs 7th Broncos

1 - Steelers (Noah)

Noah Tumin +
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen
Jomo Hanley +
Dan Fowler +
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo +
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson


4 - Broncos (Chambers)

Jason Chambers
Ben Blanche
Matt Siekowski +
Jeff Reid
Drew Walker +
Miguel Morris
Adam Zuccato
Chris Aarons
Duncan McDonald
Kent McDonald
Rich Heighway +
G$ +

I think we will see Steelers run away with this. What do you want to say about that Duncan, Drew anyone??

Steelers more than 2 Td's

Get talking

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8739
Looks like some good games this weekend (though the weather looks less than ideal, but hey that's football)and hopefully the new round robin format provides some interesting developments as even with a loss you could still reach the finals. There has been some discussion with respect to reffing this week and upon review it appears as though not all teams have reffed an equal amount of games this season. In the interest of trying to keep things fair the schedule for reffing has been revised which the QBs have been made aware of. The following schedule applies to the next 3 weeks of round robin action. The schedule for the semi-finals and finals will likely follow a similar structure to previous years with lower ranking teams being responsible for reffing and members of the executive taking responsibility for the finals. Optimally teams should still try and supply 3 refs per game but as this is short notice and teams were already asked to supply 2 each, it is understandable if there are games with only 2 refs. Here is the schedule for the next 3 weeks:

October 26 2013
9:00 Henry North 5th - Patriots (Colin) 4th - Ravens (Raf) Ref - Broncos
9:00 Henry South 6th - Redskins (Miller) 3rd - Browns (Nick) Ref - Cowboys
10:45 Henry North 8th - Packers (T.O.) 1st - Cowboys (Spack) Ref - Ravens
10:45 Henry South 7th - Broncos (Chambers) 2nd - Steelers (Noah) Ref - Browns

November 02 2013
9:00 Henry North 6th - Redskins (Miller) 2nd - Steelers (Noah) Ref - Packers
9:00 Henry South 5th - Patriots (Colin) 1st - Cowboys (Spack) Ref - Broncos
10:45 Henry North 7th - Broncos (Chambers) 3rd - Browns (Nick) Ref - Cowboys
10:45 Henry South 8th - Packers (T.O.) 4th - Ravens (Raf) Ref - Steelers

November 09 2013
9:00 Henry North 8th - Packers (T.O.) 5th - Patriots (Colin) Ref - Browns
9:00 Henry South 7th - Broncos (Chambers) 6th - Redskins (Miller) Ref - Ravens
10:45 Henry North 4th - Ravens (Raf) 1st - Cowboys (Spack) Ref - Redskins
10:45 Henry South 3rd - Browns (Nick) 2nd - Steelers (Noah) Ref - Patriots

Posted By Posted By: Phil
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8717
Three straight 9:00am games for Patriots and Redskins? My drinkers won't even be hung over yet.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8711
Pats perform well in the early games!

Posted By Posted By: Phil
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8706
That's because you haven't had time to start drinking that morning yet.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8701
Phil, Haddens.
Haddens, Phil.

I'm guessing you haven't yet met.

Sorry for the three 9AM games for those two teams, I thought I checked that everyone had at least one 9, but clearly i missed on that. That's why you guys need to check my work when I post it (like back in September)! I'll leave it to the Exec if they wish to modify the schedule to give the Pats & Redskins a 1045 game.

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy, Playoff week 1
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8673
The playoffs are here! There have been many good quotes have been said about the playoffs…

People judge you by the way you play in the playoffs. - Jaromir Jagr

The playoffs are the playoffs. You just play who is put in front of you. - Steve Nash

No matter how noble and special people want to make the playoffs out to be... it's a crapshoot. - Orel Hershiser

So, which is it? Are the playoffs different? The key is to turn it up a notch once they start. Experience here in the WMFL is that there is always someone who surprises in the post-season. Who is it this year?

Week 7 – 2-2, season total at 20-8.

My initial predictions were not so far off. Let’s review my post-draft thoughts…

"Top 3 = Cowboys, Browns, Ravens" – I was not far off. #1, #3 and #4.

"There are 3 teams that I see having big questions marks, but potentially could break into the top echelon. Middle 3 - Steelers, Patriots, Packers" - Steelers showed that potential and made #2. Patriots are #5. My only real mistake was the Packers, who ended up at the very bottom…

"Bottom 2 - Redskins and Broncos" – Redskins turned the season around with victories the last 2 weeks. Broncos seem to be going the other way, winning their first two and then losing the rest… If not for the Packers, these would be the bottom 2.

Now, on to the playoff picks…

North 9:00 – Patriots vs. Ravens

Hey look, a repeat match-up from last week. Time for both of these teams to start showing up every week so they can make it all the way to the finish. Can the Patriots do something different this week to turn the score around? Possibly, but I still think the Ravens lineup is the better lineup. When they have a full-team they may be the second-best team in the league.

Take the Ravens

South 9:00 – Browns vs. Redskins

Browns thrashed the Redskins back in week 2, winning by 30 points. The Redskins have been much more impressive the last two weeks. Did the cagey vet, Miller, hold back until the late season, knowing that the playoffs were going to be a long grind? This Browns team is strong on both sides of the ball. This may be a back and forth game for the first half, but the Browns lineup is just too good for the ‘Skins

-- Take the Browns

North 10:45 – Cowboys vs. Packers

Another repeat game from last week. Nobody watched last week, will anyone this week. I wouldn’t think so… I wondered aloud last week if playing the best would elevate the Packers game. It didn’t. Will the fact that we are now in the playoffs make any difference? Not likely.

-- Take the Cowboys

South 10:45 – Steelers vs. Broncos

Steelers won in week 6 by 10. This team has surprised many this season with its consistency. They are a solid, experienced team from top to bottom. The Broncos have the experience as well, but I think their lack of overall speed will hurt them. Duncan can’t hold Tim, Ben, Ommer, Clarkin, Jomo and Klassen on every play!! This should be the best game of the week.

-- I will take the Steelers

I will close this week to the best playoff quote of all time. Thanks Jim Mora!! You should give a listen...


Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2013
Views Views: 8609
Come on Predictions!!!!!! I thought after the first game I proved I was a + over King. I don't even want to play offense against him (because I know I've got a + there) I just want to defend him again.

How many more touchdowns (or interceptions) do I need to prove this again?

Posted By Posted By: Voodoo
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2013
Views Views: 8592
^ pffff buddy you wanna blow smoke go have a dart

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2013
Views Views: 8423
Yo Ravens!

I can't make it out this weekend. Take out your sorrow on missing me on Snyder & the rest of the '62 Packers.

I can ref the early game in the following week.
Just need 1 more ref.

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2013
Views Views: 8305
I am honoured that the whole board went silent after I announced I would not be out this weekend.
I apologize for the buzzkill.

Now all posters can dry their eyes and get back to posting trash!

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy, Playoff week 2
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2013
Views Views: 8295
Interesting first week of the playoffs. All the higher placed teams won, but some games were closer than expected. Rainy weather will do that. Really equalizes the teams on the field.

Playoff week 1 – 4-0 Picking the favorites was easy. Interesting test is trying to identify that one possible upset each week. Not sure any of the pundits would’ve picked the Packers to almost beat the Cowboys, but they did come awfully close. Didn’t think the rain would affect Spack as much as it seemed to…

With more rain on the agenda this week, perhaps we will finally see a lower- seeded team win one…

North 9:00 – Redskins vs Steelers

Steelers beat the Redskins by 10 in the middle of the regular season. Neither one of these two are particularly fond of the rain. The Steelers are rolling along, with solid efforts on both sides of the ball, which is very different for a Noah team. I don’t think this is the upset this week.

- Take the Steelers

South 9:00 – Patriots vs Cowboys

The ‘Boys won 64-6 during the season. The Cowboys got a scare last week from the last-place Packers. Good solid D by the Packers kept the Cowboys offense in check. (although Spack would say there was holding every play) Can the Patriots do the same thing? Not sure they have the same horses that the Packers do on D to limit the long ball. However, if the same sort of game plays out for the Cowboys, the Pats O is better than the Packers, especially at putting up points. In the end, I think the Cowboys bounce back with a solid game.

-- Take the Cowboys

North 10:45 – Broncos vs Browns

The Browns won 44-21 in week 4. Broncos on sporting a 6 game losing streak and come up against a Browns team that played fantastic defense last week and seems to be on a mission. Again, I think the youth and speed of the Browns will be too much for the experienced Broncos D.

-- Take the Browns

South 10:45 – Packers vs Ravens

Another week 4 rematch. In that one the Ravens won 46-6. It was the first real game they had their full roster. They are as solid a team as there is in the league when they have everyone out. Word has it that the Packers played one hell of a game last week, keeping the Cowboys scoreless for a half and almost hanging on to win at the end. If they can get the same effort this week, they have the horses to keep it close. Just need to put up enough points. I don’t see it happening though…

-- Take the Ravens

Well, I did not pick any of the lower seeds, even after talking about it. The top 4 have proven themselves to be pretty strong and it will take a Herculean effort for one of the others to tip them off the peak. Best chances might be the Packers and the Patriots.

By the way, I am impressed by Packers, who were pretty upset at the end of the game with Cowboys last week. Not a single post on the website complaining about the call. There were certainly lots of complaints in the parking lot. The Ravens better be careful, because the Packers may be bottling it up and have it explode on the field this week.

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field. (Like the Packers…)


Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2013
Views Views: 8274
November 02 2013
Not much to say this week looks like its anyones game out there for the taking. WHO WANTS IT!!

9:00 6th - Redskins 2nd - Steelers

Noah Tumin =
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen =
Jomo Hanley =
Dan Fowler +
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo +
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson =

John Miller =
Alex Carswell
Adam King +
Wes King
Andrew Staff =
Paul Shannon =
Jason Best
Chris Dufty
Todd Julien
Shawn Heighway =
Phil Choloniuk +
Brad Crouter =

Steelers looking solid this year and they seem to be getting better as the weeks go on!! I see them in the top of their division. Miller had ended the year good but totally blew it in the start of the 1st round nto even getting any points.

Steelers by more than 1 TD

9:00 5th - Patriots 1st - Cowboys

Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski +
Ryan Myer
Jordan Hischer +
Darryl Cain +
Mike Schleiffer +
Bryan DeSouza
Tim McCaskie +
Gary Blizzard +
Aaron Baechler
Stevins Jeune =
Dave Warburton +

Colin Hadden
Mike Hadden
TJ Bradimore +
Dan Bradimore
Rich Hadden
Rodney Hubenig
Iain Johnson
Jordan Mowbray
Cameron Dunnett
Sean Harding +
Brett Burns
Chris Meadus

Cowboys by more than 1 TD

10:45 7th - Broncos 3rd - Browns

Nick Mikos +
Phil Dehaney
Frank Katradis +
Giorgio Mikos +
Brad Smart =
Brion Hendry
Nate Coates +
Mario Bianco +
Sami El-Hajjeh
Thomas Jeffrey
Kent Clark
Kyle Clark


Jason Chambers
Ben Blanche +
Matt Siekowski
Jeff Reid
Drew Walker =
Miguel Morris +
Adam Zuccato
Chris Aarons
Duncan McDonald +
Kent McDonald +
Rich Heighway +
G$ +

Browns have a tuff D good luck Chambers you are going to need it!

Browns in a close one

10:45 8th - Packers 4th - Ravens

Mike Rafuse +
Matt Rafuse =
Kevin DaSilva =
Steve Matthews =
Rodney Eskins +
Taylor Eskins +
Fabrice MacLean +
Steve Oleksik +
Steve McConnell
Dave Carter +
Dennis Downey


Chris Heath =
Charles Higney =
Tony Scanga =
Kevin Higney
Hugh Marshall
Matt Snyder
Derek Leahy
Pete Hazlett =
Jack Hazlett +
Doug McKeon
Jason Lungrin +

Ravens have a great team!! Are they starting to show up? If so this team can go all the way to the championship!!

Ravens more than 2 TDs

Stay dry have fun !!!

Posted By Posted By: Ciaran
Posted On Posted On: Nov 2nd, 2013
Views Views: 8223
Well the Packers did it again. Held the Ravens to 8 first half points and only 3 scores overall. Each team scored 3 times. At 22 - 18 Ravens, it ultimately came down to efficiency on the 2-point conversion. Exciting down to the wire, as the Packers had 3rd and goal from the 1 on what ended up being the last play of the game. A game to enjoy as one of the refs.

Posted By Posted By: semifinal teams
Posted On Posted On: Nov 3rd, 2013
Views Views: 8203
As expected:


This weekend decides who playd who in semis.

Start talking.

Posted By Posted By: Final Preview?
Posted On Posted On: Nov 6th, 2013
Views Views: 8080
Will either of the two late games be a Finals preview or will it be another combination?

My bet is Cowboys vs Steelers

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 6th, 2013
Views Views: 8057
what team is snyder on again? i'm betting on them!

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2013
Views Views: 7965
Well we have our top 4 in the books anyone of these teams can be in the final Two. Who do you think it will be? Cowboys vs Steelers was mentioned! What about the Rafens Vs Browns? My opinion is just flip a coin !! I would like to see Ravens vs Steelers. But i just cant see Rafs team showing up!! so I'm going with Cowboys Vs Steelers!!

Let's start with the bottom 4 teams first!!

5th vs 8th

Colin had a great top 2 pics having Hadden JR and TJ early in the draft but the mid to bottom has shown a little weak and with Hadden Jr hurt early in the season didn't look good for the Patriots. TO showing strong against the Cowboys and almost upset them. Can he repeat that momentum this week?

5 - Patriots (Colin)

Colin Hadden ++
Mike Hadden
TJ Bradimore +
Dan Bradimore
Rich Hadden
Rodney Hubenig +
Iain Johnson
Jordan Mowbray +
Cameron Dunnett
Sean Harding +
Brett Burns
Chris Meadus

3 - Packers (T.O.)

Chris Heath +
Charles Higney
Tony Scanga +
Kevin Higney +
Hugh Marshall
Matt Snyder +
Derek Leahy
Pete Hazlett +
Jack Hazlett
Doug McKeon +
Jason Lungrin +

I'm going with the Packers on this one (gut feeling ). In a close one

6th vs 7th

OK Miller what happened this season? Miller is just starting to find his rhythm with his offence (to late)I feel he will win from this time forward. Broncos couldn't stop a back up QB!! Whats up with that?

7 - Redskins (Miller)

John Miller +
Alex Carswell =
Adam King +
Wes King +
Andrew Staff
Paul Shannon
Jason Best +
Chris Dufty +
Todd Julien
Shawn Heighway
Phil Choloniuk =
Brad Crouter

4 - Broncos (Chambers)

Jason Chambers
Ben Blanche =
Matt Siekowski
Jeff Reid
Drew Walker +
Miguel Morris +
Adam Zuccato
Chris Aarons
Duncan McDonald +
Kent McDonald
Rich Heighway =
G$ +

Redskins takes this easy! Go Redskins!!!

Now for the tough decisions.

1st vs 4th

WOW!! Spack was lucky to get that last win ! Ravens looking good as always! Cowboys have a solid team and won't lose this one. It's all about the miss matches!!

2 - Cowboys (Spack)

Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski ++
Ryan Myer
Jordan Hischer =
Darryl Cain =
Mike Schleiffer =
Bryan DeSouza
Tim McCaskie +
Gary Blizzard
Aaron Baechler
Stevins Jeune
Dave Warburton

8 - Ravens (Rafuse)

Mike Rafuse
Matt Rafuse
Kevin DaSilva +
Steve Matthews =
Rodney Eskins =
Taylor Eskins =
Fabrice MacLean +
Steve Oleksik
Steve McConnell +
Dave Carter +
Dennis Downey =

Cowboys to win this one

2nd vs 3rd

Steelers Look solid all around Noah knows how to see the miss match and keeps throwing to those players even if the D adjusts. However the Steelers D could use some work!! Browns don't need a QB to prove this team solid!! That's why they are so good can't get passed their "D". can't cover the speed of their "O". Repeat of the regular season Steelers on the last play of the game to win by a single point!!!

1 - Steelers (Noah)

Noah Tumin +
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen
Jomo Hanley +
Dan Fowler +
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson


6 - Browns (Nick)

Nick Mikos
Phil Dehaney
Frank Katradis +
Giorgio Mikos
Brad Smart +
Brion Hendry
Nate Coates
Mario Bianco
Sami El-Hajjeh
Thomas Jeffrey +
Kent Clark +
Kyle Clark +

Steelers in a pinch !!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2013
Views Views: 7958
Duncan, an excellent bet. You are as smart as I am good looking. For the record, I on the best team!
To the readership, I apologize for my absence from the board. And to the league in general for my absence from the field. I had a mildly serious choda injury, but am all fixed up and ready to bring the magic back to Whitby.
So great for Whitby, but uh oh spaghettioh for the patriots who quite possibly won't score a single point this week. That's right. See you all Saturday!

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy, Quick Picks
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2013
Views Views: 7883
9:00- Packers vs. Patriots

-Take the Packers

9:00- Broncos vs. Redskins

-Take the Broncos

10:45- Ravens vs. Cowboys

-Take the Ravens (Upset of the Week)

10:45- Browns vs. Steelers

-Take the Steelers

Posted By Posted By: Semi finals quick hit
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2013
Views Views: 7841
Not sure how Brown's d that got shredded today by a Steeler team missing their top 3 players will handle the best o in the league next week. Cowboys in a route.

Steelers continue to score points. They give up a lot too though. Ravens with a full team should make this one interesting. Steelers in a close one.

Posted By Posted By: Semis Schedule
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2013
Views Views: 7823
So who has to referee the games in the semis?

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2013
Views Views: 7753
As all teams have now reffed an equal amount of games we will move to the previously proposed schedule where teams are each required to provide 2 refs during the time slot you are not playing. So if you are playing the late game you need to provide refs for the early game and vice versa. With it being playoffs we would like to have 4 refs per game (2 from each team). For this coming weekend the schedule would be:

9:00 games

Patriots vs Broncos ref: Steelers/Ravens

Redskins vs Packers ref: Cowboys/Browns

10:45 games

Cowboys vs Browns ref: Patriots/Broncos

Steelers vs Ravens ref: Redskins/Packers

Posted By Posted By: alright
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2013
Views Views: 7668
semi-final weekend, who are the contenders and who are the pretenders?

i don't think either of the games from last weekend we want to see in the finals, so hoping 1 and 2 take care of business so we see a cowboys and steelers final.

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2013
Views Views: 7635
9:00 games

Patriots vs Broncos

5 - Patriots (Colin)
Colin Hadden +
Mike Hadden +
TJ Bradimore +
Dan Bradimore
Rich Hadden
Rodney Hubenig +
Iain Johnson
Jordan Mowbray
Cameron Dunnett
Sean Harding +
Brett Burns
Chris Meadus


4 - Broncos (Chambers)

Jason Chambers
Ben Blanche
Matt Siekowski
Jeff Reid +
Drew Walker +
Miguel Morris
Adam Zuccato +
Chris Aarons =
Duncan McDonald +
Kent McDonald
Rich Heighway +
G$ +

Patriots by one TD

Redskins vs Packers

John Miller +
Alex Carswell +
Adam King +
Wes King +
Andrew Staff
Paul Shannon
Jason Best
Chris Dufty +
Todd Julien +
Shawn Heighway
Phil Choloniuk
Brad Crouter


3 - Packers (T.O.)
Chris Heath
Charles Higney
Tony Scanga
Kevin Higney +
Hugh Marshall +
Matt Snyder +
Derek Leahy
Pete Hazlett
Jack Hazlett +
Doug McKeon =
Jason Lungrin +

Like I said before Miller will not lose another
Redskins by more than one TD

Cowboys vs Browns

2 - Cowboys (Spack)

Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski ++
Ryan Myer
Jordan Hischer +
Darryl Cain
Mike Schleiffer +
Bryan DeSouza =
Tim McCaskie
Gary Blizzard
Aaron Baechler =
Stevins Jeune =
Dave Warburton =


6 - Browns (Nick)

Nick Mikos
Phil Dehaney
Frank Katradis +
Giorgio Mikos
Brad Smart +
Brion Hendry
Nate Coates =
Mario Bianco +
Sami El-Hajjeh +
Thomas Jeffrey =
Kent Clark =
Kyle Clark =

Should be a great game!!Love the Browns Defense. If there is a D that can stop Spack its this one.If Nick can find a miss match they could Win this game. Hey Nick!! look at your +Tank+Smart+Mario+Sami for this game that will win you this game!! GO BROWNS!! I want the Browns to upset the Cowboys but!

Cowboys by 5 points

Steelers vs Ravens

1 - Steelers (Noah)

Noah Tumin =
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne =
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen =
Jomo Hanley =
Dan Fowler =
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo =
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson +


8 - Ravens (Rafuse)

Mike Rafuse =
Matt Rafuse
Kevin DaSilva =
Steve Matthews
Rodney Eskins =
Taylor Eskins =
Fabrice MacLean =
Steve Oleksik
Steve McConnell
Dave Carter +
Dennis Downey +

Too many miss match for this game Look for Tim,Ommer,Ben,Dan,Jomo to stop the Ravens Offense and Clarkins X2,Klasson to score on O!! Steelers easy!!

Steelers by More than one TD

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2013
Views Views: 7632
This is called the Trash Board Right?

Where is all the trash talk??

Snyder? TJ? Tank? Rafs?

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2013
Views Views: 7618
No trash talking for me. I am to worried about getting my Playstation 4 tonight! Ill let my play on the field do the talking!

Posted By Posted By: Steel Curtain
Posted On Posted On: Nov 15th, 2013
Views Views: 7603
Ravens don't stand a chance. Raf jr is out of shape which showed last week. Cheech doesn't have Hadden to hide behind. Most of all Taylor is washed up and Raf doesn't have that killer instinct he once had.
Steelers are going to smash them

Posted By Posted By: Last post
Posted On Posted On: Nov 15th, 2013
Views Views: 7595
Was clearly a raven player in a desperate ploy to get his team mad in hopes it translates to much needed better play tomorrow.

Not necessary, there is no doubt all 4 semi finalists know what's at stake and will come out motivated. Each team is loaded with guys that have been this far and beyond. All 4 qbs are obviously proven and won't be rattled.

We should be treated to a couple of good games tomorrow.

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy - Semi-final weekend
Posted On Posted On: Nov 15th, 2013
Views Views: 7578
Semi-final weekend. Four great games on tap. Don't sleep in too much because even the 9:00 games will be exciting to watch. If you like football, you can’t miss at Henry Street High School on Saturday mornings.

Sorry about the short picks last week. Time got away from me as I prepared for the CFL playoffs and unfortunately it was my loyal (although I don’t know if there is a loyal readership on here anymore?) WMFL readers that lost out.

I went 1-3, and I don’t like making excuses, but if I had read my messages and spent more time on it, I would’ve known that the Broncos QB was going to be missing and that the Packers would be missing their top 4 picks. That would’ve switched those picks and then who knows…

Looks like it might actually be a nice day this week for a change. How will everyone handle the dry conditions???

North 9:00 – Patriots vs Broncos

The Patriots won 36-8 during the season. Colin looked really good last week, without T.J. there, mixing the ball around to all the other receivers. If he continues to do that this week, they will be a very tough team for the Broncos to stop. The Broncos are a fun team to watch. They enjoy themselves on the field every week. Despite not winning since week 2 they all have a positive attitude and are the poster-children for the fun of the WMFL. They will need that positive attitude again this week…

-- Take the Patriots

South 9:00 – Redskins vs Packers

Packers won their only game of the year back in September 32-11 over the Redskins. I feel for this Packers team. They played two outstanding games in weeks 1 and 2 of the playoffs only to go down swinging. Last week they were seriously short-handed and couldn’t do much against the Pats. The Redskins have also looked better than their record of late and pulled off a great win over the Broncos last week. They are playing solid football now. I understand that the Packers will be without their QB this week. I had faith in you guys last week, I can’t do it again.

-- Take the Redskins

North 10:45 – Cowboys vs Browns

The Cowboys won a tight one versus the Browns 36-30 in week 5. I think I said it then, but I will repeat it. This Browns lineup matches up to the Cowboys better than any other in the league. That being said, I think the Dave S to Dave Z combination has been the most-lethal that I have seen in many years, may be as long as the league has been around. The task for the Browns is to keep Z in front of them and shut down the other potential targets. On offense, Nick just has to take his time and find the good matchup. It would be easy to pick the ‘Boys, but I have never been one to like the easy…

-- Take the Browns by a convert

South 10:45 – Steelers vs Ravens

It was way back in week 1 that the Steelers handled the Ravens, 34-14. I did think that this Ravens team would be able to beat the Cowboys last week and avoid this matchup. They were missing important pieces, however. I haven’t been big on the Steelers all year, probably picking against them against all the other top teams. I will, however, say that I am impressed with the intensity and drive they play with every week. Noah picked himself a very strong team of “effort” guys and it has translated into the W column. This should be a very good game and I think the Ravens will hang in until the very end.

-- Take the Steelers

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Anyone here???
Posted On Posted On: Nov 17th, 2013
Views Views: 7473
Scores from yesterday? Schedule for next week??

Where's the updates???

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 17th, 2013
Views Views: 7471
I'm just taxiing to the gate so I missed the games and scores from yesterday, what's your excuse? If someone posts the scores I'll update the Google calendar...

Posted By Posted By: The Star
Posted On Posted On: Nov 20th, 2013
Views Views: 7359
Q1 What was the one upset last week referenced on the website?
A1 Packers losing to the red team
Q2 How does such a thing happen?
A2 The packers lost on purpose in order to ensure that they could play the lowly Broncos this week! They knew the hapless Broncos would lose, and the only way to ensure they played them this week was to lose themselves
Q3 Solid commitment, but why?
A3 Hatred mostly
Q4 C'mon now, who could hate the Broncos?
A4 Clearly their parents, look at them.
Q5 Now you are just being mean, have you not heard it is antibullying week?
A5 FU interviewer, don't make me choke you. Broncos got nothing but a crushing coming. Like Saddam and Kuwait. Peace.

*The above excerpt taken from an interview conducted by The Toronto Star with Rob Ford press secretary and political advisor Matt 'Bald Lightning' Snyder

Posted By Posted By: Mr. MVP
Posted On Posted On: Nov 21st, 2013
Views Views: 7320
I believe that the cowboys will win it all their an unstoppable team.

and that Ryan Meyer's kid has the most potential on the team, greatest football minded athlete I've ever seen. The out come of this game will be determined on how he plays come Saturday morning.

with that also said I think Ryan is a better athlete then Dave Zemoe and is probably faster.

Posted By Posted By: Fact Check
Posted On Posted On: Nov 21st, 2013
Views Views: 7318
Dave Z-emo is too busy cutting himself while listening to Dashboard Confessional to be out-running anyone.

His cousin Dave Z, however, moves faster than Klassen at a Pantene Pro-V 2 for 1 sale.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 21st, 2013
Views Views: 7286
Last week, so kudos to the evil and self-serving executive for a great campaign in 2013. Big thanks as well to Steve-O for grilling every week. You guys all do a great job so thank you for everything.
What the heck is a dashboard confessional?

Posted By Posted By: TJ Hadden
Posted On Posted On: Nov 21st, 2013
Views Views: 7282
I could tell you, but then you'd have to kill yourself.

Posted By Posted By: SCHULTZY - FInals Weekend
Posted On Posted On: Nov 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 7245
This is it. Finals weekend is here.

I went 2-2 last week. Got both the early games right and was wrong on both late games. I finally bought into the Steelers and then they got beat by the Ravens. I picked the Browns over the Cowboys for the second time and that one bit me too.

North 9:00 – TOILET BOWL - Packers vs Broncos

The Broncos beat the Packers 24-12 back in week 1…

Neither team has won in a while. Could we end up with a tie for the Toilet Bowl. That would certainly make all the DM and Snyder watchers happy. Both of them get last!!! I would do a roster comparison, but it seems like the top-half of the Packers roster has lost interest. Two weeks running they haven’t had any of their top-4 picks. They actually looked pretty good last week despite all that. In the end I think the lack of the top talent on the field loses them this game to the Broncos who have been showing up but still losing. Not this week.

-- Take the Broncos

South 9:00 – C-Final - Redskins vs Patriots

The Redskins have played much better at the late end of the season. They are playing solid football now with Miller mixing the ball around well. The Patriots have also been mixing things up well, winning two in a row without T.J.. May be he should stay away again?? Nah, adding him to the mix will make the lineup even more lethal. As long as Colin keeps using everyone, this is their game.

-- Take the Patriots

South 10:45 – Consolation Final - Steelers vs Browns

The Steelers have beaten the Browns twice, once by a single point and the other by 17. Can 1 team beat another 3 times in the same season or will the Browns have learned enough to break-through? I have been a Browns fan all year, but I have to think they are disappointed that they couldn’t get past the Cowboys. Will they be “up” for this game? I know that Noah and his team of vets will be pumped up to play no matter what. This should be a really close game all the way probably coming down to whoever has the ball last.

-- Take the Steelers

North 11:30 – Cowboys vs Ravens

The Cowboys have beaten the Ravens twice this year. 30-8 in the regular season and 48-24 in the round-robin playoffs. Let’s look at how the lineups match up…

Spack vs Raf – Both are excellent QB’s that make the tough throws and rarely make mistakes. EVEN
Dave Z vs Matt R – Matt has become a much more reliable receiver and solid player, but no one in this league has been able to match up 1 on 1 with Dave. COWBOYS
Ryan M vs Kevin Da – I am not as sold on Ryan as others, although he is a great player. Da Silva is a great player as well, and probably has a little bit of a speed advantage. RAVENS
Jordan H vs Steve M – Jordan has become an important weapon for Spack and plays solid D as well. Steve is a good player, but not quite the same. COWBOYS
Darrell C vs Rodney E – These two are a very good matchup. Both have their moments, but don’t always stand out. – EVEN
Mike S vs Taylor E – Mike is a solid player who generally catches all that Spack throws to him. Taylor is quick and may be a key cog in the Ravens D. I give the slight edge to Mike as if there is a FG needed, he is the best on the field. – COWBOYS
Bryan, Tim, Gary, Aaron, Stevins, Warbird vs Fab, Steve, Steve, Carter, Dennis – Both are good benches, but I think Bryan and Tim tilt the advantage to the Cowboys. Both could be important players in the game, especially Bryan from the centre spot. – COWBOYS

Cowboys win the matchup battle 4-1-2. The Ravens will do their best to keep it close and I would imagine that it will be closer than either of the earlier games they played, but in the end…

-- Take the Cowboys

Thanks for reading. I expect to be back next year, unless the chat board dies completely. Perhaps I will start to tweet my picks. Is there a WMFL twitter account???

As usual, it has been a blast. Enjoy the post-season festivities after the final game folks. Eat a Steve O burger, dog, sausage and peameal sandwich for me!!

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Win
Posted On Posted On: Nov 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 7225
I've figured out how to beat the Cowboys:
1. Their top 2 receivers weigh 250 pounds total, so be physical.
2. Their next top 4 receivers weigh 1000+ lbs total, so distract them with BBQ.
Game over!

Posted By Posted By: Lose
Posted On Posted On: Nov 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 7223
The Cowboys can't be beat.
Not with BBQ, not by DaSilva, not even with Raf at QB!
I for one will be watching a great game from the hill with a pumpkin beer in hand, watching the fat Cowboy WR's catch passes from Spack and get yelled at for not running fast enough.

Looking forward to a good game!

Go Ravens!

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 22nd, 2013
Views Views: 7177
TOILET BOWL - Packers vs Broncos

4 - Broncos (Chambers)

Jason Chambers =
Ben Blanche +
Matt Siekowski +
Jeff Reid
Drew Walker +
Miguel Morris
Adam Zuccato +
Chris Aarons =
Duncan McDonald +
Kent McDonald
Rich Heighway
G$ =


3 - Packers (T.O.)
TO =
Chris Heath
Charles Higney
Tony Scanga +
Kevin Higney
Hugh Marshall +
Matt Snyder +
Derek Leahy
Pete Hazlett
Jack Hazlett +
Doug McKeon +
Jason Lungrin =

Broncos by 1 TD

C-Final - Redskins vs Patriots

John Miller =
Alex Carswell =
Adam King
Wes King +
Andrew Staff +
Paul Shannon
Jason Best +
Chris Dufty +
Todd Julien +
Shawn Heighway
Phil Choloniuk +
Brad Crouter +


5 - Patriots (Colin)
Colin Hadden =
Mike Hadden =
TJ Bradimore +
Dan Bradimore
Rich Hadden
Rodney Hubenig +
Iain Johnson
Jordan Mowbray
Cameron Dunnett
Sean Harding +
Brett Burns
Chris Meadus

Like I've been saying Miller and the Redskins won't lose!!
Redskins By 1 TD

Consolation Final - Steelers vs Browns

1 - Steelers (Noah)

Noah Tumin +
Tim Wray +
Ben Payne
Ommer Chohan +
Craig Klassen
Jomo Hanley +
Dan Fowler +
Glenn Clarkin +
Nick Clarkin +
Peter Kalo
Ciaran Hickson
Mike Hickson


6 - Browns (Nick)

Nick Mikos
Phil Dehaney
Frank Katradis +
Giorgio Mikos
Brad Smart +
Brion Hendry
Nate Coates
Mario Bianco
Sami El-Hajjeh
Thomas Jeffrey +
Kent Clark +
Kyle Clark +

Repeat from all year

Steelers by 1 pt

Championship Cowboys vs Ravens

2 - Cowboys (Spack)

Dave Spackman +
Dave Zmozynski ++
Ryan Myer
Jordan Hischer =
Darryl Cain =
Mike Schleiffer =
Bryan DeSouza
Tim McCaskie +
Gary Blizzard
Aaron Baechler
Stevins Jeune
Dave Warburton


8 - Ravens (Rafuse)

Mike Rafuse
Matt Rafuse
Kevin DaSilva +
Steve Matthews =
Rodney Eskins =
Taylor Eskins =
Fabrice MacLean +
Steve Oleksik
Steve McConnell +
Dave Carter +
Dennis Downey =

Although the Ravens look very good against the Steelers
I think Spack and the Cowboys will be like the 1972 Dolphins and Finish up with a perfect record!

Cowboys by 1 TD

Great season men!! Have a Good time tomorrow!!

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Nov 24th, 2013
Views Views: 7111
Big Thank You out to the Execs for another good year!!
Congratulations to Cowboys on a good game yesterday.

Go Ravens!

Posted By Posted By: Big Pete
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7070
Hi all,

I will echo Carter's comments above. Sorry to have missed the year-end celebrations. (see the next post)

However, I would like to thank the Executive for another great year. There are many of us, myself included, who just show up on Saturdays shortly before the scheduled game time and play. There are a few, however, that show up early to ensure the gear is there to setup, that stay late to serve us food, and look after the shirts, website and everything else this league does.

I don't know who all of the official executive members are and I don't want to leave anyone off that should be mentioned, so I won't put any names down, but will express my thanks to all of you for what you do!!

Also, thanks to my Packer teammates this year. We had our ups and downs, certainly more down than up, but it was still a blast to play with you guys every week!

Already looking forward to next year.


Big Pete

Posted By Posted By: Big Pete
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7069
Hi, Shameless plug post here.

Sorry that Jack and I missed the celebrations Saturday, but we were involved in a dress rehearsal for our Theatre Group's production of Fiddler on the Roof.

If you are looking for some great entertainment this week, please come and join us. Shows are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Here are the details:

The St. Mark's Musical Players present:


DATES: NOVEMBER 27, 28, 29, 30*
ST MARKS UNITED CHURCH 201 Centre St. South, Whitby, ON L1N 4V7
TIME: 7:30PM for the first 3 nights, *Saturday is 4:30PM

TICKETS: Can be had at the door. It is by free will donation, although there is a suggested ticket price of $20. Seats are first come first serve.

NOTE: There are 2 casts. I play lead on Thursday and Saturday and will be part of the chorus on the other nights. (THATS RIGHT GUYS, I WILL BE SINGING ALOT, BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!)

Thanks and see you all on the field next year!!

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7063
It’s been another successful season in the WMFL, congrats to the victorious Ravens and thanks to the hard-working Executive! (btw, that's not me, I just update the website and do a few other minor tasks)

Here's what I'll be posting on the main page when I get a chance (tonight, I hope)...

It took until the final game of the year for someone to figure out the Cowboys and to execute a game plan that resulted in an "L" for the ‘boys. Here’s a shot of the Ravens with the spoils on the field...


See you next year at the draft, mark your calendars I'm guessing it'll be Thursday, August 28th (or thereabouts, stay tuned to this channel for announcements of the details and check your inboxes in the mid-summer for your reminder to register!). For those of you who haven't had enough touch football in the cold, a hearty group plays pick-up Saturday mornings starting at about 10-10:30 at Henry. Why? It’s probably to stay in shape for the Snow Bowl which occurs Super Bowl Sunday – it’s a four team round robin of 1 hour games that starts with a schoolyard pick of teams before the first games start at 10.

P.S. Now that the season is over you should take your football widow out for a night of entertainment (I'm sure we can all use some points, some more than others after this season/weekend - Drew, I'm not talking specifically to you) - I'd recommend going to see Big Pete (and Jack); productions by this group have always been well done.

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7047
DM: Was there a picture in the post? I don't see.

Can we post the Ravens picture to the main page?

(and while saying that, can the League Web masters see a way to post the archives of championship teams?)

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7037
Hey Dave,
Note that my post said, "Here's what I'll be posting on the main page when I get a chance (tonight, I hope)..."

When I post it I'll include the photo I took but can't do it on this blog (that I am aware).

I'll take a look for past pictures, should have a few, and will put those that I have on a 'past champions' site. If anyone has old championship photos send them along and I'll post them as well.

Posted By Posted By: daveC
Posted On Posted On: Nov 25th, 2013
Views Views: 7023
Thanks Duncan!!

When I saw the <> in the post, I though that was an image attempt.

Posted By Posted By: Klassen
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 7006
Thanks again everyone for another great season. I know I mentioned at the field that there were some awards (gift cards)handed out for the MVP and Spirit of the League players from each team but I inadvertently forgot to mention the winners names so here they are:

Steelers - Nick Clarkin (MVP) Glenn Clarkin (SOTL)
Cowboys - Dave Z (MVP) Dave Warburton (SOTL)
Packers - Matt Snyder (MVP) Pete Hazlett (SOTL)
Broncos - Ben Blanche (MVP) G$ (SOTL)
Patriots - Sean Harding (MVP) Iain Johnson (SOTL)
Browns - Giorgio Mikos (MVP) Frank Katradis (SOTL)
Redskins - Wes King (MVP) Brad Crouter (SOTL)
Ravens - Matt Rafuse (MVP) Dennis Downey (SOTL)

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 6989
Dave - the <> was actually an attempt to put something in brackets saying that the picture goes here, but it converted following text to italics...i didn't know we could even do that!

Klassen - was that a typo?
Frank Katradis as SOTL? The only thing stranger than that (and I KNOW this must have been a typo) was Matt Snyder as MVP (well...I guess that tells us why the Packers were in the Toilet Bowl!)

Posted By Posted By: Klassen
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 6978
What can I say Duncan, I guess nepotism runs wild in the WMFL :) I think the award for Snyder was for Most Vocal Player, must have been a miscommunication.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 6969
ahhh...yes, that makes sense

Posted By Posted By: KC
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 6958
In fairness, Nick was going to give SOTL to Kyle Clark, but it was suggested that in a year where very few Brown's showed up to ref, it should go to the a guy who's stepped up to ref most of the games…hence Frank. Hard to argue with that.

Posted By Posted By: Klassen
Posted On Posted On: Nov 26th, 2013
Views Views: 6949
Yeah, Nick told me on Saturday but I still like to give him and Frank a tough time. Much thanks to everyone who stepped up and reffed throughout the year, definitely makes the league what it is.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 30th, 2013
Views Views: 6887
Ajax has accepted a bowl game against WMFL champs in 2 weeks. What rules will they play and who will ref need to be worked out.

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR
Posted On Posted On: Dec 1st, 2013
Views Views: 6876
That Bowl game sounds like a great idea! If there is enough people to play I will be there.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Jan 22nd, 2014
Views Views: 6737
OK, no activity on the boards, not surprisingly so....maybe we'll get a little trash talk if/when the Snow Bowl is officially a "go".

In the meantime, here's one for you Detroit Lions fans out there (TJ, anyone else admitting?). You should snap up one of these sure-to-be collectors items...

GO BRONCOS!!! (only team from the WMFL standing, knew we had it all along boys!!)

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Jan 30th, 2014
Views Views: 6708
Rule suggestion for next year:
Timmy, think DRPS can hook us up?

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