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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Nov 6th, 2021
Views Views: 1855
Let the trash talk begin…

Posted By Posted By: Playooooooffffffff?
Posted On Posted On: Nov 6th, 2021
Views Views: 1838

Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Nov 6th, 2021
Views Views: 1831
Great game Yellow.

On behalf of all of team Royal we wish both Frank and Billy a speedy recovery!

Posted By Posted By: Carolina hue
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1759
16-0 in games that don’t matter, 0-2 in games that do. Some would say they’re the second best blue.

Posted By Posted By: !!!!
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1738

Posted By Posted By: Carolina Who?????
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1718

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1666
King’s defensive efficiency cannot be overstated. He barely gets reps out there, but when he does, he’s a walking turnover out there.

Absolutely filthy shot.

Posted By Posted By: Different ballgame
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1659

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1657
Agree, that is an awesome shot.

Congrats Black, you guys played an outstanding game. Well deserved victory!

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1656
Also, enjoying the memes, although I preferred the Mark Murray Meme week.

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Nov 7th, 2021
Views Views: 1588
For you Noah

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Sports Book Customer
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1502
When are the lines coming out for this week? Who are the favourites and what’s the O/U?

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1483
Team black 48. Team Mark Murray 3 (three rouges by Mark Murray).

Posted By Posted By: Curious
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1468
I’ve been wondering since Mark Murray Meme week what would happen if there was a team constructed entirely of Mark Murray clones? I’d say Snyder is friggin lucky team red isn’t all Mark Murray clones, or black wouldn’t stand a chance this week. Just having one Mark Murray makes them the favourite.

Posted By Posted By: Prediction
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1461
@curious if there was an entire team of Mark Murray clones they would be used by an evil doer to first dominate the WMFL, the all other Durham touch leagues, the TFont, then touch football Canada, and later the world. They will be used to oppress freedom-loving touch football players everywhere, forcing a resistance movement to develop and challenge their utter domination and repression of touch football everywhere. They will also bring bold coloured headbands back into fashion.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1440
@curious and @prediction. This is madness. I didn’t realize what a scourge on the republic Mark Murray and team Red really are. Noble team black is left NO CHOICE but to declare a baller crusade against team Red. When the evil doer sees that Mark Murray and his peons can be beat he (or she) will give up their dastardly plans! Thank goodness Team Black has King Adam, the dream-quencher, the Holy Hazlett’s, and our very own nuclear weapon on the field, Wyatt Craik. It’s red-crushing time, my favourite time of year.

Posted By Posted By: Smart Money
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1409
I’d bet all three of those posts were from Synder.
Spaced 1 hour apart to make us think it wasn’t all him.

Posted By Posted By: When you realize
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1405
Every post on this board in last 5 years has been Snyder

Posted By Posted By: Nope
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1385
I dont believe that Synder can control peoples minds to post all the stuff he wants them to post. So I don’t think it’s him, but if it is him then that really reinforces my belief that not only is he the baldest man in the league by far, but he is also maybe a secret genius.

Posted By Posted By: Vegas
Posted On Posted On: Nov 8th, 2021
Views Views: 1341
9am Carolina Blue v Xtreme Yellow
Carolina Blue -28.5
Xtreme Yellow T:58.5

9am Royal vs White
Royal T:48.5
White -3.5

10am Grey vs Pink
Grey -5.5
Pink T:62.5

10am Red vs Black
Red -1.5
Black T:54.5

Posted By Posted By: Gustavo
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2021
Views Views: 1248

Posted By Posted By: But also mark
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2021
Views Views: 1236

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Nov 9th, 2021
Views Views: 1230
Good luck Yellow. Hopefully me being absent doesn't allow Blue to cover that shit Vegas spread. Noah sucks!

Pictured: The North Field (Hopkins) and myself (Hall) moments before it snatched my ankles.

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd 2.0
Posted On Posted On: Nov 10th, 2021
Views Views: 1194
Semi Finals Predictions!!

Sorry to the other teams, Ill be honest, I really don’t care what happens in those games as I am sure attendance will be a huge issue. Rather be at home watching the English Premier League and sleep in to watch the Semi’s.

Grey Vs Pink

The matchup we thought we would see in the Semis in the Preseason

Here we goooo! Both teams have been a little consistent this season. Grey though has turned it on when the pressure is on and playing well. Pink has looked sluggish just narrowly getting in (that’s what she said) with ties. QB matchup is a great one. Both great accuracy, both have a decent arm, both can move around and play good D. I think Kyle is hungry for a third trophy this year, and Jelani wants the Whitby one back also which is in Kyle’s possession. Give me Kyle for no reason at all. Luc, Grae, Remy and the ryan’s and Jelani are going to have their hands full on defence, the blazing speed of G money, the stature and smooth routes of Neeraj, not to mention Jordan, steve, jay, Rodney, jules, waleed, and Nicky M can all catch a ball. The grey side may be able to slow the main horses of pink but pink just has so much depth, and with steamboats who can really cover G or Neeraj? Pink will score in the high 20s or low 30s. On the other side of the ball Pink has been decent on D but not excellent which should allow Jelani to put some points up. Pink may have to play a zone, I trust Kyle on Grae, G on anyone, Neeraj on one of the Ryan’s, Jordan on another Ryan, but then I am a little worried about the others like Remy or Luc whoever G doesn’t take. I think grey has less depth though so maybe they could mix in some man. This game will really come down to greys ability to catch the ball and avoid those costly drops. I think Jelani will get it done, pressure is on the recievers, Grey will also score high 20s or low 30s. This is a great matchup to watch. This game is all about my gut instinct.

Clarkin forever
Pink wins 32-28

Black vs Red

What?? Really?? Preseason Colin would not have thought this was a chance. But that’s why we play the games. What an amazing story, a rookie qb will make the finals.

Lets go!
Black is looking mighty powerful with a narrow loss to grey in the first game, hardly beating white in the 2nd but making a statement by knocking off the top seeded Blue. Awesome stuff. They are playing with house money now, no pressure on them. Just happy to be this far. Red on the other hand was a top dog all season with a few hiccups come playoff time. Hardly beating yellow and tie with pink. QB matchup is very close, both are excellent young stallions or mustangs, whatever one is the right one for this situation. Call a favor for Joe Canada since he is a rockstar on D. When Red is on D they have really slowed teams down all season with a nice mix of defensive calls and personelle. Covering Nick will be near impossible, then you have the steady Kinger and TJ with a nice mix of Noah and Staff and whoever else Black throws out there will be solid and must not be left alone. Joeseph Rocca can try to cover nick but he will certiantly need help, perhaps Bryce on him also. Jesus can lock Kinger down. TO on TJ, good old buddies can hangout together. Not to mention MVP Mark Murray can cover whoever, with Robbi E also locking down people and Danny the sack master. No one can cover Petey though. I can see Black struggling to score big here, mid to low 20s. On the other side of the ball, can Red score on Black? They haven’t looked like the high scoring machine in the playoffs. Nicky can cover Rocca, maybe some difficulty with Rocca having the ball in the open field but I trust nicky C. King and TO will be a good match but TO just runs such silky smooth routes that TO will find some holes (Sienfeld reference, I need holes!! Not a sexual reference, it’s a electrical socket refenecne FYI). TJ is a catch machine but Bryce is playing amazing, call that even. Synder will lock anyone down, and Mark and Robbi and danny aren’t known for their offensive prowess. Black also has wyatt and Craig to throw at red. I really think both teams will struggle to score. My loyalty to both teams is in question here. Have to simply go with my gut. How can anyone bet against the lord and savior? Or Clarkin forever?

Jesus and Red wins a tight game 26-20

Enjoy fellas!
Sorry for the short write up this week, its been a long season of write ups and this takes me a while.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 1093
Thank you for the excellent summary as usual Colin 2.0; I and the rest of the readership appreciate you.
I stand by my earlier prediction of a black victory. I don’t want to diminish red, although some of you may consider the forthcoming analysis of that team to suggest that they are a sub-competent group of buffoons, it’s more that Black is just really really good and a more complete team. And we have the King.
As Colin pointed out, two rookie QB’s vying for a title shot against one of the last two champs is just such a compelling story-line, it firms Klassen right up. The big difference there is hunger. Not a lot of people know this, but Jack has taken a vow of celibacy until he wins the championship - not just for this season. Until. Just think about that commitment to the team, to perfecting his craft, and to excellence. On the other hand you have Jesus, with his pretty-boy good looks and his country club lineage. Jack is Happy, and Jesus is Shooter, and we all know how that classic ends.
The rest of red are a collection of individuals who have shown some flashes of ability but for the most part couldn’t successfully compete for a roster spot on a junior varsity team. Scoring title Bryce? Everyone knows that didn’t happen. Just cause you get your daddy to pay a hacker to change the result doesn’t mean it happened. Eyes on Bryce, league. Eyes on. TO? What’s that stand for these days anyway, Too Old? Sure looks like it, every Saturday. Edwards has some mighty fine biceps, which I like, but I suspect they’ve drained the strength from his hands and contributed to the new nickname the red team have been calling him, “drop-lord”. Really supportive of your team guys, thankfully I’ve been there for Robbie as a support person to work him through the trauma of playing within your toxic system. And Mark Murray? Who the hell started this BS about Mark being the sun and moon of football? Mark is nothing but a chubby middle-aged man waiting out his retirement, which everyone he plays with hopes is in the next year or so.
In summary, Black will win, and Red will lose. And I can’t wait to contribute to that outcome in a small way.

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 1089
Oh, and boys - today is Remembrance Day. Show your respect this morning and this day for the people who gave of themselves so we can be safe, and free, and able to play a game each week, and to talk some shit about people we both love and respect. Lest we forget.

Posted By Posted By: Vintage Grey
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 1020
Kyle will be seeing ghosts on Saturday

Posted By Posted By: ESPN Reports
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 1007
Wow this is big news for this weekend fellas

Posted By Posted By: DJ PAULY D
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 980
CABS ARE HERE!!! Pinks gotta go, Grey by 50

Posted By Posted By: Gen Z
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 976

Posted By Posted By: More Gen Z
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 958

Posted By Posted By: Sideline
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 947
Snyder sounding a little too defensive in his write up. I think black is scared to face the wrath of red after they shut them down 30 to 12 last time they met on the field. Should be a good game.

Posted By Posted By: Lame Synder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 917

Posted By Posted By: Vlad
Posted On Posted On: Nov 11th, 2021
Views Views: 901

Posted By Posted By: Mrs. Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 860
I will always love my son. But this week His dad and I are rooting for Mark Murray.

Posted By Posted By: Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 833
Remy's speed > Giorgio's speed

Posted By Posted By: debate
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 812
I think we can all agree G is faster. Remy has wheels, but there’s a difference between quickness and speed. Remys first 10-20 yards are better than Giorgios, and it’s hard to make up that ground in 30 yards. I’d put the house on Giorgio if the race was 100 yards.

Posted By Posted By: @debate /Slower Samanski
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 784
They literally raced twice and Remy beat him twice. Remy is faster plain and simple. I do think Giorgio is has better lateral speed and is quicker in/out of his breaks. But you can't honestly say he's faster when he's literally lost to Remy in a race back to back years. And this is football and not the olympics no one gives a fuck about 100m times, that's why they run a 40 at the NFL combine and that's why we run a 40/50 (not sure of our exact distance) in this league to determine the fastest player.

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 777
I have won the race every year since 2018 lol not sure what more I can do haha
Grey by 20 tomorrow

Posted By Posted By: Snyder
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 762
Remy has won back to back to back. 3 in 3. Translate individual effort to team sport that’s a dynasty! No slight to G, who is fast AF. Rem is just faster Than F.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 746
Speed doesn't mean you can cover someone. I'm slow as fuck and I STILL torch literally everyone. I'm also slow as fuck and can probably man everyone in the league with a few exceptions on a consistent basis. Speed is great, but if you're relying on speed to win match ups, you're gunna get smoked.🤷🏻‍♂️

Posted By Posted By: Vintage Grey
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 736

Posted By Posted By: Vintage Typo
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 734

Posted By Posted By: @tank
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 726
This is true, that’s certainly something that can’t be debated, that being that Giorgio is the better player.

Posted By Posted By: Faster smnski
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 722
G is most definitely a better football player than me. That said, it’s a team sport and Grey by 20

Posted By Posted By: Lamar
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 703
@tank also very humble

Posted By Posted By: Papa Smurf
Posted On Posted On: Nov 12th, 2021
Views Views: 648
Remy is lucky I was not racing. Put Murg near the finish line and see who wins

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