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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 7th, 2014
Views Views: 2700
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Curious
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2014
Views Views: 2663
Any of the pundits choose to change their picks based on week 1?

Nick, Spack, and Noah looked strong.

Miller will be uncertain going forward.

Raf told us nothing as half his time wasn't there.

Ryan and TO seemed to stubble.

Posted By Posted By: DaveC
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2014
Views Views: 2655
If they are going to stubble, maybe a nice clean shave would help!

Posted By Posted By: M.I.A.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2014
Views Views: 2605
Can we get a recap of the games? Most specifically the Browns vs Vikings game...

Posted By Posted By: This Week's Rankings
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2582
Hard to get a feel for the teams with a lot of top players out at the tournament, but there were some things that stood out. Going to go by QB name as still not familar with team names yet.

1.) Nick - Even without Nick throwing this team looked solid. Or should I say, Because Nick wasn't throwing this team looked solid. I'm jabbing, having Adam back as a big TE and more than capable Nick throwing will make this team hard to beat.

2.) Noah - Didn't see this game, but the score was enough to take notice. Not sure if the Hadden crew was missing anyone, but dropping 50 on this D is a feat. Is it fair to say Noah's new guys are working out?

3.) Spack - Steady Eddie. Nothing fancy, just wins. Granted, Miller got hurt and he was missing some top level talent, so this may be skewed a bit, but for now, by default, he's here.

4.) Rafuse - Funny the four QBs that won the first week, were the final four from last year. Also funny, as with Rafs weren't there, and they still managed a win. Add an experienced QB and a top 5 player, and Raf will be looking to repeat this year.

5.) Miller - Saw the injury, and really hope he's ok. John is a great QB and an even better guy so this is all bad news. This team still competed though while missing all their guns. For now they are here, but they will move up again.

6.) Ryan - Disappointing they could not hang with Nick this week. I thought they would be able to score a bit more. A few new guys and this team will only get better.

7.) Colin - Still love this team, and although they lost, they still put up points. Is their D an issue this season? Once Colin and Mike regroup, things should get back on track.

8.) TO - Talent up and down this roster which looks like the deepest team in the league. Losing to a team without their QB and their first pick though puts them way down here. Also scoring just 1 TD doesn't help.

Posted By Posted By: Risky Business - Week 2
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2014
Views Views: 2376
Sorry for the delay folks. Busy week here at the office.

Not a great start to my 2014 predictions in the WMFL.

1-3 week one. Yes, I might have been wrong about some teams, but 1 week does not make me throw in the towel.

North 9:00 – Team 3 (Colin) vs Team 5 (Eagles)

Colin lost, but put up 38. He won’t give up 50 to this team and I suspect will score close to 35 every week.

Take Colin’s team

South 9:00 – Team 2 (Mike) vs. Team 1 (Nick)

Nick was the only one I got right last week. Mike’s team won, without him, much to my surprise… Perhaps they are better than I thought. This should be a very close game going down to the wire. In that sort of close one, I will take Mike over Nick

-- Take Mike’s team

North 10:45 – Team 4 (Chris) vs. Team 8 (Dave)

Perhaps my world was turned upside down?? I picked Chris’s team to be at the top and Dave’s at the bottom. Dave won, Chris lost… I still think Chris’s team will be better, whereas I am still not 100% sold on Dave’s…

-- Take Chris’s team

South 10:45 – Team 7 (Noah) vs. Team 6 (John)

I don’t have the inside scoop on John’s injury. Is he able to go?? Noah’s team was better than I expected last week. I did not see them putting up 50 against Colin… Still not sold on them to be there at the end, but I will jump on the bandwagon this week.

-- Take Noah’s team

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: trash
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2014
Views Views: 2284
Let's get this season talking..

Spack, Noah, Raf on top so far.

Who has the best squad?

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