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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 5th, 2014
Views Views: 2608
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: This weeks standings
Posted On Posted On: Oct 6th, 2014
Views Views: 2597
Seems like the message board is getting a little more active, although a lot had to do with JJ last week. Now to talk about the current season. The top of the standings is filled with a lot of quarterbacks familiar with being there, so this season should be interesting as we head into the last two regular season games.

1.) Nick - Almost blew it to a very undermanned Colin. The fastest man in Whitby is on this team and should end with the number one seed.

2.) Noah - Thought about putting Noah up to first after an impressive win this weekend, but can't justify it with his loss to Nick.

3.) Rafuse - If just the Raf brothers show up every weekend, do they really need anyone else? It should be interesting when their team introduces themselves to each other come playoff time.

4.) Spack - Good game against Noah this week, but faded in the second half. Not sure they have the depth to compete with the top 2 or 3.

5.) Colin - Another team that has been missing players. When they finally start showing up, this team will turn it around.

6.) Ryan - Lots of speed on this team, but I'm not sure they have the polish to make a true run. Besides having the best player in the league, nothing stand out for me.

7.) Buzz - I continue to want to love this team, but they pull another Jeckel and Hyde. Buzz can turn it around, and it may be a team built for playoffs.

8.) TO - Ugh. Need to score points in this league and this team just doesn't. Maybe, possibly, potentially, when the weather gets worse, this defense will come to life, but even now, their points against are pretty much the worst in the league.

Posted By Posted By: Comp
Posted On Posted On: Oct 6th, 2014
Views Views: 2573
Who won the mid-season competition events???

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 6th, 2014
Views Views: 2567
Funny you should ask @Comp. I have just finished a slo-motion replay of the fastest competition as it was a close race. Despite a human obstacle I was able to extrapolate the data to determine a winner. Here are the results from all the mid-season skills competitions:

Punt - Desmond Johnson - Colts
Field Goal- Andrew Muratroyd - Falcons
QB Accuracy - Dave Spackman - Colts
Fastest - Giorgio Mikos - PB White

Thanks to everyone who came out. I should have taken a cue from TJ and kept track of stats. Maybe next year.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Network
Posted On Posted On: Oct 8th, 2014
Views Views: 2506
Hey guys Steve has been BBQ every week. Can everybody through some cash to keep this going guys. What do you guys think?

Posted By Posted By: DaveC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 8th, 2014
Views Views: 2469
As Steve isn't always at his post (he seems to think playing is a priority), how about a big tip jar??

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2444
It is definitely more than possible that buck could take home his first championship this year with the stellar lineup he has assembled. I mean, look at this team. Speed, strength, height, size. He has it all at his disposal. The playoffs are near and I'm liking the possible matchups that we will have. The two fastest players and the two biggest targets are just the start of a crop of talent. I don't think many can compete with this elite force.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2443
Nick* not buck. Auto correct

Posted By Posted By: Opinion
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2441
Tank makes a great argument and Nick does have an outstanding chance to win it this year. Having said that, he lost to Raf, he beat Spack when Spack had noone, he barely got by Noah who was also undermanned, and he also probably should have lost to a very undermanned Colin.

Is Nick in the conversation? Of course. But there are 4 recent champion QBs that have really good teams that may have something to say about that.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2433
IF Nick had JJ this would be all wrapped up.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2432
@opinion, the same can be said about our team. We have been missing at least two of our top 5 each of the last 4 weeks including our 3 and 4 against a fully loaded Raf team. Each team is undermanned so that can't be an excuse. Not to mention Noah had a full team against us.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2431
If Nick had JJ would there even be a need for the season to take place?

Posted By Posted By: Heath
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2429
Pretty sure Chris Heath was missing when Noah played Nick

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2415
Yep, we were missing Chris and a couple of others including Drew who inexplicably thought the game was the late game. But Nick was missing Wes and Mike Schleif as well, so they beat us straight up. No excuses. I can only say when we play them again, I will not be on kickoff coverage and watch uselessly as Tank runs right by me for a TD.

Nick and family and friends are having a great season. Looking forward to the rematch in the playoffs.

Posted By Posted By: Ditka
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2407
Would you rather be on an allstar WMFL team or a team of all JJ?

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2403
Does the all star team have retired JJ?

Posted By Posted By: Miller Time
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2400
We are talking about Regular seaon here,Regular season not Playoff ,We are talkiing about Regular season, Regular season not playoff. Do I need to say anymore.

Posted By Posted By: Just Saying
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2399
Got to love Noah he always sees the fair and good in everything. By the way Nick was also missing top players in his previous wins against Spack and Colin. Regardless he did lay a beating on Spack which has rarely has happened no matter how short he is. All in good league spirit. Just saying. Good to see that any team can beat the other.

Posted By Posted By: trouble
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2397
Would the all JJ team have JJ as a QB?

I could just hear the hill now...one hundred and eighty!

Posted By Posted By: T.Watt
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2387
JJ is like bacon, he just makes everything better. To answer the boards questions though, I have consider the concept of all JJ's, both throwing and receiving, as well as rushing, covering, and officiating. The only way they could be beaten would be if they were facing ANOTHER all JJ team. But then really we all lose, because the world would just end.

Posted By Posted By: T.Watt
Posted On Posted On: Oct 9th, 2014
Views Views: 2383
I have recently changed my first name from the awesome but overly used name 'Matt' to 'Titan'. Is it possible to have the league adjust the team lists to reflect the change? Thank you.
I have studied the team lists, and the game film, and the (sparse) information available on this board. And I have a couple of things to say:
1. Haddenses; pro bowl grey is coming for you this week. We are going to dominate you, then eat the family turkey dinner!
2. Board; the Browns did not beat pro bowl grey last week, we were annihilated by Clarkins and Rafuses. Can't wait to play the full browns roster in the playoffs and beat on the rest of those bums (yah - that's chuck, Tony, and staff).
3. Pro bowl white; we play next week. You are like a weak version of pro bowl grey. Soft. Tank especially.
4. Progostinators; you all suck. Pro bowl grey is the best. Our substandard showing so far this year is all trickery to lull the league into complacency. And now we bring it on! Boooyahhhhh!

Posted By Posted By: Risky Business - Week 6
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2014
Views Views: 2352
Starting to get a handle on things, I think. 3-1 last week, now 12-8 for the season.

Congrats to the skills winners last week! Good to see some new participants take the titles.

This is Thanksgiving weekend, which in past years has meant some teams are playing with skeleton crews, as many travel to be with family. Will the affect be big or little this week? Will it be any different than teams missing guys last week? Probably just another week and remember, as the Browns well know, you can always pick up a Clarkin or two to help you out…

North 9:00 – Team 3 (Bears) vs Team 6 (Buzz)

If I read correctly, both teams are sitting quietly in the weeds, just waiting for the playoffs to start so they can jump up and bite some unsuspecting top 4 team… We’ll see. Both teams have some highly skilled players, but it really depends on which ones show up. I think Buzz’s lineup is a little more well-rounded and complete. (Other than T.Watt, or M.Snyder, or whatever he wants to call himself this week…)

Take Buzz’s team

South 9:00 – Team 2 (Mike) vs. Team 8 (Dave)

Another battle of two of the best QB’s in this league over
the past 4 or 5 years. These two regularly have their teams in the final four and many times in the final 2. This year might be no different… I have grown to like Dave’s team this season, but really thought they would be Noah last week. Mike’s team seems to have forgotten where the field is. At 9 am, it might not be possible to count on some fill-in’s being there. If they all show, it should be a good game. Either way, I think my pick is the same.

-- Take Dave’s team

North 11:15 – Team 4 (Chris) vs. Team 1 (Nick)

The way the season has gone for these two teams, this is a total mismatch and shouldn’t even be close. Not sure what the issue is with Chris’s defense, but this is not the week to be weak… At some point, the overall skill of this team will catch one team napping. Will it be this week? I don’t think Nick let’s his team overlook any game. He knows that happens when you do…

-- Take Nick’s team

South 10:45 – Team 7 (Noah) vs. Team 5 (Ryan)

Good win for Ryan and his squad last week. They need to try and get some momentum for the playoffs. Winning against this Noah team would be a good start. They are another team that I wasn’t all that impressed with early in the year. They may have won me over last week in that victory over Dave’s team. If the Eagles get their usual numbers turning out, this won’t be close…

-- Take Noah’s team

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am thankful for the football and specifically for the fun that is the WMFL!!

Have fun everyone, and remember to leave it all out on the field.


Posted By Posted By: Team bald #1
Posted On Posted On: Oct 10th, 2014
Views Views: 2325
Schultzy, while I can agree with your prediction I cannot agree with your assertion around well-roundedness. Who has a rounder head than I?
Snyder, aka T.Watt, aka Hadden-crusher, aka schultzy's wife's boyfriend

Posted By Posted By: Question
Posted On Posted On: Oct 11th, 2014
Views Views: 2295

Are you now posting under the handle of Twat???

If so, very fitting.

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