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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2015
Views Views: 3078
A few upsets this week.
Let the discussion being...

Posted By Posted By: Raiders
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2015
Views Views: 3076



Posted By Posted By: Did The Jets Win?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2015
Views Views: 3057

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 3016

My mom taught me never to trust links on the Internet. I'm sorry but I can't watch your virus ridden videos.

Posted By Posted By: Thoughts?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 3010
One week of round robin completed.

Broncos and Seahawks look strong. Raiders may be in trouble. Can Lions surprise and get hot at the right time? Can Chiefs make a run in spite of Tank's mouth? Are the Jets done or can they get back on track?


Posted By Posted By: Observation
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 3004
If the Chiefs don't win it won't be their fault, it will be the refs fault

Posted By Posted By: More observations
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 2990
And we'll be sure to hear all about it.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 2958
Yet another observation. Still a bunch of 4 year old girls too embarrassed to post their names. Big win this week and I'll be sure to complain to you guys after our win.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas odds
Posted On Posted On: Oct 20th, 2015
Views Views: 2952
Our odds makers are humbled.
Great game Chiefs, we will have to take you more seriously this week.

Posted By Posted By: Another Observation
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2015
Views Views: 2932
You're such a man for posting your name on here Frank, we should all bow down to your greatness.

Posted By Posted By: MVP
Posted On Posted On: Oct 21st, 2015
Views Views: 2925
who is mvp this year? my thought are

Z - Smooth, fast, great hands.
TJ - Back to his old self. Plays on a good team.
Matt Raf- Sneaky, great patterns, good hands, great d
Giorgio - Fast, Good D,
Frank - Grudgingly, gets better every year
Mike Hadden- Has he lost a step? Can ball with anyone
TO - Flourishing with a strong arm QB
Kyle Clarkin - Can anyone stop this kid?
Akeem - Catches everything, speed, and size. Still learning the 5 steamboat league
Tim Wray - Always in conversation, maybe about to turn it on for playoffs
Ben Blanche - Pure talent. Maybe losing a step, but still difficult to stop.
Saints - a lot of good players, but any worthy of mvp?

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 22nd, 2015
Views Views: 2860
Not Giorgio, quits when things get tough. Talent is there but his young attitude betrays him. He will get better with some age.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Oct 22nd, 2015
Views Views: 2818
Dolphins (Chambers) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Raiders (-7.5)
Chiefs (Nick) vs Seahawks (Noah) -> Seahawks (-12)
Lions (Todd) vs Broncos (Colin) -> Broncos (4.5)
Saints (Miller) vs Jets (Spackman) -> Jets (14)

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 22nd, 2015
Views Views: 2816

The least you guys could do is sacrifice some virgins into a volcano to please me. I haven't seen any offerings to please your God in a long time. Do not disappoint me.

Posted By Posted By: The Voice
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2793
We should have sacrificed your mother when she was still a virgin.

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2777
Chiefs/Seahawks game will be interesting if we get the rain that is predicted. I know Noah loves the rain.

Posted By Posted By: Pete Carroll
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2761
Noah drinks rain for breakfast lunch and dinner. He'll be fine.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2757
At least my mother is a decent woman. Would have been better if yours could have kept it in her pants.

If rain makes an appearance expect a 1-1 game that stretches into OT.

Posted By Posted By: Weather Man
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2754
The only precipitation expected in the morning is Frank's tears

Posted By Posted By: Easy now
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2724
Boys boys, let's keep the mothers out of this

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2721
I don't think there is OT in this round, is there?

Posted By Posted By: OT
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2709
"Overtime is an additional period of play specified under the rules of football to bring a game to a decision and avoid declaring the game a tie or draw where the scores are same."

Posted By Posted By: Giorgio
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2705
I think there should also be an award for best trash talk. I mean it wouldn't be hard to pick the winner since Frank is the only one posting his name... That means there is just one more thing that Frank is better at than the rest of us!:)

Going to a good game tomorrow!

Posted By Posted By: Dave Z
Posted On Posted On: Oct 23rd, 2015
Views Views: 2681
@ Giorgio
sorry to be the wake up call. But i am the master trash talker. I called Frank's name innocently and you put the word shank in your head while kicking.
hash tag, new star wars Jedi mind tricks ###

Posted By Posted By: The Truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2634

It wasn't.

Posted By Posted By: Question
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2632

Before it becomes an issue, give a clarification of two things.

1.) The final play of Raiders/Fins game.

2.) How do defaults work with points? As it stands, if the score is 6-0 (default), the Seahawks and Broncos can both default their games and have first place in their pools. It has to be some sort of average points scored and against that week.

Posted By Posted By: Rules..
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2622
@ Question..
How can the Seahawks and Broncos default and finish 1st..
If they lose they lose the tie breaker with who they played, ie jets (would be 2-1) and raiders (would be 2-1)..

Scores and Standings

Winning captain to ensure games scores are reported to a member of the league executive or emailed to whitbyfootball@gmail.com, that day. Standings will be updated weekly (usually post-game), tie-breakers for Final Standings will be record in games involving tied teams followed by Points Against and then Points For/Against Differential.

Am i reading this wrong?

Posted By Posted By: Hadden jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2613
We can finish first because in a certain scenario 3 teams in each division am an all finish 2-1, meaning pts against is first tie breaker. 6-0 loss would ensure lowest points for both teams in this scenario.

Regardless in the spirit of the league I would hope and imagine both teams will be play. I know Noah's team well enough to know they will and we will for sure too.

We had a great game against a solid raiders team first time and looking forward to it again.

Having said that all teams can still be in it. There is also a scenario that a team in each division can go 3-0 and the other 3 all end up 1-2... This would also be a points against situation.

Should be good games next week.

Good game today Lions, very good team

Posted By Posted By: Rules..
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2609
@ Hadden JR... thanks for clarification, much appreciated..

now only if the Exec would update the afternoon games we could see what the PA looks like :)

Posted By Posted By: Raiders/Fins Finish
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2594
I just had a look at the rules. I do not believe there is a rule preventing a player from recovering a FG attempt by either team which was blocked (while still in the air) and scoring. It says the kicking team cannot recover its kick which to me means if a kick/punt hits the ground or is touched by another team member prior to hitting the ground (ie you can't kick the ball directly to your own team and progress it), it is a change of possession.

Dolphins Win!!!!

Posted By Posted By: Raiders/Fins Finish
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2593
BTW I play for the Dolphins and scored the play in question.

Posted By Posted By: Game under protest
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2585
I also believe that common sense and knowledge of any football game would agree that it should count. The ball was deflected/ blocked and never touched the ground. Once it's in the air, the ball is anyone balls and should be played as if it's a live play. It makes absolute no sense that if the blocking team had caught it they could score but the kicking team can't.
Game results should be reversed or at least looked at very closely. I understand that this is s fun league but It would be nice if people actually knew the rules at the field

Posted By Posted By: RaF Jr
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2569
From what I heard, the player was tagged before he crossed the goal line after he caught the blocked kick. I'm not sure why the game needs to be protested since he didn't cross the goal line anyway before being tagged. We also had our share of bad calls against us when we played the lions, one being our own mistake by letting the other team pick up Frank just for rushing but the lions had in dropping into coverage in some plays which was against the agreement we had but we should of made them only play with six players instead, our mistake, we could protest that game plus the game deciding play was a controversial call but it's just a fun league and we moved on from it. I wasn't there to see the play though. Just my opinion from what I heard.

Posted By Posted By: Phil (the ref)
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2549
In the CFL, it is only a block if the ball does not cross the line of scrimmage. In that case either team can recover and advance the ball in either direction.

If the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, tipped or not, it is treated as a punt. The punting team can not recover the ball. In fact, when the Dolphin player caught the ball it was dead there for the Raiders plus 10 yards for "no yards" marked against the Dolphins.

Ruling on the field was correct.

To Raf Jr., after reviewing the rules with the other ref and some execs after your Raiders game, all the calls were correct and I can run you through the remaining time of the game in detail as it was also correct, if you so wish.

Posted By Posted By: Touched
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2558
I was not touched before crossing the goal line. The ref on that side of the field (plays for Jets) agreed at the time.

Mike Schleiffer

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2523
The whistles were blown almost right away. The odds of that being returned for a score otherwise would be pretty slim, as I started 5 yards deep in the end zone on that play. William was very close on making the tag (if he didn't make it, he said he did), making any cuts to avoid a defender would have made the tag easier for Will.

Regardless, it's infortunate that such a competitive, close game had to end with some controversy. Good game, Dolphins.

Posted By Posted By: Early whistles
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2515
Phil shouldn't be allowed to have a whistle next week, he can ref just no whistle. That's two early whistles when he was no where near either play. I like the guy but he was whistle happy in the last 4 plays. It's funny because he barely used it throughout the rest of the game when there was lots of contact both ways including forearms to the face, bear hugging, coming over guys backs and trying to run right over guys.

On one play he even said " I saw it but it's your guys fault for not catching it". We were obviously upset with his response and argued, his rebuttal was " it's gonna be a long game for you guys". In the future, I recommend not speaking to teams that way because they obviously may feel like you're out to get them.

Phil I did call you a few names and I apologize, that wasn't right of me. You're just trying to help the league out and you don't deserve to be treated that way. Sorry.

Congrats Raiders on the comeback win, it was a fun and exciting game


Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2518
@Hadden Jr.

I agree wth you that we are not going to default, but still, 6-0 cannot be the score of a default. What happens if its legit? You simply can't field your team? Or what happens if a 0-2 team that is essentially out of it, just doesn't show? That will affect other teams as we decided points against is the tiebreaker.

Get out in front of this now and make a rule, because it will eventually come up, it always does. My suggestion is the winner gets the average of the winning scores and the loser gets the average of the losing scores for that day. At least that gives a realistic score that means something within the calculation of points against. Throwing a 6-0 score in there is not good for anyone. As was said, it even can benefit the team that defaults.

You need to do this before it happens. It may not happen this year or next year, but it will happen.

Posted By Posted By: Hadden jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2505
Noah, point taken. To be clear I wasn't suggesting 6-0 be the score on default.

I agree it should be something to the effect of what you mentioned.

I was more suggesting I didn't think either Seahawks or broncos would default just to get that score line, sorry if it came across wrong. Agreed something should be put in place.

Posted By Posted By: Phil (the ref)
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2492
Schleiffer, you changed what I said just enough to make me look as bad as possible on the board. With your second attempt at a quote you even took it out of context to make it worse. I have no doubt that you remember it differently than I do.

You also failed to mention this occurred on your first offensive play of the game. You had a 22-6 lead at one point and you're trying to say I affected your team's play?

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2015
Views Views: 2486

Yup, I agree 100%. Most would not deliberately default, but yes teams default all the time for valid reasons, I think a rule has to be made as to what the score of a default game is, with the consideration that points against matters.

There are a few different options, average scores, highest and lowest scores, etc. Exec should hopefully have something soon, I don't mind being involved in the process.

I just don't want this to sneak up on us, and then we deal with the fallout.


Posted By Posted By: Schleiffer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2474
I didn't change anything you said, I even came up to you after the first series and told you politely that you can't make comments like that. You know you said those words and so does everyone on the field. I was just saying that in the future it may be a good idea to refrain from making those kinds of comments.
I never blamed you for our lost, if you read my comments I said there were many calls on both sides that weren't called. And that you were whistle happy in the final minutes. Both statements are very true and can be validated but everyone on the field. I Never once said you were the reason we lost.
I also congratulated the Raiders on their comeback win. Again, I didn't blame you. I acknowledged the Raiders effort.

Posted By Posted By: Phil (the ref)
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2466
Schleiffer, I have no doubt that your "impartial" Dolphin teammates will remember it exactly as you have said seeing as you have spelled it out for them, quotes and all.

Thank you for the apology for your language during the game. I don't remember you saying anything. There were much greater offenders who should be embarrassed for their language. I didn't want to give out 15 yarders and affect the game. I'm not upset at any of the Dolphins, I feel more of a stunned disappointment towards a couple of people I thought I knew.

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2456
Noah, Mike, anyone else interested in the rules, but not actually reading them :)

The team winning a forfeit game shall be awarded the average winning score for that week, the losing team will be awarded 0 points.

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2449
Who reads rules?

Ok, well, the average winning is ok, but the losing has to change. That 0 affects other teams, not just the defaulted team, so my issues still stand.

For example, if Dolphins or Saints decide to default, can negatively impact other teams in pool.

Posted By Posted By: Whatever
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2440
That's assuming Miller or Chambers would score if they showed up anyway!

Seriously though, the only team that intentionally forfeits playoff games because they're out of it is one that plays for Spackman and is sick of his shit.

Posted By Posted By: agree
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2431
the team losing a default should be awarded the average of the losing scores that week

otherwise, you arent penalizing the defaulted time, you are penalizing (or rewarding) other teams.

Posted By Posted By: Whistle
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2424
I don't recall hearing a whistle on the last play in the Raiders vs. dolphins. If there was, then the play is dead. If there wasn't, Dolphins Win!

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2422
They're not eligible to recover the kick anyway, so whether there was a whistle or not the game was over. This is the case for either CFL rules or the previous poster's (incorrect) interpretation of the WMFL rule regarding the kicking team's eligibility to recover a kick (which, btw, they cannot, regardless of whether it's a kickoff, punt or place kick). I'd be happy to explain the rule to you in greater detail over a beer after the games are over next weekend.

Posted By Posted By: Jason chambers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2398
In the end we the Dolphins didn't do enough in the win. But if Phil ( the ref ) you think your weak Reffing didn't come into play you are sadly mistaken. I am sure your you should be embarrassed comment was directed towards me. But it doesn't phase me at all. You should be embarrassed for accepting money from he league to ref when you clearly have no grasp of the rules. And I am not talking about the last play cause not one person can agree on it and in the end I should have just made the kick but I did't and that is on me and the great block made by the raiders. Nothing was taken out of context on what you said to us on the first play of he game. Maybe next time you should think twice about blowing a whistle when you are 40 yards away from the play. The ref that was standing right beside didn't blow cause he wasn't tagged. Rant over time to move on to next week

Posted By Posted By: Say what?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2351
So Chambers did the Ref cause you to lose or did the Raiders beat you? Sounds like you want it both ways.

Posted By Posted By: Jason chambers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2344
We lost. I don't want it anyway. But the ref took it out of our hands made of way more difficult Add 15 yards to the kick off return we are that much closer. No way on earth a ref should be making calls from 40 -50 yards away from the actual play. But thanks for chiming in Anonymous. Love people trolling and stiring the pot. Maybe next time leave a name.

Posted By Posted By: Mr Troll
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2015
Views Views: 2322
After reading this little soap opera sounds like the ref said something the Dolphins didn't like at the beginning of the game, the Dolphins swore at the ref during the game and then the Dolphins felt the ref called an incorrect tag during a return near the end of the game. That's it? Sounds childish to me. But what do I know I'm just a troll.

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