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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1868
Let the trash talk begin…

Posted By Posted By: @scheduling gods
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1848
Shouldn’t the week 3 playoff games have the teams from the same pools playing at the same time????

Posted By Posted By: @@scheduling gods
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1845

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1842
In regard to scheduling, it gives whichever teams play second an advantage. If they know what happened in the prior game, then they know whatever x number of points they may need to win/lose by in order to make playoff in the case of tie breaks. That alters how they may play the game vs if they didn’t know the exact scores they need. Unfair advantage. That’s the same reason why the nfl has all divisional games in the last week of the season played at the same time on Sunday.

Posted By Posted By: Huh?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1833
Don’t teams try to score points and not give up points?

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1829
Despite your ignorant answer, what I said is still true and should be fixed.

Posted By Posted By: Can be fixed
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1821
Agree! And the reason is if three teams are in a tiebreaker at 2-1, points against is the second tiebreaker. In theory, the two teams that play the late game can slow play the game such that they don’t give up many points. Long huddles, slow drives, etc. the fix would be to have point differential as first tiebreaker.

Some would argue however that the two late games are the top two in their bracket so they earned the right to be in that spot.

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1819
They don’t earn the right to have that advantage. They already get their advantage by playing lower ranked teams. Games should be at the same time, straight up.

Posted By Posted By: Well
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1814
Didn’t hear you complaining when you were a higher seed last season.

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1810
Post your name you coward lmao

Posted By Posted By: @faster samanski
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1803
I do get where you are coming from but I also agree that their are perks to getting a higher seed that are deserved, including playing a lower ranked team (the most obvious advantage) but the warmer weather during the later game and knowing the outcome of the previous game as you mentioned. As far as I know this is how the league has done their playoffs for the last while (correct me if I’m wrong). It’s not fair to the top teams to change it now. This is something that should be agreed upon in the off-season if it were to change in my opinion.

Posted By Posted By: Fine
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1805
I’m Mark Murray.

Posted By Posted By: Or
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1775
Just change second tiebreaker to differential. And another question.. is the second tiebreaker points against in the round robin or points against just within the three teams?

Posted By Posted By: Any Given Saturday
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1699
What a difference a week makes. Kyle and Team Pink extract revenge. I'm not sure how Drew and Blue won the first game.

Posted By Posted By: Giorgio
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1656
Regarding scheduling..

I like the way they have it set, the best 2 teams from the season in their own pool should get the final time slot in week 3 because of how they finished in the standings.

At the end of the day you still need to win to move on so talking about time slots doesn't mean much at all.

If you're asking me... the bottom 4 teams should not be able to compete in playoffs for the championship.. makes the season actually important but i understand the inclusiveness and spirit of the league.

Goodluck everyone this week :)

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Oct 24th, 2021
Views Views: 1652
Higher seeds reap the rewards. We can't make the season completely meaningless. Every team makes the playoffs so you have to give an advantage to the higher seeds. This has been discussed in the past and probably won't be revisited. If you don't want to be at a slight disadvantage, win in the regular season! Simple.

Posted By Posted By: Agree
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1623
What he said!

Posted By Posted By: Frank sucks
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1598
Shut up Frank no one asked you!!

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1577
Glenn and Frank continuing their on field beef on the trash talk board!

That was like watching Dwight Howard and Anthony Davis.

Posted By Posted By: Is superman dead?
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1569
Where was mark murray???

Posted By Posted By: Truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1546
Mark spent the game enjoying a nice scotch and a Cohiba sitting in the Henry Street principals office with his feet up. He observed and controlled every aspect of the game, which is why the game was won.
Every Saturday morning at Henry Mark Murray puts on a master class in class, control, manipulation, and victory.

Posted By Posted By: Real truth
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1542
The yellow and red game was much closer than anyone thought. The fact Mark was not there explains that.

Posted By Posted By: Dufty
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1520
A few people were not there

Posted By Posted By: Yellow
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1516
I think yellow matches up well with pink. I can see this being an upset. Wouldn’t be surprised to see yellow get into semi finals.

Posted By Posted By: Gallery
Posted On Posted On: Oct 25th, 2021
Views Views: 1482
The real reason Glenn and Frank were arguing was because Frank wouldn't smell his finger. Why is he holding it up like that?

Posted By Posted By: Because
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2021
Views Views: 1444
Yellow is going to SHOCK the world and win the chip this year. Glenn is going to father his son this weekend and then trounce Royal. He willl the proceed to take out Blue in the semi finals and blow out Red in the finals.

Posted By Posted By: @because
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2021
Views Views: 1406
That’s why you don’t smell Glenn’s finger. It causes delirium.

Posted By Posted By: Glenn supporter
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2021
Views Views: 1335
@@because you are right about Glenn’s finger. Very observant. But do you know why? Glenn’s finger has been to dark places, and it’s done hard things. Repeatedly. Glenn is a man ruled by his finger, some might say enthralled, and normally it keeps itself hidden. What we see in the pic is photographic evidence of Glenn’s finger trying to get to Frank to punish him, maybe even to gain control of him in the way that only Glenn’s finger can do. Best watch your back tank, Glenn’s finger wants you.

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Oct 26th, 2021
Views Views: 1308
White played great as well. Can see them upsetting a couple of teams and getting into semis. They will score, just need to stop teams.

Posted By Posted By: Syndrome
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2021
Views Views: 1272
Don't get your hopes up Yellow, as long as Pink has their superhero ability... no team is safe

Posted By Posted By: Meme Man
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2021
Views Views: 1241

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2021
Views Views: 1233
I would be so jealous if Mark Murray had a side-rat-tail like that dude. I mean, I’m super jealous of Mark Murray anyway, because he’s Mark Murray. But this would take him next level and I’d likely vote for him to be Canada’s next prime minister or next Bachelor Canada contestant, whichever he prefers.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 27th, 2021
Views Views: 1230
Also, I’m really stoked that Black gets to beat white this weekend. Last week went exactly as we’d hoped with a close loss to Grey. It’s all about strategic positioning for the championship. Anyway, am really hoping that Super David Z is fully recovered from his injury last week, and that Alex has also recovered from his injury too. And also that Mario has recovered from his series of tremendous injuries, and that Matt is feeling better from his injury. Not sure if anyone else is injured? Does Kitch’s emotional fragility count as an injury? What about Doug’s neck issues caused by the weight of his tremendous beard? DeSousa’s kinked back from sleeping in the trunk?
Anyway, the point is that I want to see white at 100% this week; it’s just way more fun to beat them that way.

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd 2.0
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1150
Week 2 Playoff picks

Jack (Black) vs Spack (White)

Both teams coming off tough losses in week 1 of the playoffs and now their seasons are pretty much on the line. Black kept it close vs team grey but ultimately lost a very very close game. It doesn’t bode well they couldn’t finish off a close game when the pressure is on, but facing an experienced QB like Jelani will do that to you. As for White, they kept it close for a bit I hear. I did hear Z is out now though and joining their long list of injured players. This week could be interesting, Both teams are determined to win and simply cant lose anymore. Ill take spack over jack in this matchup for the advantage to team white. Black has some excellent fire power with Nick, TJ, and Adam that will give team white all sorts of fits. Mario, Geoff, and Robert Wilson will have to play out of their minds to stop these three for team black. On the other side of the ball, team black should be able to cover the team white players but I think spack can design plays to get people open still to keep this close. The difference in this game will be the depth of team black with the likes of Snyder, Noah, Staff, Criag, Wyatt and Pete they can all contribute meaningfully. Team white counters with some solid players as well but I am unsure who is absent or injured in that hospital ward of a team. I still think this game will be close with Spack leading the charge. The rosters really favour team black though and I cant discount that.
Black wins 32-24

Pink (Kyle) vs Yellow (Glenn)

The family matchup! Week 1 recap. Pink looked like the dominant team that I thought they would be in the preseason as they man handled team Royal. Their offense and defense both looking stellar, however, they were playing team Royal. Yellow kept it close for a while showing some serious life vs team red in week 1 of the playoffs. Yellow looked good keeping red in check while showing some bite. This matchup with pink and yellow will be closer than the pink vs royal matchup. I like the Pink offense as the better offense in this matchup but I like the yellow defense as the better defense in this matchup. With pink on offense will be fun to watch as it is strength vs strength. Kyle can spread the wealth to a plethora of recivers with speed in giorigio and Jordan and the size and strength of Neeraj or even the sneaky ability to get open by nick and don’t forget about the sure handed Rodney and Jay. Yellow counters with Frank, Tim, Ben, and Harrison and maybe some duffy pinto or smart. I don’t see yellow being able to play much man to man in this spot with the speed of Giorgio or size of Neeraj. Franky is great and so are ben and tim but it will be risky to play man, maybe a man with help over top since I worry about kyle picking them apart in zone. Pink will score a bunch here. On the other side of the ball, pink’s D hasn’t been great but nor has yellows O. I think Pink can play a mix of man to man with some success as they really only need to worry about tim ben and franky. Yellow will have some trouble scoring. Pink wins but not a huge blow out.
Pink wins 42- 24

Red (Joe) vs Royal (Drew)

Both teams kind of coming off of disappointing games but in a different manner. Red should have won by more I think and Jesus struggled at the start to find his groove, maybe that was due to yellow playing well. Red did pull it together. Royal looked like well…..Royal and outclassed by pink. I worry this game could go similar to that with a potential blowout in the making now that Jesus is used to playoff ball. At QB I am going with the now seasoned Jesus with his first playoff win. Joeseph Rocca (JR) and Tyler are buddies and this will be a good matchup of speed and elusiveness vs size and power. When Red is on offense Jesus will be able to score at will with recievers like JR, TO, Bryce scoring champ and Mark Murray the MVP and Edwards the ageless wonder. Blue counters with Tyler Murg Jake and Will, none of whom specialize on D, maybe Will, but they simply cannot matchup. There should be large enough windows for Jesus to find whether Royal plays man or zone. Going the other way, Royal will have a lot of difficulty scoring against the 2nd best defense in the league, Red is full of atheltes that can play D and they have Jesus in the mix to help cover the size of Tyler and Murg. I am not sure this game gets ugly but Red should have a comfortable win and thus a free pass into the semi’s with Royal’s season done. Perhaps they will be looking ahead to their matchup for the 1st seed against pink.
Red wins 38-18

Blue (Noah) vs Grey (Jelani)

This is the game of the day. Both teams coming off of a win and looking to secure a spot in the semi finals. Grey narrowly edged out black, and Blue routed team White. Blue is a freight train that seems to keep on rolling, putting up significant points each week and flying all over the place on defence. Grey has been hit or miss this season put perhaps playoff Grey is a different team and they come to shine! Grey should have the horses to slow down the potent offense of Blue. Looking at their roster they have 6 excellent athletes with Luc, Remi, Grae, Ryan, Rion and including Jelani that can run with anyone which should allow them the luxury of playing man or zone. However, they have had this luxury all season and haven’t really used it to their advantage, perhaps the back end of the roster having to play is hurting them? Either way, they will play some solid D with all the pressure on but they certainly wont be able to fully stop Noah and Jamie and Jack and Derek and the overabundance of depth that blue has on their roster to sub in or out on offense. Noah wont be scoring a ton but he will find a way to put points up as always. The other side of the ball is where this game will be won or lost. The excellent defense of Blue vs the somewhat spotty offense of Grey. Jamie and Jack ball hawking everywhere with Jomo and company back there is enough to make any QB think twice. Grey has a few receiving issues as most of their players are top end athletes that makes them excellent defenders but sometimes dropping a ball or two or not a crisp route. Jelani will find a way to score though and keep it away from Whitter island. This will be a close matchup. Both QBs have experience in close matchups, and recent history is now far off history with the year off from covid. Noah forgets the past and moves on
Blue wins 36-30

QB NFL comparisons

Jelani- Baker Mayfield (Jelani is a young stud! Not the strongest arm in the world but accurate and can move pretty good and has had a ton of success in the past, in this case Baker at OU)

Spack- Brady- Ageless and great accuracy and sense of the game. Doesn’t move well. Motivator

Jack- Joe Burrow- Young buck is calm cool and collected, wins games wherever he goes. Unproven

Noah- I was thinking Matt Ryan or Carr but ill go Ryan- scores points distributing everywhere, not super mobile, never gets the full respect deserves, some playoff woes

Jesus-Kyler Murray- Like Kyler improving year to year, jesus does week to week. Solid arm. Moves well. Young

Glenn-Mac Jones? Bridewater? Darnold?- Ill go Teddy- Accurate like heck, not the strongest arm, can always be counted on to win a game and is dependable, but a franchise QB remains to be seen.

Kyle Clarkin- Dak- Hell of a leader, getting better all the time, has “DQs” Dude qualities. Is a winner when he has help like Zeke and receivers. Success in the past (Dak did well early, I know no SB) and looking to repeat it

Drew-Kirk Cousins- Can score points and lead a team all fired up “You like that” but can he get it done in prime time?

And 1st Rounder Comparisons

Luc- Keenan Allen- Great deep routes, excellent receiver, but not the best the NFL has to offer (On Defense he may have a better comparison such as Diggs from Dallas)

Z- Julio, May have lost a step, but still dangerous and has catching ability

Nick Clarkin-Stephon Diggs- getting better every year, super elite, enough said

Jamie-Hopkins- Simply the best the league has to offer

Joeseph R (JR)- Tyreek hill you might think but I don’t see him as a deep threat. More of a Mcaffery, cant be stopped in the open field

Frank-Devante adams- Glenns go to go like Rodgers, and super elite and unstoppable with the jump ball

Giorgio- Tyreek hill but better- crazy speed and can do the short routes and make you look silly

Tyler- Mike Evans- Jump ball all day, excellent size and knows how to use it.

Posted By Posted By: Not someone famous
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1109
Other league comparisons:

Remy: Lightning McQueen
TJ: Bearded Forest Gump
Tim Wray: Robocop
Ben Payne: Robocop
Quincey James: That little Bichon Frise from the tic tac videos
JJ: Lightning McQueen
Doug: Santa
Mark Murray: A literal goat
Murg: A snail
Geoff Kitching: The pots and pans in my kitchen(ing)
Danny: Jeff Saturday
Jackson: Michael
Adam King: King Henry
Billy: Billy
Waleed: Some famous guy pictured below

Posted By Posted By: Mascots
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1083
Who/what would be the name and mascot for each team, if the WMFL had names/mascots.

Posted By Posted By: jackson
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1078
who tf is Micheal

Posted By Posted By: Comparisons 2.0
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1060
JELANI- Russ… has some speed, has the soft touch, experienced.
SPACK- Matt Ryan… all around ability, getting up there in age but still great, knows how to feed his best players.
JACK- Carson wentz… throws a nice ball when not pressured, long drives vs one play killer, picked up steam as the season progressed.
NOAH- Matthew Stafford… puts up points in bunches regardless of what team he plays on, has that one play TD ability.
GLENN- Mac Jones… prefers the short passes over the deep ball, can beat anyone and also lose to anyone.
KYLE CLARKIN- kyler Murray… quick, always on the run, same name, similar stature.
DREW- Jamie’s Winston… Has a solid arm, has some speed, but very erratic, if he puts it all together he could be great, relies on solid D to pick up wins.

First Rounders

LUC- Amari cooper… all around ability, decent speed, hands, and route running.
Z- Davante Adams… isn’t the fastest, isn’t the biggest, but is literally always open, never seen him drop a ball.
NICK CLARKIN- Terry McLaurin… clean route running, solid hands, and still has many years ahead.
JAMIE- Aj Brown… top athlete who doesn’t have many flaws, can put up 14 points in a minute.
JOE R- Cooper Kupp… best route runner in the league, always makes the first guy miss, jump balls are not for him.
FRANK- Odell… another guy was really doesn’t have much weaknesses, stronger qb play would elevate his game, his qb is always getting an earful.
GIORGIO- Deebo Samual… YAC monster whose putting the league on notice, may be the top pick next year.
TYLER- Allen Robinson… Contested catches are his specialty, QB refuses to throw him the ball

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1008
Love the comparison lists! Allow me to offer an alternative viewpoint:
1. Spackman. 38 yr old Brett favre, when he played for the jets but should have retired.
2. Jack. Tom Brady circa 2020. Not movin a whole lot, but who cares. Accurate and beautiful to watch. Born winner. A national treasure.
3. Jesus. John Miller in 1978, when he was 40.
4. Glenn. Johnny Unitas. Circa 2021.
5. Noah. Ken Dorsey. Legend.
6. Kyle. Joe Namath. Cash, grass, or ass - Kyle always gets paid.
7. Drew. Jalen Ramsey.
8. Jelani. Mahomes. Scrambles and throws and not gonna win this year.

Top Picks
Only 3 top picks to speak about:
1. Nick Clarkin. Tito Jackson. The best of the family.
2. Craig Klassen. MC Hammer. You can’t touch this.
3. Wyatt Craik. Humpty. His nose is big. Big like a pickle. And in a sixty-nine his humpty nose’ll tickle your rear.

Posted By Posted By: Wise
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1003
Oh Snyder, I love the musical comparisons. Team black is the greatest. The Led Zeppelin of rock, the Wu-Tang of rap, the Johnny Cash of country. Your team is just such a GIFT to the league. Nothing compares, to you…..

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Films
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1002
Video recap of White’s season…

Posted By Posted By: NFL Films
Posted On Posted On: Oct 28th, 2021
Views Views: 1001

Posted By Posted By: Comparison round 2 n 3
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 956
Andrew Murgatroyd - Mike Evans, tall receiver can get the jump ball
Neeraj Gautama - Waller, just a beast
Tim Wray - Hunter Renfrew, scrappy guy can get open and make plays
Chris Pierre - Jarvis Landry, great hands and great route running
Jason Nunez - Micheal Thomas, Injured
Adam King - Kelce, route running and hands
Mario Listro - Julio, can make plays and a little injury prone
Grae Hayes - DJ Moore, Can make play all over the field
Remy Samanski - Henrt Ruggs, can turn on the burners and get open deep
Geoff Kitching - A.J. Green, good vet that still has some gas in the tank
TJ - Brandin Cooks, can produce and put up numbers no matter what team he's on
Jackson Whitter - Justin Jefferson, have a unreal year
Bryce Meertens - Mike Willams, having a breakout year and wins the jump balls with his large frame
Ben Payne - Cole Beasley, real lunch pale guy
Jordan MacDonald - Sterling Shepard, solid 3rd read for a QB
Jake Walsh - Danny Amendola

Posted By Posted By: Defence
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 948
Wins championships. Who are the best one on one defenders in the league and best team defenders?

Best team defenders are Nick Clarkin, Jamie, Dave Z, Jesus, Frank, and Jelani.

Best man lockdown?

Some later round studs on D:

Drew Walker
Tim Wray

Posted By Posted By: D-Fence
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 942
All pro: Jamie, Frank

Elite: Jelani, Tyler, Luc, Murg, Z

Great: Jack, Nick, Drew, tim, Snyder, Danny, Rion

Posted By Posted By: Risers and Fallers
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 928
3 players who are underrated and overrated ?

Posted By Posted By: Outplayed or underplayed their draft position
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 923

Bryce was picked 3rd round and is playing like a first rounder

Jack also picked 3rd round and would be best player on his team if not for his brother.

Noah was 5th rounder. Steal.

Wyatt was 8th rounder.

Jamie Whyte and Tony Tsiangos are far outplaying their 9th round selection.

Underplayed (probably all situational)

Luc may be still be a first rounder, but not first overall this year.

Frank is playing well but not influencing winning.

Dave Z is not having a Dave Z year.

Jason Nunez hasn’t been able to stay on the field.

Murgatroyd was first pick of second round. Maybe a few picks too high.

Posted By Posted By: Royal champs
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 856
Last time Royal won in Whitby.. few players still around from that finals. Rob Edwards looks identical. Royal needs an upset this weekend over Red to have a shot at the semis


Posted By Posted By: Fact checker
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 837
While it’s true that Rob was on the last royal team to win, you’re way off on the history. Royal won in 2018.

Posted By Posted By: My guess
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 817
Pool 1:

1:Carolina Blue

Pool 2:


1 vs 2
2 vs 1

Carolina blue beats red
Pink beats grey

Pink beats Carolina Blue

Posted By Posted By: Yellow and White
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 811
Watch out. These two teams have a pretty easy path. Two upsets tomorrow. White surprises a Black team that has lost confidence and yellow wins the family battle as Glenn and Frank beat Kyle and Giorgio.

Calling it here.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Oct 29th, 2021
Views Views: 805
@yellow and white: you’ll wanna stop smoking crack.

Posted By Posted By: Yellow and white
Posted On Posted On: Oct 30th, 2021
Views Views: 713
Told ya

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