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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 7th, 2015
Views Views: 2675
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: So
Posted On Posted On: Sep 7th, 2015
Views Views: 2673
After two games who is favourite? I think jelani is most well rounded, Spackman and Colin has the experience, and Noah has even more upside.

Noah vs Spackman this weekend should answer some questions

Posted By Posted By: Quiet
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2015
Views Views: 2606
I just farted.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2015
Views Views: 2567
Lions (Todd) vs Chiefs (Nick) -> Lions (-3.5)
Seahawks (Noah) vs Jets (Spackman) -> Jets (-2)
Dolphins (Chambers) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Raiders (-14)
Broncos (Colin) vs Saints (Miller) -> Broncos (-7)

Posted By Posted By: Abandonment Issues
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2015
Views Views: 2550
Will Nick drop Frank and Giorgio when his team goes 0 and 7?

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2015
Views Views: 2529
@Abandonment Issues

Yet again you are an anonymous poster. Either one of us being dropped is less likely than you scoring half as many points as either of us... or posting your name on the board.

Posted By Posted By: Your Name
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2508
Frank sucks. I say trade him for a kicking tee.

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2485
We don't know who Tank is. You're not as popular as you think you are. Please enlighten us.

Posted By Posted By: Derek Carr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2483
Well I like Frank. He scrappy, he speaks his mind, and he posts his name. He works hard, and he's a good player.

It won't stop the Raiders from kicking the shit out out of the AFC West rivals, but still ...

Posted By Posted By: I love tanks
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2464
Frank Katradis (a.k.a. Frank the Tank) plays on the Chiefs. Lots of energy and a real good guy.

He looks like an anorexic Osama Bin Laden.

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2451
So a skinny guy calls himself the tank because it rhymes with his name. Should have been Frank the Wank or Frank the Yank. Isn't this the guy that complains all the time? I guess whiner didn't rhyme. Really good player though.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2447
Great Stabler's ghost these raiders talk a lot. Can you back it? No. You can't just make fun of easy targets like frank and the entire saints team. You need to earn it against legit competitors like the Dolphins. A little purple drank and your first-round hero status goes to a big old zero quicker than Bo knows hips!
Vegas! Again you suck! Dolphins by 38 points! Viva la fish! First, and biggest, W this week.

Posted By Posted By: Looks like rain on Saturday...
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2015
Views Views: 2422
"Uh oh"

Posted By Posted By: Dolphin Frank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2386
My name is also Frank and I hope I'm not being mistaken for this other Frank who seems to have a few anonymous enemies out there... :)

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2382
And that previous post wasn't me, although it isn't wrong. Rain scares the crap out of me. I hate it. I shouldn't have been named Noah.

But play us on a sunny, calm day with a high of 23 and you got no chance. I need to find a dome to play in.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2364
Yes that is right. My true identity has been revealed. Frank Katradis is my name. I may not be large in stature which is what my name might imply but my talent makes up for that.

Now for all you haters out there. The fire inside had once subsided,however, it has reignited and expect the best game of my career tomorrow! At least 3 catches for 7 yards and a 2pt convert.

Snyder, I look forward to our match up as we have revamped our offense and expect to put up a whopping 60 points against you guys. We game planned specifically agonist you.

Posted By Posted By: Giorgio
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2355
Hey guys, at least Frank is brave enough to actually post his name... hmm sounds like people have some identity issues! BESIDES that, great games so far, looking forward to the rest of the season :) GO CHIEFS

Posted By Posted By: The Nation
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2352
Real men wear black. That is all for now.

Posted By Posted By: Correction
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2332
No, they wear clothes. ^

Posted By Posted By: JaMarcus Russell
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2320
Watch out guys "Frank the Tank" is fired up!!!

I think the only people who should be intimidated by that are the refs who have to deal with him.

Posted By Posted By: Al Davis
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2303
I would have drafted Frank

Posted By Posted By: Dave Z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2015
Views Views: 2302
J .E .T.S Jets Jets Jets !

Posted By Posted By: The Nation
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2253
Dolphins may be intelligent and have a clear advantage in the water but it won't help them get a win today because they have no hands. Raiders 3-0 Dolphins 0-3

Posted By Posted By: Any Team
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2216
Well now we have had a chance to see the teams play let's update my ranking!

Old Ranking
#1 Noah
#2 Spack
#3 Colin
#4 Miller
#5 Chambers
#6 Jelani
#7 Todd
#8 Nick

So after seeing all the teams play here is my coaching advice!!

Jelani is the real deal and I like this team. Lots of talent all the way down. Good leadership and teamwork.Keep it up and stop throwing at the goal posts!!

Noah and the Clarkins Fab and CFL all look good! they have good depth as well! CFL showing up is a good thing for Noah! Not much advice as Noah seems to have it under control. Keep up the good work!

Colin's Team is solid and looks good as well! good leadership on this team. Same advice as Noah keep up the good work!

Spack. He knows football and he can easy come back up to first by the end of the regular season. Advice as always "take it easy on your players it's just a game"

Todd's team seems to be struggling offensively and that was expected as he is new. I will give the same advice I gave Jelani and that is be patient let the play happen and let it open up don't rush and have fun! You have a talented team and a tall one use that as an advantage!

Nick's Team! Well Tank I said you would be 8th and you got angry ( no surprise!!) But you still have not won a game so prove me wrong a tie is like kissing your sister! unfortunately you have a weaker QB his arm is not like it use to be! My advise would be get a new QB! But this is not the NFL /CFL you are stuck with what you have. make the best of it use your whole team spread the ball around stop forcing it to only 2 players. Have Fun ITS ONLY A GAME!!

Miller Team! I don't know what to say abou this team it is what it is . I still have faith in Miller's to make a comeback they have a solid team all the way down. Just start to work together. Try being nicer to your team wait sorry that's not right that's for Spack try being meaner to your team.

Chambers Team I thought this team would be further ahead then first looked at but then again they played Jelani, Noah and Colin the top 3 teams ! you will win more games keep you heads up boys a win will come! Oh yes it will!!

so here is my new predictions

1st Noah
I can't see this team losing as they are the real deal. with a player that played in the CFL and his Block Fab are top contenders. put your top guys on them but what to do about those little blue things that are 3 apples high they are everywhere! bottom looks solid as well

2nd Spack
this team is a well put together team as always with David Spackman. He has what it takes to make it to the top and most likely he will. Dave Z Jordan Chris H. Dylan and Friends tough to defend against a solid team Good luck Jet's

3rd Jelani
This was a tough decision to put this team from 1st to 3rd but they have not played the top teams yet! Ya I can hear you trash talk now !! "we are the best" "we can't be beat" Blah Blah Blah! hey you made it this far with a new QB just accept the fact that you will be here and that's that.

4th Colin
I almost want to switch this with Jelani team as can hear all their future trash talk!! Colin Has a solid team and will prove me wrong and get the 3rd spot LOL!!

5th Todd
Hope this team turns it around . I think this team has potential. Take my above advice and work you way up

6th Miller
this team had a tough start but i think they will have a good finish GO TEAM MILLER!!

7th Chambers
GO Dolphins !! you will start winning games had a tough start. Keep supporting your team! Come on Matt S More trash talk!

8th Nick
Still no W and because you whine so much about my ranking you stay here! you have potential to move up to 5th Maybe!!

Lets get this board talking!!! Its just for fun!! I don't think anyone should take it too serious!

Posted By Posted By: Old Man Carr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2187
The Raiders aren't concerned with puny mid-season rankings. We've done the whole "blow a team out" thing, so now we're trying our hand at second half comebacks ... 2 for 2 in that regard. Just gearing up for the playoffs. "Just win, baby!"

Posted By Posted By: Willie Beamen
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2015
Views Views: 2151
I vote that we remove the goal posts completely. They keep coming out of nowhere and knocking down my passes.

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