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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2015
Views Views: 4563
Well, now the real season starts.

The playoff round robin begins.
The website has been updated and the schedule can be accessed from the main page.

Posted By Posted By: Results
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2015
Views Views: 4531
To anyone who missed the Seahawks - Chiefs game this past weekend, you missed a great game that was unfortunately decided by the referee. The Chiefs had three touchdowns called back on missed tags which even the Seahawks admit were not tags and an out of bounds call which resulted in a called back touchdown, which was again, the Seahawks admit to be a bad call. A misplay on the last play caused the game to end in a tie which easily should have gone to the Chiefs.
Looking forward to the rematch in round Robin play. It will no doubt be a close matchup. Anyone posting odds for that game, I hope you have a better scout!

Posted By Posted By: Karma
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2015
Views Views: 4525
^^ Classic Chiefs post right there.

"It's those damn refs again!!! Do they not like our constant whining and belittling we throw at them all game long every week?!? What gives??"

Posted By Posted By: To results
Posted On Posted On: Oct 13th, 2015
Views Views: 4521
Any game has 4 or 5 close plays or bad calls that could go either way. Stop whining and look at your records. Chiefs haven't performed this season and are lucky to be .500. Seahawks are undefeated. Gotta know when you should be talking.

Posted By Posted By: @ Results
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2015
Views Views: 4490
First of all, no the Seahawks did not admit to any bad reffing because quite frankly the majority of the time you do not have the view the ref does and can't possibly make a better judgement call.

For example, the ref was standing on the sideline for one catch where a Chiefs player ran out of bounds, and somehow Chiefs players on the opposite side of the field claimed he did not step out of bounds and that the ref does not know what he is doing.

Another example, the third last play of the game where the Chiefs receiver did not catch the ball in the endzone as it hit the ground. The ref was standing right in front of the play and watched it happen. Again Chiefs players on the other side of the field somehow had a better view than the ref standing right in front of the play had.

So instead of whining and complaining about "bad reffing" maybe the Chiefs should focus on winning a game by actually playing better than the other team.

Posted By Posted By: @ Schedule Makers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2015
Views Views: 4479
It might be a little tough for 2nd Team B to face both 1st Team A and 1st Team B at the same time on November 7th at 10:45.

I mean the Seahawks might be able to pull that off but god forbid the Chiefs get in that position, we wouldn't hear the end of it.

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2015
Views Views: 4467
In addition to everything Craig Klassen does for this league, he graciously made this post season schedule. He did so correctly but I was apparently incapable of correctly cutting and pasting it onto the website. I am truly sorry for this error and any inconvenience it may have caused.


Posted By Posted By: Duh
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2015
Views Views: 4455
Let's be clear. Tie game and the Chiefs had the ball on 3rd down and 3 plays remaining. Instead of kicking it through the endzone for a single or kick a field goal, you passed. Your wide open receiver dropped it and you want to blame the Ref? hahahahahahaha Dumbass.

Posted By Posted By: @DUH
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 4407
You are correct the Chiefs coould have and should have kicked it out for the point and win. They chose not to, but they did not lose either. Yes there were some bad calls made, which is expected in a fun league. And if anyone watched the game it was propbably one of the better ones this year.

Posted By Posted By: Hey
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 4382
Hey Frank,

Hope you are doing well.

The Refs

Posted By Posted By: Sam Dyson
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 4375
Hey TJ,

I think you need to calm that down a bit and respect the game. You are a huge role model and the crap you do is done in pick up and backyard football. It just shouldn't be done.

Your biggest fan,

Sam Dyson

Posted By Posted By: Curious
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 4366
So what douche bag move did TJ do this time? He doesn't do it to be mean, he thinks it's funny. Missing chromosome or something.

Posted By Posted By: miller time
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 4363
Can't we all just get along , the reffing this year has been solid , enjoy the game !!

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 2522
Wow, over 2000 views but not many posts. Nobody wants bulletin board material I guess. Good luck to all, especially you Jets players that are going to be yelled at all game.

Posted By Posted By: Rafuse
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 2519
Everybody love everybody

Posted By Posted By: Dave Z
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2015
Views Views: 2511

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2487
Men of the WMFL;
I cannot stand by and continue to suppress the information I am about to share. Read it for yourself and decide:
M Hadden: Snyder, I need your help. I am tired of playing for my brother Colin, but am afraid to break away.
Snyder: but why mike? Playing for Colin puts you in a place to win every year.
M Hadden: I know, but I feel so unbalanced winning all the time. For personal development I need the challenge of playing for mediocre or poor qb's.
Snyder: are you suggesting I throw, and we block together?
M Hadden: no, no, balance has it's limits snyder. I'm suggesting we conspire to throw the game this week. I will play terribly, will ensure rich cannot attend to corkscrew open on you for a touchdown, and will Tanya Harding TO (sigh) much as I love him, but have to. So you guys can win this week an then Colin will be angry and won't want me on his team next year. The long game buddy.
Snyder: that is brilliant strategic thinking mike. But all unnecessary. You, and the whole broncos team should come out and play your best this week. And still get crushed.
M Hadden: thank you for clarifying my thinking, Snyder. The WMFL dolphins are a team full of studs. There really isn't anyway we can beat you, is there?
Snyder: regretfully no mike. I am so sorry
(Sound of man-hugs, glasses clinking)
(Transcript ends)

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2480
Saints (Miller) vs Seahawks (Noah) -> Seahawks(-14)
Lions (Todd) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Raiders (-18)
Jets (Spackman) vs Chiefs (Nick) -> Jets (-29.5)
Dolphins (Chambers) vs Broncos (Colin) -> Broncos (-10.5)

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2459
Whatever Snyder is smoking can I have some?

Posted By Posted By: Welker
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2438
Trust me you don't want any of what he's on. It makes your hair fall out.

Posted By Posted By: DR.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2434
Impotency as well.

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2423
Damn Snyder!!

Why did you have to give me that stuff?

I guess I got lucky though, only half the side effects.

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2420
Umm Noah, you're bald too.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2406
Snyder- I want to talk again, why are you avoiding me calls?

Call me back ASAP!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2396
Sorry mike, I can't.
I'm in Beaverton - Craig's jazz band, "Keep It Klassy, San Diego" is playing at the legion. I'd call, but Shlief's wife cut off my voice plan and there's no payphone here which I don't understand but very little of what's going on right now is understandable.
I hope to see everyone tomorrow - but the pills are working and people up here love mullets and bald power so I don't know exactly what will happen next. Noah, better bring the sheep shears.

Posted By Posted By: Unreal catch
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2347
Kyle Clarkin with the Odell Beckham one hand pull back. for 99% of the league it was have been an easy catch in stride.

Kyle Clarkin MVP this year.

Posted By Posted By: tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2338
@vegas odds

you made me a ton of money with the worst odds i have ever seen in my life.

thank you very much

Posted By Posted By: Brad Smart
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2333
Just happened to look at this today to check results. Wasn't at the field today because of health issues so I apologize to my team.

Any "Ref" comments weren't from me because I always own up to my calls, so dear Nick, Frank and G; here's the interpretation:

1) on G's return his foot was even with one cone which is out of bounds but as we know the lines aren't exact so I was tryin to find the best line and determined it was out of bounds that's why the whistle was slightly delayed.

2) the last call in the endzone to Dez I was fully prepared to call a touchdown but I saw the ball slide through his arms and touch the ground while moving therefore I ruled it incomplete.

I realize I am guilty as anyone for getting on the refs but I'll own up to my calls/chirps. If you're going to call me out post your name.

Brad Smart

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2325
Brad we had no problem with the call to Dez. I know that the ball was incomplete. It wasn't a question. Why that plays even called into question on the board is unknown. I said we had a misplay not that that it was a bad call. I was just implying that the game could have ended differently if the touchdowns that were called back against me and Giorgio went the other way. People just like to cry about Giorgio and I because we are better than them. The out of bounds was a questionable call but it was a judgment call because there are no lines. Never did I out you as a ref who made a bad call and I guarantee everyone knows I made that first comment.

All I said was they missed a good game and it turned into an attack because we have a bunch of cry babies in the league.

Posted By Posted By: Clown
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2313
If you are so much better than everyone else, show me your name on the championship trophy. Ever?

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2015
Views Views: 2296
I was reffing the Seahawks game... What a catch!

#thiskidsgood #topgunreferece

Posted By Posted By: Jerseyman
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2015
Views Views: 2270
Why isn't a lot players wearing the NFL jerseys?

Posted By Posted By: Weak 8
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2169

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