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Post Info Posts (23)
Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3310
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Raider Nation
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3306
Can't stop the machine.

Posted By Posted By: Carr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3288
The Raiders on the field are unstoppable, and on the message boards, we're incorrigible. Mess with the Raiders, you take your lumps. If the Chiefs are planning on forfeiting, please let us know in advance so we can get some work done around our houses. But if you want the weekly Raider beating, we'll be more than happy to dole it out. And as pointed out last week, it isn't the Rafuse/Bradimore show. We're getting game changing plays from the QB right through pick 12. The only thing better than or offense is our defense. That's probably due to the extra Raider being on the field, it just amplifies the greatness we're trotting out. It's a "Commitment To Excellence" thing, you probably wouldn't understand.

"Just Win, Baby!"

Posted By Posted By: Giorgio
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3284
Hey! I was just wondering if this is the skills week competition, I noticed that the times of the second games were at 11:15 instead of 10:30 so I just wanted to confirm!

Also looking forward to these weeks tough match up GO CHIEFS

Posted By Posted By: Giorgio
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3283

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Sep 21st, 2015
Views Views: 3255
Saw the Seahawks with an all Clarkin receiver set. Unfortunately it only lasted a couple of plays.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 22nd, 2015
Views Views: 3195
Just a quick reminder that this Saturday is the annual mid-season skills competition where we will determine who is the:

- best punter
- best field goal kicker
- most accurate QB
- fastest man

The competition is open to everyone and will be held between the first and second game. To accommodate, the second game won't start until 11:15. Winners of the competitions will get free admission to next season.

Hope to see you out.


Posted By Posted By: Smart Money
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 3171
$10 says tank gets killed in the fastest man and blames someone else.

Posted By Posted By: Curious
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3114
How is best punter and best field goal kicker determined?

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3102
@smart money

Seems like you aren't very confident in your bet considering you only put $10 down. At least put a seasons fee on the line you cheap bastard.

$75 and I won't run at all so that you don't have to cry when I beat you. I'll even have Billy not run to give you a chance.

You'll have a chance to finish in 21st.

These anonymous insults are becoming more and more embarrassing as the season progresses.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3100

Both are determined by the longest of each. Who can kick the longest field goal and who can punt the ball the greatest distance.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3091
Lions (Todd) vs Saints (Miller) -> Lions (3.5)
Jets (Spackman) vs Dolphins (Chambers) -> Jets(-10)
Chiefs (Nick) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Raiders(-14)
Seahawks (Noah) vs Broncos (Colin) -> Seahawks(-2.5)

Posted By Posted By: Skills
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3082
Predictions on the winners for the skills competitions?

Posted By Posted By: Prediction
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2015
Views Views: 3079
On the Game of the Week:

Seahawks vs Broncos

Two undefeateds with two of the better QBs and some amazing talent.


Can Seahawks keep up with the two headed monster of Mike and TO?

Are the Seahawks really as good as they have looked?

Are the Broncos deep enough?

I give the QB edge to Colin because of his report with his brother, but I think I have to give the Seahawks the more impressive lineup.

Posted By Posted By: Mr. Bee
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 3044
You wrote a good report.

Posted By Posted By: Bold Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 3019
Best Punter - Frank

Best Field Goal Kicker - Frank

Most Accurate QB - Frank

Fastest Man - Frank

Quite frankly (pun intended) we are witnesses to a legend in the making.

Posted By Posted By: Raider
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2269
Is there a mercy rule in this league? Just wondering how much we needed to be beating the Chiefs by before they called it so we could watch the Seahawks/Broncos game. Is 75-0 at half-time enough?

Posted By Posted By: Carr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2251
I love my teammates.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2242
@bold predictions

I love the enthusiasm and the high hopes for my results at the skills comp but with a work injury sustained today while on a collapsing ladder, I will regretfully not be taking part in the fastest man, best kicker or best punter. I am however taking bets on Giorgio winning fastest man by at least 2 steps

Posted By Posted By: Say it ain't so
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2230
Come on Tank, I bet money on you when guys said you not even compete for the fastest man. A ladder accident? Seriously?

Posted By Posted By: Rare
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2226
For all you bird watchers, several of the rare green breasted dodos have been spotted in the Whitby area. They can be found by following their distinctive call of FACK! FACK!

Posted By Posted By: Carr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2015
Views Views: 2174
Did you see Drew Walker with that #WMFLToeDragSwag in the corner of the end zone?

Would have been the game winner if there weren't #TooManyClarkins ...

Posted By Posted By: Early line on Hawks/Raiders?
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2015
Views Views: 2120
I got Raiders by 2.5 and the over.

There isn't any D in SEAHAWKS

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