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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2014
Views Views: 2594
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Week 2 Standings
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2014
Views Views: 2564
This message board has become somewhat of a flop. Is it worth posting to anymore? Is anyone reading it? Post and they will come. It has been a good source of good fun trash talk and humour in the past. On with the rankings:

1.) Noah - Most ranked this team at the bottom of the league after the teams were picked. Two huge scores against two quality opponents. Gotta be here for now.

2.) Spack - Also two big wins, and dropping 60+ on TO, who many considered the best D in the league was impressive. This team has a ton of experience.

3.) Raf - A big win against Nick, who many expected to dominate this year. If the game went 10 more minutes, they may not have won as the momentum had turned. A lot of depth on this team.

4.) Nick - First half against Raf hurt, otherwise they may have been in the top 2. Talent sure isnt a problem here, but consistency might be.

5.) Colin - Looked good Saturday, although they didn't see Dave Z or Ryan, so hard to say. I look for Colin to break into the top 4 sooner rather than later.

6.) Miller/Buzz - It will take Buzz a few games to get acclimated, but this team definitely has the horses. And Buzz is seasoned enough that he will have no problem getting these guys the ball.

7.) Ryan - Everywhere you look there is a Clarkin. Must be how Glen feels at home. This team can compete, but they have to at least show up first.

8.) TO - Not sure what to say. I had to relook at this team list as they are so good on paper. My heart tells me it will come together, but my gut says it won't.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2014
Views Views: 2539
Very impressed with Noah's team so far this season, they are solid. Hopefully its a rain soaked November :)

Posted By Posted By: Falcon
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2014
Views Views: 2508
Noah has beat that!
He kicks a$$ rain or shine.

Posted By Posted By: Purple People Eater
Posted On Posted On: Sep 16th, 2014
Views Views: 2486
Hey DaSilva, you going to show up at 9am this Saturday???

I got your number and will keep you out of the end zone!! Vikings rule, Bears drool!!

Posted By Posted By: Game Breakdowns
Posted On Posted On: Sep 17th, 2014
Views Views: 2450
Colin vs TO

TO's defence has yet to show up, and they are strong. This is the week they make a statement, and give the Hadden machine some trouble. Unfortunately, I don't think their offence can score enough to win, but it will be closer then everyone thinks.

Raf vs Noah

Game of the week. Both teams have looked strong, although I don't think we've seen the full onslaught of Raf's team yet. This should be a shootout with the team with the ball last winning it.

Ryan vs Buzz

Now that Buzz had a game to work out the kinks, he should realize he has a roster full of weapons and he should exploit the mismatches. TJ has the unenviable task of trying to slow down Dave Z. If he can just a little, Buzz wins going away.

Nick vs Spack

Another real good matchup. A win here for Nick, puts him back at the top of a lot of the polls. The Spack offense looked nasty last week in making a very good TO defence look real bad. Nick can pull it out, but he has to score a lot of points to do it.

Give me Colin, Raf, Buzz and Spack

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views Views: 2393
Good luck Noah!

RaF JR wants TWO PICKS against you just like last year in the Semi Finals!

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views Views: 2371
I remember that Matt, all too well. But I learn. I'll throw nowhere near you. I even started practicing that in spring when you were on my team.

I can work just fine with half a field Richard Sherman, especially when its filled with bums like Higney, Scanga, Rodney, and Fowler.

Looking forward to the game, watch out for my pump fakes, which I will make sure I SAVE for the BEAVER. Spack knows what i mean.

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views Views: 2341
Noah, Im upset your not going to run your Specialty Play (Throw Matt the ball). Thats all I really got against you but since you learned to not throw the ball to my side of field I have to put Halloween masks on all the Brown players so you dont know whos side of field your throwing to.

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR.
Posted On Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views Views: 2339
Also this Trash Board is weird this year. Not the usually amount of posts, kind of dead on here, Im writing on here.

Posted By Posted By: Need To Know
Posted On Posted On: Sep 18th, 2014
Views Views: 2334
Jars of Jam anyone?

Posted By Posted By: Risky Business - Week 3
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2014
Views Views: 2319
Better week last week. 3-1 evens up the season record at 4-4. 50% and on my way up…

I will admit when I am wrong and I think I must’ve had the Colts and the Vikings backwards. Boy-o-boy did Dave show me who the boss is last week. I still have some limited faith in Chris’s team to turn it around, but for now I am from Missouri. You are going to have to “show-me”!!

North 9:00 – Team 7 (Noah) vs Team 2 (Browns)

Noah is also well on the way to proving my pre-season predictions wrong. Mike better hope that this Falcons team is not a mirror image of the team that man-handled the Bucs last night. Noah does resemble Matty-ice sometimes. This game is going to be a shoot-out and as one of my colleagues stated it will come down to who has the ball last.

Take Mike’s team

South 9:00 – Team 3 (Colin) vs. Team 4 (Chris)

Not quite sure where the expected defense is for Chris’s team. Knowing how dangerous Colin’s team can be, this could get ugly if the resistance is the same as it was last week against Dave. In the end I think this will be a good game, but Colin’s O will be a little better. (Also, Chris's team is going to have to show me something before I pick them again...)

-- Take Colin’s team

North 10:45 – Team 5 (Eagles) vs. Team 6 (John/Buzz)

Buzz started slowly last week, but as he got more comfortable with his lineup, he settled in nicely. The Eagles lost a tough one, but were short-handed, so they probably are not too concerned yet. One of these two is going to get their first win. When I look at the rosters, I think that John’s team has the top-level talent to take away the big Z and a deeper roster overall.

-- Take John’s team

South 10:45 – Team 1 (Nick) vs. Team 8 (Dave)

I am impressed with Dave’s team now. Not sure why I didn’t expect it, but they aren’t going to sneak up on anyone. Nick has a good lineup this year too and I think they will get more stops on this team than Chris’s team did last week, but still not enough to win.

-- Take Dave’s team

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Problem with the board
Posted On Posted On: Sep 19th, 2014
Views Views: 2314
Less posts, people think less people read, which leads to less posts.

A few years ago there was typically 60-70 posts a week, but 80% of those were duncan.

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