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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3754
So apparently nothing interesting happened last week…
Let the trash talk begin!

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3740
Don't want to be a broken record, but we have to fix this..

If Raiders beat Broncos and Lions beat Dolphins, we will have 3 teams at 2-1, with a circular tiebreaker where points against becomes first tiebreaker. Currently PA are:

Broncos - 30
Raiders - 46
Lions - 58

If the Raiders beat Broncos, but give up 13 points to Broncos, say the score is 45-14. And lets just say Dolphins have an injury bug and 2 weddings and have to lose by default. Lions will win (SOME NUMBER) - 0.

In this case, Lions will PA against will remain at 58, while both Broncos and Raiders will move way up, thus putting Lions as #1 seed and pushing Raiders out.

We are punishing both Broncos and Raiders for a default by the Dolphins. It is not right to use 0 as the default loss. The right solution is pick the average of the week's losses like we did with the wins.

The same scenario can exist in other pool if Saints lose by default.

Exec, please get out in front of this and publish something. It will happen one day and if we think there were controversy on the board this week, wait till that happens.

Looks like all teams are still alive, good luck to everyone this weekend.


Posted By Posted By: Hmm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3722
But is that fair to the Lions? You're counting points against them that they never gave up themselves. Considering it is the Dolphins, a low score or even a shutout is not out of the question. Also, had the Lions known about this proposed rule, they could have forfeited this past weeks game because their QB was missing and limited the points against them that the Broncos put up.

Posted By Posted By: Come On
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3709
Come on execs you don't need to issue a Wells Report for the rule in question. Let's make a decision here.

Posted By Posted By: RaF JR
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3704
I really hope the Lions vs Fins game doesn't turn into a forfeit. We let the Lions pick up Frank when they only had six players for week 1 of round robin instead of having them forfeit or made them play with six players.

Posted By Posted By: Devil
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3699
No good deed goes unpunished RafJr.

Posted By Posted By: devil wears prada
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3072
But the Raiders picked up Phil this past week, so everything's equal between lions and raiders.

Posted By Posted By: Tie breaker
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3070
In most leagues to figure out a tie breaker you remove the team that didn't win. Then you use the differential between the competing teams. It's very simple. So in our case you'd only use the results in the games between the raiders, Broncos and lions.

Posted By Posted By: Brilliant
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3065
Previous post makes the most sense. Takes the 4th team out of the equation.

Posted By Posted By: Little league problems
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3063
Any more stupid questions you need answered I'll ask my daughter

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3048
Wow. Tons of man-drama on the board. Sorry I missed all the action on the board and the field! I was saving frank's momma from getting thrown into a volcano. Turns out she actually is a virgin. Which makes Frank what I don't know, but I can tell you that me, Craig, and Johnny were present just after his birth bearing gifts so who the heck knows?
Anyway - don't worry about the Dolphins forfeiting. First off, dolphins are about team and we show up. Second of all, any one WMFL dolphin is worth two players from any other team, so our forfeit number is 3. And that's all it will take to beat the lion team anyway, buncha bums they are.

Posted By Posted By: Oshawa Buckeyes Recruiting
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2015
Views Views: 3020
The Oshawa Buckeyes are currently looking for players interested in playing competitive touch football on trillium tour starting this spring. If anyone is interested joining the Buckeyes here is my email mikerafuse17@live.ca

Posted By Posted By: MIA
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2015
Views Views: 2987
Ever since the Chiefs got handled on Saturday Frank has gone missing from the message boards. When should we send out the search party?

Posted By Posted By: Broncos!
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2015
Views Views: 2970
Can't see them losing again!

Too much speed and too many weapons.

Posted By Posted By: Raiders QB
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2015
Views Views: 2923
Just seeking confirmation from one of the executives...if there is a tie between 3 teams, this is how it will be decided correct??

Scores and Standings

Winning captain to ensure games scores are reported to a member of the league executive or emailed to whitbyfootball@gmail.com, that day. Standings will be updated weekly (usually post-game), tie-breakers for Final Standings will be record in games involving tied teams followed by Points Against and then Points For/Against Differential.

Posted By Posted By: Broncoooossss!!!!!!
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2015
Views Views: 2900
Doesn't look like Mike has lost any steps.

TO's unbelievable hands. This guys doesn't drop anything.

Very strong team. Going to be tough to beat.

Posted By Posted By: Broncos
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2844
Broncos suck, Frank rules!!!

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2840
Saints (Miller) vs Chiefs (Nick) -> Chiefs(-8)
Lions (Todd) vs Dolphins (Chambers) -> Lions (-4.5)
Jets (Spackman) vs Seahawks (Noah) -> Seahawks (-3)
Broncos (Colin) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Broncos (-3.5)

Posted By Posted By: Bold Prediction
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2838
Saints will get their first win of the year this week

Posted By Posted By: Swan song...
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2830
thinking the Lions spread should be -24. they should crush the aging dolphins *but theyll blame the ref* . and keep them as the only team without a win in the playoffs.
Saints have a better chance of pulling an upset and a win

Posted By Posted By: Calling it now
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2826
Jets - Lions final.

Book it.

Posted By Posted By: Prediction
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2820
Dolphins beat Lions
Broncos beat Raiders
Forcing a three way tie between Lions, Raiders and Dolphins
Lions move on because of differential unless Phil can somehow impact the situation

Posted By Posted By: Friendly Reminder to Refs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2819
Anyone volunteering their time to ref games with Phil, you do not need a whistle. He will make all calls from any vantage point on the field.

Posted By Posted By: Sensei
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2797
That's because Phil is legally blind and to compensate developed a super strong sense of smell. He doesn't need to see a penalty - he smells it and flags it, as well he should.

Posted By Posted By: Kent
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2788
You know, this used to be a gentleman's league. Guys came out on Saturday played hard and after the game all went back to the bar and enjoyed a few beers together. It was different than the Oshawa league where you went in as a team and only hung out with your own team. You needed carded refs because there wasn't the same camaraderie between players. That's not a bad thing just different. When I came over to the Whitby league I was struck by the fact that almost everyone showed respect to each other which allowed for players to also ref games. Everybody played hard but understood it wasn't the NFL and nobody was being scouted for a career on the field. There would always be arguments on the field but most players had the maturity to let it go once the game was done. How has the league changed? Well now we have to pay guys to come and ref because too few guys step up and people still bitch about calls well after the game is over like they're not going to get a signing bonus next year for playing or a lucrative sponsor agreement. Good natured trash talk has always been a part of this league, but personal attacks are a sign of the immaturity of some who play and should be discouraged by anyone who understands the spirit this league was founded on

Posted By Posted By: Schleiffer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2781
I personally believe this is the best league around. It's the best because of the guys who play in it. Sure, guys can get competitive during a game but I've enjoyed a few beers with the same guy who called me or who I called an asshole 20 minutes earlier. That's what makes it fun.
I believe the reason refs are currently paid is because guys weren't able to volunteer their time to ref on Saturdays, and teams would show up to play with only 1 refs at times in the past.
Everyone makes mistakes and everyone should hear about when they do, that's what makes the league fun. Sometimes I enjoy seeing a guy drop an easy pass just do I can ride him for a few plays, I also know it's coming my way when I do the same.
It's a great league and the guys are awesome, don't knock it

Does anyone know if Phil is the ref for the Dolphins game this week?

Posted By Posted By: Vet
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2765
Kent gets it, Schleiffer doesn't. Most guys in this league don't want to ref because of the stress. New young guys are terrified.

Posted By Posted By: Schleiffer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2015
Views Views: 2758
Terrified and stressed? When guys are the refs for the second game most are having a beer, they don't seem stressed or terrified to me. Honestly I'm more terrified and stressed when I have to ask my wife if its okay if I'm at football for an extra couple hours to ref.
I've been a ref in some pretty intense games over the years and was called many names during the game. On each occasion the player and I were cool and have moved on ( one has drafted me 4/5 years ).
However, I do feel bad if some people feel that way. Does the stress and fear come from not knowing the rules or peoples reactions to the calls?

Posted By Posted By: dm
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2737
Hey guys,
As Phil is taking most of the heat this week it seems like a good week for me to ask you to sponsor me for Movember! HAHAHA!

Seriously though, I've been doing this for the past three years and organizing it at my company where we've raised over $60K for some of the most significant health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity. If you are growing a 'stache too, great, if you're not and would like to join, please go to https://ca.movember.com and sign up. If you'd just like to support my efforts in fundraising for this cause you can do so at http://mobro.co/dmcdonald66.

Thanks, now back to our regularly-scheduled trash talking...


Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2725
Another plus one for Whitby. I've been playing a long time (I know it doesn't seem it given my youthful appearance) but Whitby is the best league and best value going. I get to draft a new team every year. There is something amazing about playing with a guy one year and then seeing him line up against you the next. As most of you know, I like to draft newer guys. Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn't.

As for the reffing thing, I agree with Kent a lot, but have to disagree here. Kent, I know personally, taking 2 hours away from being with my family on a Saturday morning is tough enough, turning that into 4 or 5 hours becomes impossible. But I know everyone has different situations. What I would like to see is that we have a sign up sheet and we do pay for reffing. But open it up to all league players. I am sure some of us wouldn't mind reffing every week, and getting a little beer money on top of that. I hate having to ask my teams to ref, as I know it takes away from family or even work time.

As for the controversy, I remember Mark Goulet reffed a final I was in several years back. He made a horrible call on a Pass Interference call against my team. It was awful, it pisses me off just thinking about it. It was 3rd down and just before halftime. Led to a touchdown for the other team, which could have changed the game. (Side note, we won, so it all worked out for the good guys). But I let Mark have it. I used words that I never use, I yelled, I was a complete ass. Two minutes after, I hated myself for it. Mark and I were and still are good buddies. I felt guilty and I was totally wrong. But we are guys, we are competitive and that happens. We all try to keep it in check, but at the end of the day, lets keep it what it is.. Saturday morning rec football, gets us out of the house for a bit, gets us some exercise, drink a couple of beers, and hang with some friends. Win or lose, 9-0 or 0-9, I will be back every year to Whitby.

Good luck everyone in the playoffs!

Posted By Posted By: Hadden jr.
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2719
Simple solution - Snyder refs both games at once! Including the ones he's playing in.

What Snyder says goes!

In all honesty thanks to everyone who refs, usually thankless but needs to be done!

Posted By Posted By: Kent
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2713
No argument that this is still the best league out there with the best value for the fees that are paid.

Posted By Posted By: Punishment?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2669
What is the punishment for the Saints if they go winless the entire year?

Posted By Posted By: @ Punishment
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2666
I vote they buy every team in the league a case of beer

Posted By Posted By: @ punishment
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2655
I vote that each member on the team has to listen to Frank complain for 5 minutes.

Speaking of Frank, where have you been...?

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2015
Views Views: 2630
Thank you, Mike.
Unfortunately the Snyder who's dictates rule is in fact Mrs. Snyder. Or maybe fortunately as she's much smarter and tougher than I.
I will admit that I have in fact, in a way at least, been reffing both games while also playing in one. I admire how you see through what is happening in a way others do not. I do, from time to time, take control of both Phil and Duncan's minds. This is not a terribly difficult task. I promise not to use them to influence the games this week. I will exercise control of both their minds, however, but only to enable me to watch myself kicking lion ass from two different vantage points at the same time.

Posted By Posted By: SNOW DAY
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2015
Views Views: 2574

Posted By Posted By: ???
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2015
Views Views: 2570
Apparently Nike likes the biggest ***holes from the NFL in their commercials.

Posted By Posted By: Thanks
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2015
Views Views: 2554
Thanks for the Nike commercial, so relevant, and so intriguing.



Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2015
Views Views: 2498
I'd like to start off by apologizing for my long absence from the board. I know after last week's loss, I have yet to be heard from. I would like to blame our offense for sucking in the red zone. First three drives all stalled out within 20 yads from the goal line.

Secondly, I'd like to thank Snyder for giving me my favourite hot wheels when I was born. I still play with them. As for the other two gifts, they were half decent at best. Barbie was fun but I got tired of her Malibu beach house pretty quick. The convertible would have been better. On a side note, my mom is actually fire proof and survived the volcano dive.

The refs this week can expect a lot of gratuity and absolutely no swearing or complaining from me. That phase of my life is 100% over. I promise that I won't even open my mouth about the ball being placed on the field incorrectly or complain about holding or pass interference.

Update coming after this game.

Posted By Posted By: calling out now?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2015
Views Views: 2466
Jets vs Lions in the B champ

Posted By Posted By: not so fast...
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2015
Views Views: 2458
don't call it out yet.. the refs we're paying may decide otherwise... what a joke this league has become this year

Posted By Posted By: KC
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2015
Views Views: 2416
not so fast... you're right, there's probably a better league out there for you. Please, go find it!

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2015
Views Views: 2369
It's all about the U.

Tell me this doesn't look like a WMFL kickoff return at the end here...


Posted By Posted By: Never in the WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2015
Views Views: 2366
Because Phil would've blown it dead after the 3re lateral

Posted By Posted By: 2016 mock draft
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2015
Views Views: 2363
Who is first overall? Dave Z, Akeem, TJ, Rafuse, someone else?

Posted By Posted By: Raf
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2015
Views Views: 2356
The U is back Noah.

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Whitby Mens Football League