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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2015
Views Views: 3286
Broncos Rule...
Drop the mic!

Posted By Posted By: After Party
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2015
Views Views: 3270
Is there any tailgating going during or after games this Saturday? Maybe a after party or something too

Posted By Posted By: Broncos vs Seahawks game analysis
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2015
Views Views: 3230
Well, there is probably not a whole lot of surprise seeing these two teams in the finals. They each went 9-1-1 up until this point with many, many points for, and both fared quite well defensively. So who wins this one?

The QBs
Colin and Noah have both been here before several times. Colin has a much stronger arm, but Noah is probably more accurate. Both QBs have proven they can play with pressure as both have won championships on the last drive. I give the slight edge to Colin based on his arm and his rapport with his brother.

The Top WRs
Broncos have Mike and TO. Seahawks have Akeem and the Clarkins. Mike and TO are both top 5 picks and are both as good as it gets. Coupled with Colin's cannon, they are a defenses nightmare. Akeem demands attention and has size, speed, and hands. While defenses have tried to figure out Akeem, the rest of the Seahawks have had breakout years. There are literally #toomanyclarkins to guard. Certainly, the Broncos top WRs have much more WMFL experience, but there is no debating that Akeem and Clarkins are terrors. Rumour has it, Glenn has tried to adopt Akeem, but he just isn't a Clarkin for obvious reasons. This is a push.

The Offensive Depth
There are #toomanyclarkins here as well. Seahawks drafted some great, new players that have come on and have a big center that catches everything. Fab has really turned into an elite two way player as well. The Broncos are no slouches with Liam and McKaskie and Rich. I just have to give the depth to the Seahawks as I think if you looked at the team catches this year you would say Mike and TO have the lions share for the Broncos and Seahawks would be spread out.

The D
Defense wins championships. Its an offensive league but the defense has to make plays in the finals. From the season's outset, the Seahawks were thought to have a weaker defense based on them being vertically challenged. They have proven a lot of critics wrong with some great defense at times. The Broncos have a great, experienced defense that know Noah well. Drew, Andrew, and Tim have been in his huddle and Mike and TO have played him enough to know what to expect. Knowing whats coming and stopping it are two different things, but I do give the edge to the Broncos.

I expect this game to be close, I expect there to be plenty of scoring, and I expect Colin and his family to win another one.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2015
Views Views: 3166
Following the Championship game everyone is invited back to the Royal Oak pub in Whitby (on the corner of Victoria and Gordon street).


The league will be providing food so please come back and enjoy some food and camaraderie.

Thanks everyone for making it another great season in the WMFL.

Posted By Posted By: The calm before the storm
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2015
Views Views: 3110
for some reason, the board is always quiet the week leading up to the championship. wonder why

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2015
Views Views: 3085
Anyone else notice that the 2 teams with the most "family blocks" ended up in the final. This unfair loop-hole is clearly an attempt to bypass the rules and manipulate the system…

Or, maybe this is the stuff the league was founded on. Good for you Haddens and Clarkins. There is no trash talk because no-one really cares who wins. Both are great teams with a great bunch of guys. Good luck in the finals!

Posted By Posted By: Agree with Observer
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2015
Views Views: 3079
#TooManyClarkins vs #TooManyHaddens

Posted By Posted By: John Madden
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2015
Views Views: 3074
Nice rematch of Superbowl 48.

That Superbowl included the highly touted Broncos, who cruised through the regular season thanks to the arm of their highly-effective QB - a player who had been dominant for many years over and seemed destined for another victory. The Broncos of course faced the upstart Seahawks, who too were lauded for their excellent play during the regular season, carried by a number of fresh names that were coming into their own and growing stronger as the season went on.

Sound familar?

Good luck to both teams Saturday! Let's hope this game is a bit more competitive!

Posted By Posted By: Rafuse
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2015
Views Views: 3020
Hey anybody know what the forecast is going to be Saturday?

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2015
Views Views: 3013
Hey Mike,

You probably are aware, but my namesake saved the world with that whole ark thing many thousand years ago. Because of that, the Big Guy owes me a favor or two. I initially asked for world peace and ending hunger, but apparently those are reserved for beauty pageants. Apparently a dry championship Saturday he has no problem with, so I went with that...


Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2015
Views Views: 3002
Couple of clarifications..

1.) When I said "dry", I certainly meant weather, not after party, or to my Hadden friends, by all means before... I definitely encourage some BEvERage consumption Saturday.

2.) Please take some time to remember our friends and family that served to make this country so great so that we can enjoy our Saturday mornings in the greatest country in the world. Lest we forget.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas Odds
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2922
Saints (Miller) vs Dolphins (Chambers) -> Dolphins(-4.5)
Chiefs (Nick) vs Raiders (Jelani) -> Raiders (-3)
Jets (Spackman) vs Lions (Todd) -> Jets (-8.5)
Broncos (Colin) vs Seahawks (Noah) -> Broncos (-1)

Posted By Posted By: Bold Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2893
Saints over Dolphins

Raiders over Chiefs

Lions over Jets

Seahawks over Broncos

Posted By Posted By: give us some meat
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2887
@vegas and @bold

lets give us some reasons for your picks. seems like the championship game is looking like a pickem.. equal money coming in on both teams.. looks like weather won't be a factor.. any key players hurt or absent?

Posted By Posted By: champ break down coming tonight
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2873
Stay tuned

Posted By Posted By: Champ Break down
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2015
Views Views: 2842
Here is the breakdown on the championship game

Noah vs Colin
Both are great qbs no one questions this . They both have had championship and are the most experienced in this league. Some will say Colin because of his brothers connection. But Noah has had great connection with Akeem ,Fabrice and one of those Clarkin boys not sure what one as they all look alike . For this I give the QB to Noah but only a tiny fraction.

Now let's break it down to offence and the WR first

Seahawks Big /little O

Akeem played professional football as a WR. This is a huge advantage no one in the WMFL can cover a professional player. While Hadden Jr and or TO could try it just won't happen. If they double cover him with Mike and TO then I say yes to stopping him on a few drives but that will leave #toomanyclarkin open.

Fabrice. Great hands and great speed
This guy is the real deal maybe overlooked by his block. He has made some amazing catches and fantastic defence stops game changer for sure

Kyle Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is the smaller one. Great hands that one handed catch was amazing, great speed, great deakes.

Nick Didn't see much of this WR but what I did see was same as his smaller brother. Not sure if he will be playing due to injury. If he is not injured this could be the game changer as he is fast and has some incredible moves when he has the ball.

Tyler not sure if he plays WR

Steve again not sure as a WR

Glen has good hands and can get open.

Bryan not sure if he even plays?

Mark has good hands and good speed! great pick Noah.

Alex not sure if he plays WR

Aaron big guy up the middle always open good hands

Broncos WR

Mike no question one of the best WR in the league great speed great hands feet etc . You name it Mike can do it! Connects great with his brother

TO another great WR great hands speed and routes lots of experience. The Seahawks will have a tough time defensibly against TO and Mike.

Dylan not sure if he is a WR

Liam great speed good hands young and getting better every year look for this WR to gain more than a few yards

Drew good speed, knowledge of the game hands are OK. Might not see too much on O as he seems to be more of a defence player

Andrew good speed good hands this guy gets better by the day look out for him in this game both O and D.

Rich Colin’s go to man when need of a catch. Great hands and he uses his size as a huge advantage.

Tim Great experience Tim has been here several times mostly as a QB but this time as a WR you can always depend on Tim to get open and make nothing into something. look out for this fish fan.

Peter Not sure if he will be playing WR as he seems to only play D. But has good hands and a good knowledge of the game.

Cameron Colin’s Centre same as the Seahawks centre always open up the middle has good hands

Dave good knowledge of the game not sure if he will be WR

So Noah’s O should look like this

Nick/Glen/ Mark

This is any defence of Team Nightmare as Most of us had to face. The only team that could in my opinion just slow them down would be the Raiders but they are not playing (dammit ). Broncos only option on D is a Great O and they have that lets look at Colin’s potential Offence

Hadden JR

Comparing the O I can’t see Broncos outscoring the Seahawks

Lets look at the D



Solid D on Seahawks Team not sure if they can stop TO and Mike but should be able to slow them down.

Broncos D

Mike H

Not sure if TO and Mike will play both ways might have no choice to keep up with the Seahawks offence. This is a great D no question just not sure it will be enough.

Match up’s
Akeem vs Mike H Seahawks +1
Fabrice vs TO Broncos +3
Kyle vs Liam Seahawks +3
Nick vs Drew Seahawks +2
Tyler vs Andrew Broncos +1
Steven vs Rich Broncos +1
Glen vs Tim even 0
Mark vs Peter Seahawks +2
Aaron vs Cameron even 0
Alex vs Dave Seahawks +1
9 for Seahawks
5 for Broncos

Seahawks by 2 to 3 TDs

Other games
Saints over Dolphins

Raiders over Chiefs

Jets over Lions

Thank you all for a great Season and for the WMFL executive for another great year! See you all next year!

Posted By Posted By: Good Analysis
Posted On Posted On: Nov 13th, 2015
Views Views: 2776
agree with most of it, except the score. there is no way this game is a blowout. haddens and to will keep this close and if the last 2 games are any indication, mikes leg is a huge weapon. it may come down to it again.

Posted By Posted By: Ready?
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2015
Views Views: 2671
It's game time!!!

Posted By Posted By: TSN didnt cover the games...
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2015
Views Views: 2647
who won?

Posted By Posted By: A Hawk
Posted On Posted On: Nov 14th, 2015
Views Views: 2629
2015 WMFL Champs

(Drop the Mic)

Posted By Posted By: Or
Posted On Posted On: Nov 15th, 2015
Views Views: 2604
2015 WMFL Champions

Flip the bat!

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr.
Posted On Posted On: Nov 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2546
Congrats to the Seahawks, deserved champions.

Posted By Posted By: wondering
Posted On Posted On: Nov 16th, 2015
Views Views: 2540

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 17th, 2015
Views Views: 2513
I think the final was 32-16, but we scored on the last play. The Broncos got it to within 8 on a field goal and needed a stop and score to tie the game and send it to overtime.

The game was a surprising defensive battle that was within a score pretty much the whole time. Both teams played really strong defense and there were not a lot of open receivers for us QBs. It was how a final game should be.

Huge shout out to the Broncos for a great season and continuing their winning tradition. They did it with skills and class. I think we all know if we are going to win a championship anytime soon, there has to be a stop through Haddenville to get there.

Thanks again to the exec for once again making the WMFL the best choice for the Fall league in the area.

Have a great winter and looking forward to repeating next season!!

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Whitby Mens Football League