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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 17th, 2015
Views Views: 5209
Congratulations Seahawks on a great season!
What do the cards hold for next year?

Pickup every Saturday morning... check here for details.

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Nov 17th, 2015
Views Views: 5208
Pictures have been updated. If anyone has more pictures, please send them to me at drew@walkerware.ca and I'll update the website.

#thereisnocurse #seahawkscheated #ilovethewmfl

Posted By Posted By: Klassen
Posted On Posted On: Nov 20th, 2015
Views Views: 5169
Well the WMFL season is now over but that doesn't mean we have to stop playing ball.

If anyone is interested in coming out Saturdays for pickup send an email to whitbyfootball@gmail.com and I will add you to my distribution list. I typically send out an email mid-week to gauge interest and send another on Friday to confirm numbers.

For the next couple of weeks we will keep playing at the Henry fields as I have permits until November 28th. After that we will move to Annes Street park (directly across the street from the Henry fields).

Hope you can make it out.

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Nov 21st, 2015
Views Views: 5134
Pictures have been updated again.

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Whitby Mens Football League