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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Aug 27th, 2014
Views Views: 3416
Well boys, it's that time of year again.

The draft party is Thursday, August 28th 7:00 PM at Crown & Firkin (112 Colborne St. East), Whitby.

Regular Season: Starts September 6th

Let's get the pre-season talk started.

Posted By Posted By: Mike
Posted On Posted On: Aug 27th, 2014
Views Views: 3414
Anyone know who this year's QB's are?

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Aug 27th, 2014
Views Views: 3412
This year's QBs will be the same as last year:

Noah Tumin
Dave Spackman
Chris Pierre
Jason Chambers
Colin Hadden
Nick Mikos
John Miller
Mike Rafuse

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Aug 27th, 2014
Views Views: 3410
Nice work on the redesign of the website, whoever did that. Looks a lot sharper than before. Looking forward to seeing everybody at the draft!

Posted By Posted By: Big Pete
Posted On Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views Views: 3344
I second TJ's comment about the website. Looks great guys!!

Sorry to have missed the draft party last night.

Looking forward to seeing the team lists and to getting on the field week 1.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views Views: 3323

Who was at the draft
What are the teams looking like
Who`s the front runner

Posted By Posted By: AJ Green
Posted On Posted On: Aug 29th, 2014
Views Views: 3313
John Miller's (Cam Newton's?) Pro Bowl dark team consists of:

Marlon Wong
TJ Bradimore
Todd Stansbury
Jay Schlieffer
Brion Hendry
Connor Ruest
Robert "Buzz" Bezzant
Matt Snyder
William Jeyaveeram (spelling might be wrong!)
Miguel Morris
Rich Heighway

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Aug 31st, 2014
Views Views: 3224
A big thanks to Sterling Klassen (yep that's Craig's oldest) who took the time to re-design the WMFL website.

We should also extend a huge thanks to Duncan who is volunteering his time to help with our stats, even though he’s not playing this year. If you see him around, buy him a beer.

The teams and schedule have been updated. The other pages still contain old content, but we’re working on getting that updated too, thank you for your patience.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Aug 31st, 2014
Views Views: 3185
Looking like a forerunner in the arms race of the WMFL, Team Rice looks like their NFL counter parts with offense dominating the field.

Arguably the strongest offense this league has ever seen, expect points put out similar to the Manning led Broncos of 2013 (excluding the Super Bowl).

Will anyone be able to keep up with this offensive powerhouse? It's not always about speed. But it clearly won't hurt.

Another deep draft class will allow QB Nick Mikos to spread around the ball to multiple targets. This "Pick Your Poison" offense will be a tough handle for any team.

Good Luck WMFLers and have a fun year!

Posted By Posted By: Curious
Posted On Posted On: Sep 1st, 2014
Views Views: 3099
Looking for some draft grades. Who went by the book. Who took some chances on sleepers?

Posted By Posted By: Nick
Posted On Posted On: Sep 1st, 2014
Views Views: 3095
What went under the radar on draft night was the fact Nick should not have been allowed a block with his second pick. Giorgio was his third pick, therefore he should have only been allowed a single. If Giorgio was his second pick, then certainly the rest of the QBs would not have allowed Nick the best spot when starting with a blocked first and second rounder.

Posted By Posted By: Nick
Posted On Posted On: Sep 1st, 2014
Views Views: 3058
Last year Frank n Giorgio were 2-3 rounders this year they are first and seconds. What's the big deal. As for the Haddens situation Rich was a fourth and 3 former first rounders went in the fourth. Heath Wilson Schiefler. It seems a lot of people do is complain in this league. For $60 what do u have to complain about. As for competition in the league the last 4-5 years has been a different winner.

Posted By Posted By: Game on
Posted On Posted On: Sep 2nd, 2014
Views Views: 3050
Well said. Let's focus on football on the field. This board should be about making predictions and calling out your buddies. Let's hear some predictions for this weeks games.

Posted By Posted By: Draft Grades
Posted On Posted On: Sep 2nd, 2014
Views Views: 3037

Top 5 is very solid, drops off a bit at back end. Depending on how those guys plays will be the difference for Nick between a contender and bottom half of league.

He gets a B


Having Raf Jr. as a number one covers up a lot of mistakes, but his next few picks were questionable as there were some better players on the board. He did get a couple of steady guys late with Dan, Rodney, Steve O, and Staff.



He puts together the threesome that gave him 2 championships already. Of course, he doesn't get credit for drafting Mike, and DaSilva was handed to him, and Colin will contend again this year. He is favoured for now.



Noah did the same last year and selected the Wray block over the Z block. Not sure its the right move. I just don't see a lot here past the obvious.



Was given his buddy Dave Z on a silver platter. Steady Klassen and the Clarkin family are solid picks. But this team will depend on how the rookie QB handles things.



TJ again slips to second round, but this year the rumour is he has a legit player blocked with him. Solid all the way down the lineup, good draft for Miller.



Was everyone as surprised as me at his first pick? Noah has done this before so there is a precedent. Seems every year he has a brand new team, but every year he is a contender. I think Siekowski is a stretch where he got him, but he got Heath much later than he should have. As every year, it will depend on his new guys... For now.



Dave has 6 very good players. The rest I am not so sure about. If injuries or attendance becomes an issue, except Dave to have an average year, otherwise he will contend.


Posted By Posted By: update
Posted On Posted On: Sep 2nd, 2014
Views Views: 3013
Jordan hischer is no longer the qb of the eagles. He was forced to miss this season. Ryan will be taking over that team at qb.

Posted By Posted By: AP Top 8
Posted On Posted On: Sep 2nd, 2014
Views Views: 2975
After a hiatus from prognosticating the standings of the WMFL for the past couple of seasons, the voters deemed it time to return to drum up more interest in their Saturday counterparts to the north. I mean, the CFL has more teams than you guys now. Regardless, here are the preseason standings heading into week 1.

1. PB Grey - Miller
Experience has won this draft ladies and gentlemen. Miller has drafted better in the final 6 picks than any other team. There's a reason he does well year in year out, because his players play as a team and this group will go through the wall for one another. No egos. Experience. And top 3 QB in the league.

2. Da Bears - Hadden
How Colin was able to draft some of the players he did for another year is a recruiting violation worthy of USC. Familiarity, talent, and a strong arm will keep this team up here for the early part of the season but the voters see them staying here for a while longer.

3. Colts - Spack
Another top 3 QB. Bottom line. If you're willing to listen you'll learn a lot. Buy in and this team will go far. They have enough top end talent to stick with teams and football IQ to go along with it. Injury free and they will be there at the end, say that about any team however.

4. Vikings - Pierre
While TO's record as a QB is similar to his Sunday football namesake, the top end talent on this team is too hard to ignore. They could be as much of a theta to score on D as on O and that will make them a scary opponent to play against.

5. Browns - Raf
Can the Browns really be ranked this high? Ah they're still below top 4. QB has enough experience with the game and will know how to read defences for the best option. If the ball cannot be spread around to free up top picks then they will falter.

6. PB White - Nick
Nick has drafted a nice lineup with a lot of variety. It will be interesting to see how teams approach this group offensively as they look solid on D. But, we all know that offense wins championships in the WMFL and the question will be how consistent will the offense be. Limit the mistakes and this team could rise quickly.

7. Eagles - Jordan/Ryan
Young top end and experienced later picks. Inexperience at QB is the reason for the low ranking to start bit that could change in a hurry especially with Dave Z stretching the field and a strong arm behind centre. The extra defender on the field will help slow down this threat and make other players be accountable.

8. Falcons - Noah
Somebody had to be here. Some interesting drafts with a lot of experience and knowledge of the game. Patience on offence will be their strength gloating teams into man on man, but can they cover on D? All in good spirits, prove the voters wrong.

Good luck this weekend gentlemen. Until next Monday from the voters.

Posted By Posted By: My Team
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2014
Views Views: 2876
When will the team lists be posted ?

Posted By Posted By: miguel
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2014
Views Views: 2856
Check the team list on the main page. http://wmfl.ca/teamlist.pdf

Posted By Posted By: Preseason Top 8
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2014
Views Views: 2794
1.) Colin

This core team won twice recently, so why wouldn't they be favoured.

2.) Miller

Not sure about top 3 QB, although very good, MillerTime drafted a very strong team.

3.) Raf

A lot of very solid players to pair with Raf Jr.

4.) Noah

A lot of question marks, but thats what Noah does. He will be in it at the end.

5.) Ryan

Having the best player in the league puts him here.

6.) Spack

He will turn this team into a contender, but a lot of QBs wouldn't.

7.) Nick

Really deep team, just every other team is so good.

8.) TO

It will be TO's patented really good defensive team, but no offense. Lots of 16-12 scores.

Posted By Posted By: Miller time
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2014
Views Views: 2787
I agree not one of the top 3 QB's, But I am very happy with the team , we should be very competitive this season.

Posted By Posted By: parity
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2014
Views Views: 2782
Miller is arguably in the discussion.

But what's amazing is the parity of the teams on paper.

Should be a very interesting season.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2014
Views Views: 2745
Sorry to have missed the draft fellas. I was in west Africa finalizing my Ebola vaccine. I have just had an opportunity to review the team lists, and I am not so sure that I agree there is parity of any sort in the league this year. I see 4 teams as potential finals winners - millers, tj's, miguel's, and j schlief's teams. Not seeing anything else of quality. Sorry, just sayin' it like I see it.
Looking forward to another great year. Thanks to the exec for all the work organizing things, and setting up what will doubtlessly be a great season for pro bowl grey.

Posted By Posted By: Weekly Picks
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2014
Views Views: 2724
Week one is right around the corner and the beginning of a highly anticipated season is here. The first match ups can set the tone for the season.

Game 1: 0900 - Rice v Eagles

Eagles are down a QB which puts them out their #2 pick with the change to QB. Eagles have Z and some serious depth but Team Rice has a strong top 5.

Team Rice takes it in a close one.

Game 2: 0900 - Colts v Sanders

Miller could have his best all around team in a long time with a strong team right down the board. Spack is always going to put up points no matter his opponent.

Team Sanders takes this one in another nail biter.

Game 3: 1045 - Bears v Falcons

The winning 1/2/3 draft combination from 2 years ago is back together. Offense and Defense are going to put out great numbers for the bears. Noah has a new team much like every other year. The experience difference between the receivers and their QB's could be the difference in this one.

Take Da Bears in a not so close one.

Game 4: 1045 - Vikings v Browns

Thankfully for Raf the jersey's don't determine your teams' skill. Raf looking like he will have another powerhouse offense while T.O. is looking like another powerhouse defense. Question is, which will show up on Saturday?

Give Manziel his first win as a Pro.

Good luck out their men. Win, have fun, and play safe.

Enjoy the first week back!

Posted By Posted By: Buzzzzzzzz
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2014
Views Views: 2647
First Timer to the WMFL, but I'm an Old School Baller to the Game.
Really looking forward to my 1st year in the league and especially excited about Balling against another Great Group of Players.
Still need to meet alot of you as the weeks go on though over a Dog and a Brew.
Please note that in WK1 that alot of TFONT ballers will be missing from their teams due to the Provincials in Belleville.
So this may change the games outcomes as predicted, but regardless I know everyone will represent and step up.
Good Luck to Everyone in WK1.
Yours in Football,

Posted By Posted By: Schultzy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2014
Views Views: 2648
Sorry about missing the draft folks. This TSN schedule has me busy all the time with the CFL and NFL. Below is my short recap of the pluses and minuses for all the teams, based on a very quikc review of the posted lineups.

Team 1 – White - Nick

Pluses – Go with what you know. Another year with Frank/Giorgio means the timing will only get better. Add in the size and ability of the King brothers and this will definitely be a formidable lineup.
Minuses – Don’t know much about the bottom of the draft. Nick might need one of these guys to turn into a diamond-in-the-rough to compliment his strengths.

Team 2 – Browns - Mike

Pluses – Young Raf along with Tony and the Higney’s give Raf a very strong team, certainly on the defensive side of the ball. Experienced players at the bottom of the draft will help too.

Minuses – We’ll have to see how the O comes around. Not sold on many of the draftees as offensive weapons. Mike has all the tools to make it work, but it may take a few weeks to get it going.

Team 3 – Bears - Colin

Pluses – Familiar looking lineup here. Again, Colin is able to have Mike/Kevin/Steve/Rich together. As mentioned previously this group has won the championship before. Jomo will help anchor this D as well.
Minuses – Those previous Championships had lower draft picks that contributed to the success of the team. Not sure that the bottom of this draft will do that?

Team 4 – Vikings - Chris

Pluses – Chris went with a new plan and took the combination of Tim/Ben/Darryl at the top of the draft. I don’t agree with previous posters that this is a defensive strategy. These 3 guys have scored plenty in past years. No reason to think it won’t happen this year again.
Minuses – Chris went with all experienced WMFL players later in the draft. The Eskins, Hazletts, Sean H, Jay and Doug, however, don’t scare most in the league anymore. Hopefully Chris is able to get the most out of this group, but I haven’t seen him do it in the past…

Team 5 – Eagles - ??

Pluses – Z, ‘nuff said. With him stretching the D, this team has some experienced vets like Klassen and the Clarkins to catch the important underneath passes for first downs.
Minuses –Bunch of unknowns in this draft class to me. Can they surprise some teams? If the rumour is true and Ryan is throwing, that is a good thing, but it also means one expected weapon is gone.

Team 6 – Grey - John

Pluses – Not sold on the first pick, but getting TJ and Schleiff later is a definite coup. Later round picks like Buzz, Snyder and Miguel give him some solid targets as well.
Minuses – I hate to agree with Matt Snyder ever, but I don’t see a lot of weaknesses here. Can John handle the riches he has and take them to the Championship?

Team 7 – Falcons - Noah

Pluses – Noah seems to have tried to address the spot where his teams are usually weak. Matt S and Drew are solid D-men. Noah never had trouble scoring, so addressing the D is a smart move.
Minuses – Looking at this lineup, will there be a more laid-back team in the league? Perhaps this is a group that will gel well together, but I don’t see it…

Team 8 – Colts - Dave

Pluses – Dave has many familiar faces that have played with him before, which is always a plus because no one is ever sure how new guys will handle his style. Ben is always a good first pick and will help Dave stretch the field.
Minuses – There is not a lot of guys here that would scare me when playing this team. Dave always seems to get the most out of his teams, but I am not sure this one has enough to challenge for the ‘ship this year.

Overall I do think there is a lot of ‘parity’ with these teams. My opinion of where the teams will end up is this:

Top 3 = Grey - John, Bears – Colin, Vikings – Chris
Middle 3 – White – Nick, Browns – Mike, Eagles – Ryan
Bottom 2 – Falcons – Noah, Colts – Spack (Did I really put these two down here?)

Don’t get mad guys. Go out and prove me wrong!!

Posted By Posted By: Week 1 - Risky Business
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2014
Views Views: 2646
Might there be a lot of people away this weekend?
Provincials are in Belleville I believe… I will make the picks without knowledge of who might be away.

North 9:00 – Team 5 (Eagles) vs Team 1 (Nick)

Big test early for the ever-confident Frank and his mates with Dave Z and Ryan. In the end I think the main players will cancel each other out and I think the difference makers in this one may be the King brothers. Not sure that the Eagles have a match for their strength and speed combination. This game will be back and forth and end up close.

Take Nick’s team

South 9:00 – Team 6 (John) vs. Team 8 (Dave)

I am sure Dave and the rest of the Colts will be out to prove my season predictions wrong right off the bat. However, I see the strength of John’s team being able to control Dave’s strong players and he has too many solid weapons for Dave’s lineup to handle. I think John’s team will slowly pull away in the second half.

-- Take John’s team

North 10:45 – Team 7 (Noah) vs. Team 3 (Colin)

Despite the drafting of more solid defensive players, I don’t think Noah’s team has the players to match up against the strengths of Colin’s team. Familiarity will lend a hand to Colin as he knows his targets well. I am interested to see what his lower draft picks can bring to the table, but that will be more important down-the-road this season. He should win this one handily.

-- Take Colin’s team

South 10:45 – Team 2 (Mike) vs. Team 4 (Chris)

This will be a low-scoring affair as both teams will be packing a solid D. However, I believe the offensive skill advantage belongs to the Purple team in this matchup. Defensive games are always close, but I think someone like Darryl or Ben will score a late TD for the Vikings and they will pull it out.

-- Take Chris’s team

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.

Posted By Posted By: Recap
Posted On Posted On: Sep 7th, 2014
Views Views: 2497
Anyone have a recap of week 1 action?

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