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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2018
Views Views: 2226
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Biscuit
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2018
Views Views: 2217
I'm lookong forward to an exciting gm against Red 👊🔥

Posted By Posted By: JPRB
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2018
Views Views: 2153
Great game RB. Wish I could have been there. See you Saturday for Red

Posted By Posted By: The Scorpions
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2112
Here I am...rock you like a HURRICANE !!!

Posted By Posted By: Junkie
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2075
Guys, it’s been a tough day, I need my weekly WMFLHighlight video already!

Posted By Posted By: CB DAD
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2063

Posted By Posted By: Thoughts:
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2050
Junkie plays for RB or red. Why else do you want to see the highlights?

CB Papa - Don't know who this is. Maybe somebody on black, but they need the win to advance. So they shouldn't be talking. In fact, the board is very quiet leading into week 3. Are most of the trash talkers shaking at the knees thinking: What if I get eliminated based on point differential?

Silver leads the division, but with Spack looming, a loss by a few TDs could cause them to plummet to third. Black needs the win vs CB and will benefit from a second place finish if Spack dismantles Silver.

CB? Guess they're not talking because the prophecy of pale blue poop has proven true.

One thing is for sure: we will have a great team of officials for the finals. Snyder is on point with his calls.

Posted By Posted By: At thoughts
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2044
CB dad is most certainly silver who knows they are in trouble and about to get trounced by White. Only hope is that CB beats black this eliminating black.

Silver is trying to give CB some motivation.

White beats silver big.. 52-22.

Black beats CB 32-24

This gives white the 1 seed and black the 2.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2013
Points against is the tie breaker in the case of a 3 way tie... not differential.

Posted By Posted By: At tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2018
Views Views: 2000
Which level of tie breaker is decided by a hat throwing contest?

Posted By Posted By: Junkie
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2018
Views Views: 1962
Jus wonderin

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2018
Views Views: 1939
@at tank

I'm Greek, not Italian. It's 2018, you can't just assume my ethnicity.

Posted By Posted By: Semi Finals
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2018
Views Views: 1909
Red and Royal Blue have already claimed their pool. Red will defeat RB on Saturday giving Red the 1 seed and RB the 2 seed. Orange will defeat Coal Grey and finish third and fourth respectively.

Each team in Pool A still has a chance to make the semifinals, as well as miss the semifinals.

White will topple Silver while putting up a large number of points. Black will also defeat Carolina Blue. With points against as the tie breaker, White will finish 1st and Black will take second. Silver third and CB following behind.


1 White v 3 Royal Blue
2 Red v 8 Black

1 White v 2 Red

Posted By Posted By: Tin Can
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1861
CB will secure the number 2 seed this weekend, you heard it here first folks

Posted By Posted By: The Truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1857
at Tin Can

The best CB can hope for is to beat Black and hope Kyle beats Spack. Even in doing so they have to have the best PA out of Black, White, and CB. Currently they have 33 more points against than Spack.

So if CB shuts out Black and Silver beats White and scores 34 or more they will be in. That 34 goes up a point for every point Black scores.

Good luck CB.

Posted By Posted By: @ The Truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1851
CB has the best second round pick in the league, he is the player that is going to put them over the top. He makes plays on offence and defence, is practically unstoppable on offence from what I hear, and unfortunetly he is not playing this weekend so CB is screwed. Congratulations on going 0-3!

Posted By Posted By: Tin Can?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1847
Why is Snyder calling himself Tin Can this week?

Is it because he keeps getting dragged behind the receivers he is trying to cover?

He was certainly way behind Russ last week many many times...

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1828
LOL. I’m not Tin can but I like The cut of his jib! CBs got this and don’t you people believe the hater-hype! It’s true I chased that damn Russ all over the field - heck of a baller, and a game well played. Kudos to him and team white for a great game. Looking forward to playing black this week and shutting them down while winning by 34 or whatever the egg-head above says has to happen for the CB train to keep Rollin!

Posted By Posted By: Lloyd
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1802
I really can’t wait to play this Saturday. The poop emoji unis were so two weeks ago. Check out my new gettup for week 3:

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1788
That post had nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do with trash talking you. In fact, I googled Hat throwing and this was the first hit. An angry guy, wearing a red shirt, throwing his little red hat. True story. Had it been a Sens hat or a Habs hat then we'd be cool. But not the Niners.

And there you have it - I claimed that post, and looking forward to any routes you run my way this Saturday.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1782
Fair enough Kitch. I retract my previous statement. However, I will not be wearing a red hat this weekend as it's said to be feeling like 0 degrees.

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1763
Ahhhhhhhhh This is the Herd!

Wherever you may be and however you may be listening, we are live in Los Angeles, I-Heart-radio, fox sports radio, and on FS1. The Herd is sponsored by Steam Whistle Brewery!
Joy Taylor is joining me on a Halloween Wednesday!!!.

Playoffs!!?! Not a game, not a game, we talking about playoffs!?!?!

We got a lot in store today so Let’s start with this:

A segment we like to call “Where Colin was Right, Where Colin was Wrong” Or mostly, where colin was wrong!!

Silver vs Black
I called a close game. Didn’t think Silver could pull it off. I was wrong! Silver is using their top dogs in Nick and Jordan to their advantage and Black had no answer for Nick. Black doesn’t have the top athlete to keep up with some of the leagues elite and thus they are fighting for their playoff lives. Silver is sitting pretty as long as they can hold their own vs Spack.

RB vs Orange
I thought this would be close and Orange would start out hot. Boy it wasn’t. Still got the game correct by picking RB. Not sure what happened here. Orange has a better roster and is full of athletes. RB keeps plugging along methodically. Orange’s season was on the line and now its done. Playing for pride and love of the game now Orange. RB seems to be turning it on come playoff time. I still have my doubts they can keep up with the leagues elite teams with their roster.

Red vs Coal
Predicutable matchup, got it right. Red is looking to the Semi’s already and had coal to use as a tune up game. One can only hope the supperb athletes on Coal are still enjoying the league and will return next year. On paper this matchup looks closer as Coal has a ton of guys who can run and catch. They just need a leader to coach them up on O and D. Red looks amongst a title favorite.

White vs CB
White rolled. CB still has a shot at advancing. So does White. Spack dismantled the CB D. CB couldn’t get the ball enough to get any momentum on O. Perhaps a revenge game from last year or just a reminder to the league that white is a title contender. CB has shown flashes of greatness. They need to step up this week to have a shot at the semi’s.

This weeks Blazing Four!

Orange vs Coal
Game for pride and love of the game. Both team will play loose and tempers should be at a minimum. Coal has been everyones punching bag lately but I forsee them scoring on Orange who is struggling to stop teams on D, even with Orange being loaded athletically on D with Adrian, Dan, Will Giogio and Mike. Perhaps a statement game for Orange to wake up on D. This is coals chance to get their speedsters some touches. Orange will still stifle the Coal offence. Will orange be able to score? Neeraj has been nearly unstoppable this year, however, the rest of the team seems to struggling getting open or making plays. Coal show’s their defense so Mike should find the holes in it. I only worry about attendance for this game. Give me Orange with the proximity to halloweeeeeeeennnnnn. Orange wins 28-20.

Black VS CB
Huge game!! Both team’s playoff hopes are on the line. Black has the experience but are reeling after a rough season and a tough loss to silver so one can only wonder about their confidence. CB is playing with house money now as they shouldn’t even be in the mix after two playoff losses. CB will come out firing and I wonder how Black will be able to stop them as they are as porous as swiss cheese. CB may be missing TJ but they are loaded with players who can catch Dylans heater. Black doesn’t have a top shut down defender like many teams in the league do and will have to hope Dylan doesn’t find the miss matches. On the other side of the ball CB’s D was just exposed for a 60 burger (Sirloin) so they need to step it up. Black doesn’t have any burners to worry about but a consistent group of athletes and TO is still a nightmare to cover, especially on Halloweeeeen. Black will rely on players getting open and wont have much YAC in this game. CB needs to stay close. Close game, exciting one. I cant trust either team really after this season but my gut is telling me CB will come out guns a blazing and Black plays flat again. CB wins a close one 26-24

Silver vs White
Massive game for both teams. Silver is undefeated in the playoffs and leads the A division??? Whaaaaaaa?? Team Nick, King, Jordan, Brooks and even meaningful contributuions from staff and Pete are making this team look more scarrrrryyyy on Halloween rather than tortoise they were earlier in the season. Kyle is gaining confidence daily and he has some chemistry with nick and glenn, I think they know eachother. All that being said, they are running into a freight train in White. The train is vulnerable as we have seen, but Silver has struggled on D this year and White will expose them. Silver has the atheltes to keep up with White but Spack’s scheming will pay divends here and silver will have diffuclty adjusting. On the other side of the ball, White hasn’t been meancing on D all year, however, their O keeps the D off the field so it looks better than it is. Silver wont have much time of possession and will need to capitalize on each possession. That kind of pressure wont bode well. Silver will score, but not enough. Jordan Thompson, Wray, Alex, Russ and Robert will make plays. White wins by a landslide. 56-20

Red vs RB
Finals Preview? First time these teams played Red dismantled the aging and lackluster RB team and red was missing Matty Ice. These teams have nothing to play for except seeding. Red seems to have the advantage on both sides of the ball. Quite frankly, no pun intended, Red is the better team. I am shocked how RB is doing so well, credit to Jelani I guess. Frank will shut down Z. Mario will shut down Joe. Red has more talent beyond that, Red scores a bundle. RB doesn’t score a bundle. Hopefully attendance isn’t an issue with this game. I imagine these teams want to avoid playing spack in the semi’s, however, to be the best, you have the beat the best. This would be a much better game if it meant more. Give me Red to blow our RB 48-22. Red is the new sheriff in town!

Updated Predictions
Standings in Pool 1

Standings in Pool 2

White vs RB White wins in a finals rematch of a few years ago
Red vs Silver in shocker of a semi’s match

Finals White vs Red. White wins a close game!!

Now time for Best for Last and the Herd Hierarchy Same as last week

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Bet the farm on these picks and parlay them for a larger win.

Until next week,

This is the Herd. Remember to subscribe to my podcast on I tunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Or check out the youtube channel here.

Posted By Posted By: ONE PLAY
Posted On Posted On: Oct 31st, 2018
Views Views: 1752
Well here we are again playoffs are among us!

Red RB are in white its still anyone game on the other side Silver being in the better position as a lost could still keep them in where as all the other teams need a W to keep them in.Im sure it will all come down to ONE PLAY!!

Let's get to it !!

Tim (Coal Grey) vs Hadden Jr (Orange)

This game will be like the 'B' champ game no one is really watching.But will be entertaining!
Orange has the edge with solid D and both Qbs have struggled this year. Still should be a good close game

Orange by ONE PLAY!

game of the week Part 1!!
Dylan (Carolina Blue) vs Noah (Black)

CB looking good vs White the 1st half but fell apart the 2nd. Dyl not keeping it short and trying to force the long ball is what hurt his team if he keeps it simple he will roll over Black this week But if he is on his heels and starts to force the long ball he will be in Trouble. Black looking poor vs Silver last week Chris or Andrew not stepping up! CB should have this game as Chris looks tired out there! Young Remi should single handed this team with ease.

CB by ONE or two Plays!!

Game of the week part 2 !
Spackman (White) vs Kyle (Silver)

Spack looking great as alway on O. Silver Marching down the field and their D is looking a little better this will be closer than people may thing I would say as close as the White/Black game or maybe even closer

White by ONE half of a PLAY!

and now for the Game of the Who cares!!

Matt (Red) vs Jelani (Royal Blue)

Will they even be playing or will they be too busy watching the other game? Seeing who will they be playing and trying to stradisize their position.

If they both play normal i say red has this game east!!

Red by more than ONE PLAY!

White vs RB
Silver Vs Red

Be safe out there everyone and remember it all comes down to that ONE PLAY!!!

Posted By Posted By: Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Nov 1st, 2018
Views Views: 1676
that time of year again boyz, the lip cardigan is out in full force for a great cause, here's the link to my movember page is any of you want to donate


Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Nov 2nd, 2018
Views Views: 1610
I'm sad that we may not get to play against each other again. Good luck next weekend, maybe there's a chance!

Posted By Posted By: Standings?
Posted On Posted On: Nov 3rd, 2018
Views Views: 1543
Any reason there are 2 Spackman team in the standings?

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