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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2018
Views Views: 5072
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Executive
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2018
Views Views: 5064
Official Final Season Standings

1 - White (6-1)
2 - Red (5-2) beat Royal Blue
3 - Royal Blue (5-2) lost to Red
4 - Silver (3-4) beat Carolina Blue
5 - Carolina Blue (3-4) lost to Silver
6 - Coal Grey (2-5) beat both Orange & Black
7 - Orange (2-5) beat Black
8 - Black (2-5) lost to Orange & Coal Grey

As per the tie breaker rules found at the bottom of our rules web page:

Tie-breakers for Final Standings will be record in games involving tied teams followed by Points Against and then Points For/Against Differential.

Posted By Posted By: Daily Double
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2018
Views Views: 5059
In honour of the playoffs, each day I’ll ask two questions. Comment on one or both - tell us what you think, and why?
Monday’s questions:
1. Which defense will perform best in the playoffs?
2. Who’s outperformed their draft round?

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Executive
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2018
Views Views: 5063
The Playoff Round Robin Schedule is posted.

Posted By Posted By: Nigel
Posted On Posted On: Oct 14th, 2018
Views Views: 5045
@ daily double

On team Black Aiden definitely out performed his draft rank. The kid is young and full of potential. He scored 36 points after going in the 8th round. Any QB would take that!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 5029
@daily double:
Good questions. Agree with Nigel btw re aiden - that young man has gotten better and better every week. Daniel ahong and remy samanski have also outperformed. All three were unknowns and new to the league - I suspect all three go much higher next year with a year under their belts. I’m going to go with A veteran who was a steal in the draft given how he performed - Jordan MacDonald in the fourth! He had been a beast the last few weeks - big plays, TDs, picks.
Defence? Carolina blue will be the toughest through the playoffs. And not just cause that’s my team - lots of althletes, and we are yelling at the right time. With the schemes we are working up right now no team is safe this playoff season!
Looking forward to this week - I see silver v CB first week! Yes! Can’t wait to redo this game; CB played poorly both sides of the ball and still kept it within 8 pts. CB wins this one by 10 points.

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs!
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 5021
This may be the most stacked playoffs ever. Spackman, Jelani, and Matt’s teams are the teams to beat but Dylan and Hadden have great squads. And the dark horse maybe Noah who is limping into playoffs. Rumour on hill is both Noah and TO are dealing with upper and lower body injuries. Drew and Andrew haven’t been there for weeks. If all comes together for team black, Noah’s experience shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4988

It's bad enough that 44 year old, 'slightly' out of shape Noah was able to catch Frank in the open field on Saturday, how bad would it have been if I had an undisclosed upper or lower body injury as well??

Nope, perfectly healthy, ready to make some noise in the playoffs!

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4977
I'm guessing the semis will be White, CB, RB, and Red.

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4973
I don't think its that Black and White.

Posted By Posted By: playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4962
it's literally that black and white. White will go 3-0 and CB 2-1 will advance out of their group. Then Royal and Red out of theirs.

Those are the top 4 teams in my opinion, and they'll make for excellent semi-finals matchups.

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4959
This has to be a CB player talking, because noone else gives that team any respect at all.

Not sure what CB has done this season but beat a few teams that were undermanned. CB will be lucky to get 1 win in pool play.

Posted By Posted By: talking
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4957
CB is talking a lot of smack for a team that lost to every team in their pool.

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4947
CB sux

Posted By Posted By: Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4933
best 3-4 team in WMFL history, don't @ me

Posted By Posted By: Dyl
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4820
Ya guys CB is so trash!

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4796
Anything to get Dylan fired up, I want the whole league to say how shit we are this week!

Posted By Posted By: Peanut gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4789
Hey TJ. Fire yourself up in your new uniform.

Posted By Posted By: Peanut Gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4787
And more...

Posted By Posted By: Peanut gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4786
We all know you like to run around in your underwear. So you don’t even need shorts!

Posted By Posted By: Peanut gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4785

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4754
CB is pretty good guys. Stop making fun of them.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4751

Posted By Posted By: Question
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4735
Tuesday’s question: who has not lived up to their draft round?

Posted By Posted By: The Hard Truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 15th, 2018
Views Views: 4705
Answer to Question Two

Joe James - Decent player, can make plays but when your a second round pick you gotta catch the ball consistently and play lockdown defence if your not ballin out on offence. Also has great hair, and a excellent mustache.

Andrew Murgatroyd - I hope I spelt his last name right. I’ve seen this guy play amazing games, I think he is one of the best defenders in the league but I have not seen much of that this year, and not much offence at all from him. Maybe he is saving it for the playoffs? Playoffs!?!?!

Frank Katradis - Just kidding, this guy has played like the best player in the league all year but remember the “Hill” is unforgiving so don’t slow down for the playoffs!

Rest of the slackers

Drew Walker - weren’t you a 9th round pick? C’mon man!

Noah - Not a draft pick but he did really bad this year. Maybe the league’s quarterbacks just got that much better and there just isn’t those easy wins anymore.

That’s all!

Posted By Posted By: Team Black
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4690
That is a lot of hard truths to take at one time.

Is there anything redeeming about team black?

Don't crumple in the playoffs based on those hard truths.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4689
Question 2 answer:
- I am going to have to go with a whole team. Silver. Nice enough fellas, but really more of an e-sport team given their collective athleticism.
- also Drew Walker; League may have to bring hat picks back to get this bum drafted next year!!

Posted By Posted By: Wisers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4664

Posted By Posted By: Erin Andrews
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4617
The above meme cannot be taken as accurate. I tried to interview Tank last November after the near miss in the finals, but all I was able to get was this brief photo as he dove into his car.

Posted By Posted By: Erin Andrews
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4616

Posted By Posted By: Wisemen
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4610
As Frank went To get into his car after the 35-14 comeback loss

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4569
I love you Wisers

Erin Andrews, please tell me that the image above was drawn using MS Paint. Because it's fantastic. I'll never give you an interview until I'm hoisting that trophy at the end of the year.

Posted By Posted By: Erin Andrews
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4549

The image you regard so highly was actually created using a water-colour pallet by a kindergarten art class. But instead of water, the junior artists pooled their own tears for an added artistic element. Sotheby’s has made inquiries, but the WMFL declined. Instead, they’re going to auction it in house in order to pay for a drone that can carry a third ref. Big things planned for the 50th anniversary season!

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4521
Ahhhhhhhhh This is the Herd!

Wherever you may be and however you may be listening, we are live in Los Angeles, I-Heart-radio, fox sports radio, and on FS1. The Herd is sponsored by Zip Recruiter!
Joy Taylor is joining me on a Tuesday.

Quick recap of last week, but we focus now on the playoffs!

We got a lot in store today so Let’s start with this:

A segment we like to call “Where Colin was Right, Where Colin was Wrong”
Apologies for the quick post. Studying for playoffs like Herm Edwards.

RB vs Orange
Close game from what I hear, RB seems vulnerable. Orange can shock some teams come playoff time with Dan Gigogio and Neeraj. RB is coasting and needs to step it up now. Got this game wrong by trusting orange.

Coal vs CB
Oops, got this game badly right. Silly me to trust coal. CB looked good just in time for the playoffs or was this just a weak opponent. Interesting to see how CB turns it on, last year Dylan was able to turn it on come playoff time and shock some teams. Or maybe coal does that this year as teams take them lightly.

Silver vs white
White rolled as per the spread indicated. Mismatch from the start. Silver has a lot of atheletes and needs to put it all together now that the games will mean something. White can stop focusing on stats and look for W’s now. Got this game right

Red vs Black
Ugly game for black. Red looking prime for the playoffs and are the favourtite to win their pool. Is team black going to be able to fix their problems? I am not so sure, showed very little life this season and inconsistent. Team red looks great. Got this game right.
2 and 2 on the weak. Orange and Coal let me down, but my own fault for taking lesser teams.
16 and 12 on the season. All of that doesn’t matter now. Its Playoff time!!

This weeks Blazing Four!

Black vs White

This has the makings to be a blowout which is odd because some may have picked this to be a finals preview. White won the first matchup in a route. Perhaps Noah can fire up the guns? Outgunned here, Spack with the advantage. TO can still get open and play some D, but Jordan is coming into his own and he will be the first to tell you about it. Advatnage white again. Tim turning back the clock! Has the advantage over Megatron who is having a bit of a down season a la odell beckham playing with Eli. Nigel has the edge over Lindsay but this is close. Not going to go into all of the player outlooks as we have seen every matchup before. Black’s D is struggling badly which is putting their O in a tough spot all season. Black gets bad field position and stuck on D for long stretches leaving Noah Cold on the sidlines. White picks them apart. Black will score a bit more than usual.
White rolls 44-18.

Silver vs CB

This is an interesting matchup as both teams have looked hot and cold this season but CB has shown flashes that they can beat anyone. Silver won the first matchup in a highscoring affaird which is odd since silver had some trouble scoring throughout the year. QB edge to Dyl. Top dogs is a close call with Luc and Nick but Luc has stepped up this year. Both teams have had massive steals of the draft with Remy and Jordan Macdonald. Teams still cannot stop TJ on O. I see CB full of athletes and can play D when their O is clicking and not going 3 and out. CB should be able to put it all together with a good performance if the nerves don’t get to them. Silver may play loose as their expectations are lower with a rough season. Other than the first two weeks of the season CB has been scoring at an incredible pace and will continue this Saturday. CB is stronger overall and I find it hard to pick the upset here. Nick and Jordan cant carry Silver. CB is built on spreading the ball. CB wins it in an exciting close game.
28-24 CB

RB vs Coal

Can the disappointing coal players turn it on come play off time? Does RB wake up now that its playoff time? Most may pick this game as a huge mismatch as Jelani has the QB edge but RB has trouble stopping teams on D and stopping Coal’s athletes will be tricky as RB has nearly no speed on the field and Coal is full of speed. The short check down passes for Coal should work against the slow RB team. That being said, Coal has struggled mightily on D and RB still finds a way to score with the attention on Z it allows others to get open. This game will be closer than one thinks. Experience takes RB in this close game, Coal hasn’t played in many close games.
RB 34-26

Red vs Orange

Maybe the best matchup of the week. Red has looked great all season but struggled against Orange. Matt vs Mike is a great matchup at QB and both great defenders. Frank and G are both top of the league. Both have steals in Bryce and Dan. Mario and Neeraj match up nicely. Red has looked excellent as of late and have proven they can score on anyone but their strength is their D with Mario, Matt, and Frank. Orange relies on their athletes but needs to game plan more on D. Red turns this around and scores on Orange as Frank wants vengeance on his Brethren. Red finds a way to stop neeraj and Giorgio with Mike at the helm. Great game in the first half but red pulls away in crunch time.
44-38 Red.

Standings in Pool 1
Standings in Pool 2

Semis end up being:
White vs RB and White rolls the ageing RB
Red vs CB and Red rolls CB

Finals White vs Red. White Wins in a route.

Now time for Best for Last and the Herd Hierarchy Same as last week

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bet the farm on these picks and parlay them for a larger win.

Until next week,

This is the Herd. Remember to subscribe to my podcast on I tunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Or check out the youtube channel here.

Posted By Posted By: Question
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4495
Which qb is playing the best leading into the playoffs?

Posted By Posted By: The QB Guru
Posted On Posted On: Oct 16th, 2018
Views Views: 4481
Top QB play has to be coming from Rafuse or Spackman. Raf has put up a ton of points over the last few weeks and next to no interceptions all year long. Spack is unstoppable. Even the rare occasion he throws a pick, he makes up for it by scoring on his next 5 drives.

Posted By Posted By: National inquirer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4466
A recent review of Noah's medical file revealed not only is there no undisclosed upper or lower body injury, but the physique of a 28 year old ball-slinger underneath the layer of pudgy middle aged man. Furthermore, a detailed review of game footage has demonstrated that Noah is playing at a level not seen in many years. Quite simply, this reporter has come to believe that Noah has been playing possum all season. The capstone moment which provides definitive proof:: after throwing frank an interception that against any other qb would have been a pick-6, Noah forgot his facade and made an open field tag in frank. Watch out league.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4464
Dylan is the best QB leading into the playoffs. No one better throwing while under pressure - but if you watch he tosses great out of the pocket. Accuracy and strength, and an excellent defender.
Second best QB - JJ! You know it’s true - and but for the self serving, jealous league executive banishing him for excessive dominance it would be a JJ-Dylan final.

Posted By Posted By: Today is the big day
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4445
I want whatever Snyder is smoking.

It is obvious from those comments that Snyder has been legally consuming today.

If the weed he has makes those kinds of illusions, it will do me wonders!!

Posted By Posted By: Frankie Flowers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4404
Saturday looks to be windy with a 40% chance of showers. Wind's coming out of the north east at 40Km/h with gusts reaching up to 60km/h at times. Week 1 of the playoffs is a QB nightmare.

High for Saturday is 11 degrees feeling more 8, with the cloud cover and wind chill but we wont hit these temps until early afternoon so expect a chilly morning with a chance of Noah not showing up. Chilly days lead to brick type hands so expect the unexpected this week with highlight real receivers dropping passes. Just stating the facts that we can expect a few FACKS.

Side note: Fall is the perfect time to plant grass seeds as the cool evenings combined with the rising temps during the day help the grass germinate faster. After football, spread the seeds or plant the sod or a great weekend for Snyder to start growing back the hair.

Back again later in the week for a weekend update but until then this is Frankie flowers wishing you a healthy and a happy remainder of your week!

Posted By Posted By: Peanut Gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4362
Dyl is not the best QB, terrible body language and is so slow through his reads the Samanski's have to text him to tell him they're open. Still could see CB in the final though

Posted By Posted By: Dyl
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4350
I appreciate the criticism you filthy coward.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4346
I think Dylan (above) is a great QB.

Posted By Posted By: Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4342
Goulet’s throws (when sober) are money

Posted By Posted By: Murgatroyd
Posted On Posted On: Oct 17th, 2018
Views Views: 4332
@ The Hard Truth

Thanks for the motivation and getting my name right you stat whore!!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4282
Where’s the question of the day?
Dyl and frank and murgatron and samanskis (both slower and faster) are awesome. And that money pic is great!
Know who’s not awesome? Team silver! Bums! Degenerates! Has-beens and never-will-be’s!

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4280
Oh, also I am unclear. If I eat that thing that looks like a marijuana cigarette I’ll grow hair? You guys! Always poking fun - you know the bald is what makes me so arrow-dynamic and able to move so darned fast!! I’m like the reverse Samson!!!!

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4267
Kyle The Smile and Dyl The Thrill aint overly impressed they got Spack and Noah in their pool.

Spack not going to lose a game until the final and Noah has only won a championship in almost every one of his last few seasons except Jelanis epic comeback last year. These two vets will teach these younguns a thing or two about playoffs.

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4259
Man, you guys are all sleeping on the storyline of the year. Carolina Blue, blessed with all the talent and good looks in the world, has been slow playing the league, not wanting to make a mockery of the regular season process. But that time is over. A new day is here:

It's the Dylan Revenge Tour, and Clarkin and his band of evil hobbitses is just the opening act! Luckily for them it's the side stage (early game), so there won't be a crowd yet (hill), because otherwise they would get lustily booed off stage.

Then, in a delicious bit of synchronicity, CB will get their revenge over Noah's underachieving Black squad in my absence, as that is how we gifted them our earlier season loss.

Finally, we will round out the round robin by making it appear as though we went toe to toe with White, only to fall and have the crowd believe that the Revenge Tour was a failure. But those who appreciate good literature know that revenge is a dish best served cold, and a more fitting place to get that revenge is on the big stage, in front of a full crowd, to avenge our intentional 0-2 season series loss to them. 1 and 2 will be our record, and that is how the 2018 WMFL will end, ladies and gentlemen … CB 1, White 2.

Until then, sleep well, dear readership, and say a prayer for the Clarkins tonite, for come Saturday morning, although I am sure they will put forth a valiant effort, they will … you guessed it … fall short.

Posted By Posted By: Playoffs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4257
Oh TJ, you cant even get the schedule correct, how do you expect to actually win?

You got Spack in week 2 and Noah in week 3.

Is you plan still sound?

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4227
Sure is ... I'm in Aruba for both games, so I don't particularly care about the schedule, and the order of us getting to 2-1 doesn't matter.

Posted By Posted By: Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4214
Had some free time at work this morning so I made a logo for the playoffs, CB for the win

Posted By Posted By: Dyl
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4210
That logo has some excellent body language

Posted By Posted By: Too much time
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4162

Posted By Posted By: CB
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4131
A live look at team silver

Posted By Posted By: Private Eye
Posted On Posted On: Oct 18th, 2018
Views Views: 4084
TJ is toying with us. He is not going to Aruba,
Nice try on the mind games. I guess sky blue is grasping for any advantage. I dont blame them with a Qb with such awful body language. Haha
Enjoy your trip...

Just for record that body language chirp is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. What does that even mean? I always thought the kid had a nice body...

Posted By Posted By: Private Eye 2
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2018
Views Views: 4048
Better look at Team Silver.

Don't forget about Matt B, Adam K, Pete H, and Noah H!!

Posted By Posted By: Bell Middle Earth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2018
Views Views: 3980
Our apologies. Cell reception is down in the Shire so none of team silvers responses made it through.

Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Oct 19th, 2018
Views Views: 3979
Let's talk PLAYOFFS!!

After seeing all the games and all the stats Its still anyone Championship of course you could say White This and Red that RB this and CB that Silver here and Black there . Orange has this and Grey needs that . Bla Bla Bla. Here is the truth Its all new games now anyone can win this week. Its Playoffs here we go !!

Spackman (White) vs Noah (Black)

I Like this match up I see White as fav. But this Black team has Noah you can't rule Black Out. White will play great O but there D is there weakness . Black has Stronger D than White.Tough Close games here
White by one half of ONE PLAY!

Kyle (Silver) vs Dylan (Carolina Blue)

Both team are full of great talent. CB fills the trash board While Silver stays quiet. Perhaps a repeat of the regular season game! CB seems to be pumped up for playoffs however Silver has the staff to deflate there spirits faster than you can grip a Spack ball.

Silver by ONE PLAY!

Jelani (Royal Blue) vs Tim (Coal Grey)

RB could lose this game to a side arm Tim and the top new Players! Playoffs baby Grey could take this one!!
RB looks good here and should take this one by


Matt (Red) vs Hadden Jr (Orange)

Like this match up Orange beating them on the last play of the game in the regular season.But this is Playoffs baby!! Both teams will have a huge D game. should be low scoring . Battle of the cousins.

Red by ONE PLAY!!

Play safe out there have fun and don't yell to laud at each other!!

Remember it all comes down to that ONE PLAY !!!!

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