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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 23rd, 2018
Views Views: 7739
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Sep 24th, 2018
Views Views: 7730
Ahhhhhhhhh This is the Herd!

Wherever you may be and however you may be listening, we are live in Los Angeles, I-Heart-radio, fox sports radio, and on FS1. The Herd is sponsored by Zip Recruiter!

Joy Taylor is joining me on a Monday.

We got a lot in store today so Let’s start with this:

A segment we like to call “Where Colin was Right, Where Colin was Wrong”

RB vs Coal
Got this game correct with the spread. RB coasted in this one and got their offense back on track after a few weeks struggling. Their D finally stepped up as well. Tim and company are in for a long season if they don’t turn it around before the playoffs.

White vs CB
Got this game right. White rolled in this highly touted game. CB is a strong team but aren’t ready to compete with white. Playoffs is a long way away for teams to gel and or fall apart. White is looking nearly unstoppable on O. A big matchup this week with white and the defending champs.

Red vs Silver
Got this game correct as well, the spread was only 3, but it would have been still good at 39. Red looked dominant and are coming together and showing there are a title contender. Frank and Matt are scary on O and D. Silver has time to right the ship before playoffs as they have a strong roster and with experience the QB play should improve.

Orange and Black,
Way wrong in this game. My faith in team black may be unwarranted. Black has not looked good this year at all. Orange showed they can win important games and are no longer the leagues punching bag. Look for these teams to matchup again in the playoffs, orange is getting stronger and Black is reeling right now.

3 and 1 on the week. 10 and 6 on the season. 62.5% correct on the season with the spread and that’s good enough to be a professional gambler as 58% is the norm.

Lets switch gears to this, this weeks BLAZING FOUR!

Silver vs Black (Black-7.5)

Both teams looked awful last week. Vegas may be wrong on the spread here, it shouldn’t be that high I don think. Black hasn’t earned that yet, or perhaps vegas doesn’t respect silver? Kyle is still honing his skills and will be outplayed by noah on O but Kyle brings serious value to D. Advantage Black. Nick vs TO, Nicky has the advantage on both sides of the ball. Megatron vs King, similar play style but speed edge to Megatron and hands, advantage Black. Brooks and Jordan are proving to be steals in this years draft and will outplay Nigel and Cody. Ben walker will have his hands full with Noah who leads his team in scoring. Silver has a stronger bottom half of the roster despite the great Drew Walker for team black. Still need to see more from Marc Roberts and Aidan Walker and Peter Crocker. With that being said, Black should be able to score on this team but silver match up well on offense as well with all their speed. Perhaps a higher scoring matchup here with Black allowing the most points this seaon. Black wins but doesn’t cover the spread, picking the upset as most experts believe in team Black.
34-28 for Black but Picking Silver with the spread

RB vs White (White -4.5)

A potential finals rematch from 2 years back? White has looked dominant and RB has shown flashes of greatness as well. Spack and Jelani are two of the league’s best QB’s, Spack is playing out of his mind on O thus far this year though, but Jelani adds huge value on D. I am interested to see how Jordan matches up with Z. Both are strong players. Experience advantage to Z. Tim is turning back the clock this year and has the edge over Joey. Alex and Taylor are similar players, defensive specialists, advantage to taylor on this one. Geoff and Russ are even on D but Russ is showing he is still an elite scorer. Wilson has the edge over Jay. I need to see more out of Anthony and Harrison and Wade for white, but Jay and warbird are great steals late by spack. Brett Rob Stevens and Rodney have proven to be valuable late picks. Both teams have deep rosters and loaded with experience and talent. This will be a back and forth matchup. I struggle to see RB stop White, where as White may not have to stop RB as RB tends to make their own mistakes on O at times. One or two possessions without a score could be the difference in this high scoring affair. White wins and solidifies themselves as top dogs.
White wins and covers the spread 40-32

Red vs Coal (Red-12.5)

Two teams heading in opposite directions. Red looking strong and Coal is struggling. Matt doesn’t look like a rookie and Tim is still finding his way. Advantage to Matt on O and excellent D. Franky and Mario vs Tyler and Joe will be an interesting matchup as Tyler and Joe are proving to be top end players that will likely have to be split up in next years draft. Franky is the top dog here but Mario will have his work cut out for him with either Tyler or Joe. Advantage Coal. I like Jake and Ben over Bryce and Dustin. I still need to see more from Connor and Dan so I will call this matchup even for now. Higney and Matt Raf will be a nice matchup to watch, calm cool and collected vs dysfunctional. Cain and Da silva is even. Bottom halves of the rosters are similar with sure handed players that get open despite any speed with Folco Billy Liu and Jules Aaron and Clarkin. The rosters are nearly even matchup, even the top half. Red plays solid D and Coal is still struggling with their D. I like Matt a lot at QB and i can see him picking apart Coal’s D. Red will score a lot, Coal will struggle to score against Red’s defensive specialists in Mario Frank and Matt.
Red rolls for a second week in a row and covers the spread 40-18

Orange vs CB (CB -3)

Two solid teams still finding their identity. Mikey H is starting to come around and Dylan is proving he is a great talent despite the teams record. I give the edge to Dyl at QB and even on D as both are strong defenders. Mikey will find his way at QB come playoff time with great pedigree. Giogio and Luc will be fun to watch as Luc specializes in D and Giorgio on O. Speed kills though, slight advantage G money. Neeraj and TJ is a great matchup, TJ is still an elite talent and has the edge here. Mark and Will matchup should be a good one as Will is great on D with elite speed and Mark runs solid patterns if he can stay on his feet. Adrian and remy is an even matchup, the rookie remy is proving he belongs, Adrians atheltitism is top notch but he is still working on applying that to football. I need to see more from Daniel but Alex is as solid as they come and a steal in the middle round, advantage House. Jomo and Craig vs Snyder and JJ is the matchup of the day to watch, these young bucks are worth the price of admission and the drone should focus solely on these 4 studs. Duffy is a steal late in the round and has the edge over Fountian Man. Nick and Sterling vs peter and Migs is one to watch as well. As you can see the rosters are very similar. I like Dylan at QB more and QB is everything. CB should score as they do every week, but I worry about their D as it has looked mighty porous at times and were weak against White last week. Give me Dylan and his merry band of misfits to cover the spread with a statement win.
CB wins 32-24

Now time for Best for Last and the Herd Hierarchy and several teams rising and falling from last week.

1) White (Top dogs until proven otherwise
2) RB (got back on track but have a tough matchup this week)
3) Red (Huge jump this week moving up fro 6th and should roll again this week)
4) CB (Tough loss to a great team only moves them down one spot)
5) Orange (Big win over Black moves them up from 7th)
6) Black (This team needs to find its way, or perhaps they are saving themselves for playoffs?)
7) Silver (Tough loss last week, too much talent on this squad to be in the cellar of the league)
8) Coal (Same as above, loaded with athletes and shouldn’t be down here but someone has to be last right?)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bet the farm on these picks and parlay them for a larger win.

Until next week,

This is the Herd. Remember to subscribe to my podcast on I tunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Or check out the youtube channel here.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Exec
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2018
Views Views: 7652
As is the tradition in the WMFL, we will be holding the annual mid-season skills competition this coming Saturday, September 29th where we will determine who is the:

- best punter
- best field goal kicker
- most accurate QB
- fastest man

The competition is open to everyone and will be held between the first and second game. To accommodate, the second game won't start until 11:15. There will be prizes awarded (as well as bragging rights) to the winners of each competition.

We will also be having a BBQ on the hill which has been generously sponsored by Century 21, Will Jeyaveeran and Central Ontario Protection Services, Glenn and Bryan Clarkin. Thanks for your sponsorship!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2018
Views Views: 7587
Looking forward to the skills competition fellas? Who’s going to step up and take the prizes?!
Thanks to clarkin’s and will for sponsoring the event!
We’ll try to catch some good drone shots of the event - especially the races; don’t forget to check out the videos so far on you tube (link on main WMFL page).

Posted By Posted By: Facebook Guru
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2018
Views Views: 7570
Snyder - good call. Love watching the Week 2 highlights over and over again.

Posted By Posted By: Boring
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2018
Views Views: 7547
Where is all the trash talk this season? I guess only white can trash talk seeing as they are going to have a 7-0 record this season and they don't need to post since they are letting their skills do the talking.

Posted By Posted By: Nick
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2018
Views Views: 7506
I think that we need something for the guys over 55. We can't compete in any thing besides maybe a wheelchair race.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2018
Views Views: 7529
@facebook - can’t you see all the other movies on you tube?

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2018
Views Views: 4233
Fastest Man in Whitby coming in hot. Expect another breeze fest as I blow the doors off of the competition yet again. Giorgiwho? Nick who? Z who? Jake who? Luc who? Etc. Etc. Chalk up another W as I make the competition cry.

Posted By Posted By: Line judge
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2018
Views Views: 3725
Correct. Smart money is on Tank. He spent his entire winter training in Calgary.

Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2018
Views Views: 3706
Well another week gone by and I guess CB is not what they appear to be But White differently is. RB Getting back on track grey being grey Red showing what they can do, Silver Hot then cold then hot then cold Black losing again and Orange Winning close games and proving my name!!

Let's get to this week!!!

Kyle (Silver) vs Noah (Black)

Well if you count on the Schedule its silver team to win as they seem to be winning every other games. Black Seems to be on a losing streak. Going to have to go with Silver for 'obvious reasons'.

Silver by ONE PLAY!

Jelani (Royal Blue) vs Spackman (White)

These two teams will be fun to watch as they battle with their strong O. I Think Spack can count on one hand how many times he has not scored on a drive so far this year! RB on the other hand has made a few more mistakes going with the stats and say White wins

White by more than ONE PLAY!

Matt (Red) vs Tim (Coal Grey)

Red turning it on last week! Grey? well Grey being grey!!

Red by more than ONE PLAY.

Hadden Jr (Orange) vs Dylan (Carolina Blue)

My Game of the week!!

I will be watching this game closely as these two teams battle it out Mike finding wins by only ONE PLAYs and CB being inconsistent however I did say learn from playing white and I say that CB will and take this game by more than ONE PLAY!!

CB by more than ONE PLAY!

Play safe out there boys and have fun! enjoy the Mid season events I will be cheering you all on !! and Remember it all comes down to ONE PLAY!!!!

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 3680
If I had a dollar for every pixle in that picture, I'd have $4.

Posted By Posted By: Predictions
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 2218
Punter - Frank
FG - Frank
Pass Accuracy - Frank's left hand
Fastest Man - Frank by the hair
Most Burgers consumed - Snyder
Most sausage consumed - Snyder
Most Beer consumed - Frank
Angriest at something - Frank (wanted more competitions)

Posted By Posted By: Dave z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1696
I like the most beer and burger consumed contests. Can i sign up? Been practicing by drinking out of the championship trophy unlike franky.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1689
Thank you Predictions for the vote of confidence this weekend. While I would like to take early credit for winning most of the events, I'll have to give an early dismissal to most beer consumed as I almost guarantee that Mike Hadden will have me defeated before the midseason events begin.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1688
As for you Z, be thankful we don't play each other this week. When we played last year during midseason week, Carbon gave green a good ole beat down. Unfortunately, Coal will be feeling the wrath of Red after I claim a second consecutive Fastest Man title.

Posted By Posted By: More predictions
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1685
Snyder loves sausage

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1673
Haha - the bigger the better, son.

Posted By Posted By: Royal Blue Q
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1672
@Frank, What happened the second time Green played Carbon last year? My memory is a little foggy?

Posted By Posted By: Hadden Jr
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1663
I’m play the late game Frank... no beers before the game!

I’ll take your challenge next year

Posted By Posted By: Silver Surfer
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2018
Views Views: 1656
I just want to say thanks ahead of time to team Black for granting us such an easy victory tomorrow...it's nice that they only rely on a 1/3 of their roster to win....even with Noah's awesome pump fakes, we don't need much of a game plan!! Go team Silver!

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2018
Views Views: 1622
@Royal blue q

I left that part out on purpose

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2018
Views Views: 1596
Thanks glenn and Charlene n all clarkin’s for doing up the bbq. Awesome.

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