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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2018
Views Views: 2837
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Dave z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2018
Views Views: 2804
Those of you who joined the fantasy football league. Please bring your 20 dollars (as agreed upon at the draft) next week or email money transfer to me asap. Dave_zmozynski@hotmail.com

New payout
150 to winner
30 to first seed
20 to runner up

Thanks luc. A lanister always pays his debts

Posted By Posted By: Dyl
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2018
Views Views: 2782
Z, I'll pay if you don't show up next week.

Posted By Posted By: Luc
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2018
Views Views: 2773
Super excited to see the drone footage, thanks again to whoever filmed! And yeah Jelani and Dave just take the next week off please and thanks ;)

Posted By Posted By: Dave Z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2018
Views Views: 2752
Wouldn't miss it for the world. This is akin to a Seinfeld reunion. The finalist team Yellow a few years ago. Jelani is Larry David, Dyl is Jerome, I am Costanza, Luc is the K man. Mark or Alex can duke it out to be Elaine or Newman.

Posted By Posted By: Royal Blue Q
Posted On Posted On: Sep 9th, 2018
Views Views: 2713
Don't worry Dyl, I'll be there and well rested. Wouldn't want to disappoint you. Looking forward to the matchup.

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Sep 10th, 2018
Views Views: 2625
Ahhhhhhhhh This is the Herd!

Wherever you may be and however you may be listening, we are live in Los Angeles, I-Heart-radio, fox sports radio, and on FS1. The Herd is sponsored by Tommy John!
Joy Taylor is joining me on a Monday.

We got a lot in store today so Let’s start with this:

A segment we like to call “Where Colin was Right, Where Colin was Wrong”

Carolina Blue vs Black

Good thing for the spread being 8.5, I got this one correct. Noah’s team looked strong again but one can only wonder if this team has lost it luster without Frank. CB showed improvement but fell off a bit. I have a feeling CB will gel eventually and make the plays late that are needed.

White vs Red

Called this game correctly as well. Spack’s got his team rolling and scoring a ton, albeit against half of a red squad. Even the great Glenn couldn’t boost team red. One may start to think team White is a top 2 team and a title contender.

What the heck happened in the late games? No scoring, did anyone show up? I only caught the first part of the late games but my fellow broadcaster Doug Gottlieb gave me the down low.

Coal vs Orange

Ugly game I got this one wrong. Both teams had decent attendance with their top players active. Timothy proved he can throw the rock deep and has proved me wrong. Tim also squaked out a win. Mikey needs to right the ship fast as he can’t afford losses to bottom tier teams as he will be in danger of missing the 8 team playoff. Giorgio showing he still needs Franky to win.

Royal Blue vs Silver

Ugly game with several 3 and outs I hear and ints. I picked this game incorrectly. Kyle showed his strong arm and Nick proved he is elite. This game really shows how valuable Jelani is to RB, even with the win, it was an ugly one. This should end the Z and Jelani debate as Jelani is clearly the more valuable player by a country mile. Joseph James is undefeated as QB? How many games has he played?

2 and 2 on the week. 5 and 3 on the season against the spread.

Let’s switch gears to this:

This weeks game picks. Attendance should not be an issue.

Red vs Orange (Red -11.5)

Jersey issues in this games as the teams will look similar. Red’s crew is coming off of a Tfont tourney so they will not be rusty. Orange needs to hike their socks up as they are in tough here. QB advantage to Matt on O, and tie on D. Matt reminds me of Russel Wilson, crazy elusive. Very interested to watch the Frank and Giorgio matchup. Both speedsters. Franky with the aggression advantage, G with the moves like jagger advantage. Franky is better on D, Gigogio on O. Even. Mario and Neeraj are similar players and both awesome dudes, even here. Bryce is coming out of no where and becoming a top talent and I will give him the edge over the young buck Will. Don’t ask Will’s age, he is too young to play in this league. Adrian has the advantage over Dustin, I still need to see more from Dustin. Connor McDavid and Mike pale in comparison to Jomo and Danny Boy. The bottom parts of the teams are fairly even with a slight edge to Orange. All of that being said, I feel like Frank will be a force here as no one on orange can cover him and Franky can shut down Giorgio. Matt is also going to find a way to get the most out of this roster. Orange will have trouble scoring against a stout Red D, regardless of what you saw out of Red last week. Red will score, but this game will be closer than one may think. Give me orange with the points. Red still wins the game though.
Red wins 34-28.

Silver vs Coal (Pick’em)

Perhaps some jersey issues in this game as well. This game has the makings of an ugly one as both QBs try to find their footing in the early goings in this season and this is a winnable game for both. The QB matchup is an advantage to Clarkin because of his ability to play D. Tim has the accuracy and play calling though. I have been impressed with Tim’s top two with Joe and Tyler both are solid two way players. Neither of them can match up with Nick, however, they can mitigate his ability with a double team and use the wild child Higney to ruffle King’s feathers. Jake and Ben will have their hands full with Matt and Jordan. Word on the street is Jordan looked strong in his debut vs Royal Blue last week. Noah has the advantage over Dan fowler, I require more scouting to fully evaluate Dan though. A healthy Staff and Glenn have the advantage over Danny and Da silva. Machado and Pete are nice late picks but Bryan Clarkin will play with a chip on his shoulder against his brethren. I like Silver’s offensive ability despite their inability to score last week. Nick is nearly uncoverable and Jordan will get his legs back. I am unsure they will be able to stop Tim and top 4 picks though. Both teams score a boat load (for their standards) and both teams struggle on D. I could be wrong here with two struggling QBs but they need to break out. Give me Silver by a clutch late special teams play.
Silver wins 28-24

Royal Blue vs Carolina Blue (RB -12.5)

Another Jersey Issue game?? Common Exec, use the power of skittles and taste the rainbow. These players are familiar with one an other as most of the core played together a few years back. Jelani is as valuable as any in the league. Dylan is slowly coming into his own. Jelani has accuracy and decision making advantage. Dylan with arm stretgh for the deep ball and firing it into tight windows. Both are strong on D. Advantage Jelani for now, Dylan will be up there soon though. Luc is better than Z on D, Z is better on O. Slight Advantage Z. Joe vs TJ is interesting as both seem to have lost a step speed wise, but TJ has elite hands and shiftiness, Joe has more hussle on D. Advantage TJ. Taylor and Geoff have the experience over Mark and newby Remy with a great name. Jay and House are both similar players with very different stature. Tie. Synder and Rodney are similar as well and are best buds, tie. Both have aging bottom draft picks, Edwards and Brett still have their legs unlike JJ Gun and Migeul. Advantage RB. RB should be able to score as Jelani exploits matchups with the focus on Z leaves others open. CB has proven they can play D but can they play a full game? CB relies on the big play on O and they may not find many this game as RB plays the deep ball and is build for D. Both have athletic rosters, I like RB and their experience more. RB covers the spread.
RB wins 38-24

White vs Black (White -4.5)

Game of the week for sure and the one without jersey confusion. Both QB’s are at the top of the sport with tons of experience combined. Spack can play D but likely will choose not to. Even QB’s. Jordan is looking like the steal of the draft at the end of the first as he is a force on O and D while TO has lost a step in speed he still is a tough cover. Advantage young buck JT. Tim and Mega tron. Interesting matchup here, Megatron is as sure handed as they come where as Tim is a work horse, tie. Alex seems to play mostly D whereas Nigel plays both, advantage Nigel. Cody and Russ is a mismatch. Russ is looking like he is 25 again. Robert Wilson also takes the advantage for team white over Ben. I need to see more from Ben and Cody. The bottom halves of the teams are fairly even with standouts like Drew and Wade and Warbird and Jay and Chambers. This game comes down to the play of the top dogs where white has the advantage and which QB’s can find the mismatches in the middle to late rounds. I think Spack will be able to do this more as he does not key on his top guys as much as Noah. Team white wins big.
White wins 44-30

Best for last:
Herd Hierarchy after the 2nd week of play. No real change in the standings.
1 Blue
2 White
3 Black
4 Red
5 Silver
6 Carolina Blue
7 Coal
8 Orange

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bet the farm on these picks and parlay them for a larger win.

Until next week,

This is the Herd. Remember to subscribe to my podcast on I tunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Or check out the youtube channel here.

Posted By Posted By: Fan of the game
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2018
Views Views: 2518
Quiet board this week. Where are all the usual trash talkers? Were they all away at tournaments?

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2018
Views Views: 2508
Yes, sorry. I was at the tournament and won the tournament. It was the greatest tournament win of all time.
I’ll need to refresh myself on who the people are on the royal blue team; on first glance I see nothing remarkable or interesting and as such even my trash talk, the most amazing trash talk the league has ever seen, may not be possible.

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2018
Views Views: 2493
Congrats Snyder on being the first player from Detroit Lion Blue to come out of your defeat coma following an abysmal Monday Night loss to the Jets. Anyone take the over on that game? I know Sam Darnold did. All by himself!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 11th, 2018
Views Views: 2491
@Kitch - NYJ are the second best professional football team of all time, behind only the incredible New Jersey Generals. Carolina blue cares nothing for Detroit. Also disgusted by fake posts and fake stats on WMFL site. Carolina Blue is the greatest WMFL team of all time, and scored more points than have ever been scored before. Fake stats show 2 loses when Carolina blue has three wins!
Carolina blue is more ready to face royal blue than any team has ever been to face any other team in the history of sports.

Posted By Posted By: Jimmy Kimmel
Posted On Posted On: Sep 12th, 2018
Views Views: 2445
It's national joke day... So why did Snyder write on the message board?

First of all, he never wrote on the message board. That's FAKE NEWS. Second of all, the people who are accusing him of writing on the message board, they're the ones who wrote on the message board. Third, Craig Klassen crossed a bunch of roads, and the WMFL Players Association never asked about that!

Would you like me to keep going?

Posted By Posted By: Frank Jr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2387

Posted By Posted By: Raf Jr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2359
Excellent job on the drone footage!

Posted By Posted By: YouTube
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2350
Highlights from the week 2 games have been posted to the WMFL YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe and click the post notifications bell so you are notified when new video content is posted.

Be sure to give us a like as well!

Posted By Posted By: Dyl
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2340
Film study time

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2300
@youtube - greatest camera work in 100 years. Tremendous contribution by WMFL to enhancing intelligence world-wide.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2297
@royal blue- believe me, Carolina blue will be scoring a lot of points on you. You have zero natural talent. Carolina blue are ballers who have scored a lot of points and who will be winning this game this week. You’ll see.

Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Sep 13th, 2018
Views Views: 2283
2 out of 4 not bad considering no attendance and I heard that it was so close and One Play could of made the difference. call last week a wash! This week theme is 'Battle of the Colors'!

Now that all the QBs Has Videos to watch let's see how things matchup this week!!

Matt (Red) vs Hadden Jr (Orange)

Orange just can't find the W in some very close games that came down to ONE PLAY . Reds half of the team didn't show last week including the QB? I'm assuming that both teams show and I see Orange keeping another game close but Red will prevail in the end .

Red by one play!!

Kyle (Silver) vs Tim (Coal Grey)

Battle of the greys! Battle of the new QBs! battle of the 1 and 1! battle of the short QBs! Kyle seems to struggle in the red zone and can't close the win last week! Do they know there if FG in this league?

Grey by ONE PLAY!

Jelani (Royal Blue) vs Dylan (Carolina Blue)

Battle of the Blues!
Dylan overcoming a tough loss again as he chokes on a big lead! Dyl need to settle in as the QB and find his pace as I think their D is very good!
Jelani MIA last week but pulls off a Win ! I see this team controlling this game all the way through to the end!

Blue by ONE PLAY!

Spackman (White) vs Noah (Black)

The game of no colors
Spack Killing it last week as Team Red D was no match for team White strong O. However White D is a little week and Noah will battle his O all the way down the field. This will be a High scoring game as both QBs can find the end zone. I wish this would be as clear as night and day but this is a tough one!

White by ONE PLAY!

Be safe out there and remember it all comes down to ONE PLAY!!!!

Posted By Posted By: Totally anonymous guy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2248
I've never posted here before but I'd like to say that Tank is a very handsome man and an incredibly gifted athlete. Giorgio on the other hand is a very ugly Justin Viber look alike and his football skills are atrocious.

Posted By Posted By: The same totally anonymous guy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2247
Bieber*... I meant to say Bieber

Posted By Posted By: Totally Anonymous Guy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2221
Super stoked that our league has drone footage now, it is going to be really fun to sit back and watch Carolina Blue rack up more L's in high definition!

Posted By Posted By: Taylor Eskins
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2209
Hey TJ,

I’d like to help you out this weekend in our matchup. Since Carolina blue will obviously be losing on the field pretty badly, I want to make sure you can achieve some moral victory by donating some money to the Denise House.
It’s not going to come easy though as I will be donating money fantasy football style. You vs Royal Blue’s suffocating D.

Here is my proposition:
$5 per reception
$10 total per TD
$7 per INT
$5 per sack
$7 per FG

Now for the bonus offer, if you return a kickoff for a TD an INT for a TD, record a sack on the great Jelani and kick a field goal my dad Rodney Eskins will be throwing in an extra $50.

If anyone would like to piggy back on these props I would encourage to do so, it’s all for a great cause!

Good luck out there TJ and Carolina Blue and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2204
@taylor - Now we're talking. But I already made a donation for the TD he scored in his dreams.

Posted By Posted By: Raf Jr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 14th, 2018
Views Views: 2180
Putting my money where my mouth is. I did not donate any money yet to this foundation so I will be donating $5 for every drop TJ has during the Caroline Blue vs Royal Blue game...

Posted By Posted By: Luc Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2018
Views Views: 2113
I’ll donate a dollar for every point Detroit Blue scores today

Posted By Posted By: Dennis House
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2018
Views Views: 2111
Who is keeping TJ's stats today?

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2018
Views Views: 2090
Whoever it was, I hope they brought a pencil sharpener, because the Denise House was out here getting PAID!!

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2018
Views Views: 2054
Only smack talk by TJ all week is on the stats board. Well played sir. See you in playoffs.

Posted By Posted By: luc
Posted On Posted On: Sep 15th, 2018
Views Views: 2046
great game other blue, I always enjoy playing against Dave n J, you guys are absolute gems. Since we got 36 points me n rem will each donate $20 and round up to $40 can you repost the donation link TJ, go lions go!

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