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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2022
Views Views: 1282
Let the trash talk begin...

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2022
Views Views: 1261
Update for everyone. Nails is home now and feeling okay. Leg looking as good as it can be.

Posted By Posted By: Neeraj
Posted On Posted On: Sep 25th, 2022
Views Views: 1228
Thanks Frank. Great to hear Markus is at home. Wishing him a speedy recovery and Blessings for his family.

Posted By Posted By: Observer
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1202
3rd and Neeraj (20 yards)

Posted By Posted By: Light Blue Alex
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1181
Wow shout out to team Royal for such a hard fought and competitive game topped off by an incredible, yet heartbreaking, finish. Clutch plays all around.

Posted By Posted By: Noah
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1170
Great post Alex! Those games are what makes this league great. You play long enough and you will be on both sides of those types of games. I have had the privilege of being a part of two of arguably the best Finals. In 2009, Duncan McDonald hit a game winning FG into the wind from about 50 yards to crush TJ's dreams. We won something like 57-55. TJ was standing in the end zone and simply smiled when the ball split the uprights. TJ was unstoppable that game as we had our top 2 guys doubling him all game and he still made catch after catch.

And then most remember the 35-14 comeback that Jelani, Z, Mario, Taylor, Kitching put on us a few years ago. Jelani threw a TD on the last play and then converted the 2 to win 36-35. Frank will probably stop reading now but you have to admit, that was awesome!

I will remember them both equally fondly. It is what makes this league great!

Other memorable games that come to mind:

Colin's team dropping the go ahead TD on purpose (to not give Raf any time) to setup the winning FG and then hits the upright and missed the playoffs because of it.

Miller having a stacked team of TO, Neeraj, Wes, Chambers and losing playoff game on a hail mary on last play.

Spack and me playing a barn burner and we score to go up 4 and we told our team to let them return the kickoff so we would get ball back. Spack recognized it and yelled at Seabiscuit to go out of bounds.. And we somehow pulled off the first stop of the game to win it.

Some semi-final where Jance and TJ went nuts back and forth.. Forget the details, but have never seen such great defense and better offense.

Feel free to post your own!

Posted By Posted By: Old Guys
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1119
How about 3rd and lots Jesus to Nick touchdown!!!!

Helps set up the stage for one of the most outstanding kickoff returns by Tim,Jesus and Gman.

Posted By Posted By: Royal FanBoi
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1112
If you missed the Kick return of G-money vs Baby Blue


Posted By Posted By: Drew
Posted On Posted On: Sep 26th, 2022
Views Views: 1079
How about the year a team lost every game in the regular season and playoffs and Spackman asked to take the exact team the next year. The league allowed it and everyone else was drafted.

I believe that team did very well and ended up losing in the championship game.

Posted By Posted By: History lesson
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2022
Views Views: 1009
Unfortunately that team Spackman took to the finals he added his plumber dentist and contractor to that team. When the playoffs started they had a good view from the sidelines if you get what I mean.

Posted By Posted By: Matty Raf
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2022
Views Views: 1007
If anyone needs me for anything or is wondering where I have been, I am still sitting in a lawn chair on the south field sidelines staring towards the east end zone.

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2022
Views Views: 987
Week 4 Where Colin Was right and where colin was wrong! Or this week, WHERE COLIN WAS WRONG ☹

10-2 on the season coming into this week. That record wont hold. The league is dividing. 3 teams tied for first. 3 teams with a 500 record. And 2 teams struggling to find their way, however, gray isn’t a bottom 2 team in my books.

While it is fun to use the trash talk board for trash talk and predicting games and poking fun at eachother. I love to see the league coming together in support of Markus “NAILS” Ottonen. Everyone is wishing a speedy recovery to him. It is an awful thing to see. Cheers to everyone supporting him and we know he will come back stronger!


I thought Gold would win by 12 with a full lineup and Kyle Clarkin wanting to make amends for a previous bad week but Red won by 12. Nick Clarkin won this battle of clarkins having himself a day. Jack played well. Kyle had an uncharacteristic poor showing but he will rebound and get the kinks out in time for the playoffs. The kinks are a great band by the way, part of the British invasion. But we don’t want any kinks come playoffs. Gold started out strong but nearing the half Nick made a play that maybe turned the tide (Roll tide) and Red didn’t look back. Jack was able to get Nick the ball early and often with 20 points. Grae found the endzone for 6, I think it was a pick 6 at the end of the game or half, Noah did Noah things and had 6 as well as 2 ints. Big pete added a convert. Springy Patrick Downie also nabbed a pick for team red. Team red looked good in this one even without their new star David Larson and it was good to see that Jordan had his broken fingernail repaired in time for the game. Gold was able to put some points up but were just too inconsistent in the 2nd half. Kyle got everyone involved as usual but there was some 3 and outs. Luc had 12 points and an INT. Remy 6 and an INT. Wyatt, when he wasn’t puking on the sidelines played well and added 2 points. Dougy added 2 as well. Gold needs to right ship next week vs a motivated Gray Team. I think Gold will be fine. Red plays spack next. Hopefully they can keep it rolling vs a Spack team that is starting to play well.

Light Blue vs Royal WHERE COLIN WAS WRONG ☹

Wow, I thought Light Blue wins by 16 but royal won by 7. I believe Giorgio Made an amazing late play on a long td, I think a pick 6 or maybe kick return? Light Blue finally showed there is a chink in their armour. The last time they looked vulnerable was losing early to team green in week 1. Cheers to Jesus in this game for knocking off the top seed. Hopefully Tyler heals up soon for light blue, or is this another injury for draft stock for next year??? Joking Tyler, I hope you heal up soon 😊. Light Blue was shockingly held to 23 points on this day. Joe, Neeraj, Michael Roberts all got a pick for Royal. Roberts also was able to sack the jukey shakey Matt Raf. Raf was still able to get Joe his usual points, only 9 on this day though, which is amazing for most but a low day for him. Royal needs to share their secret on how to stop Joe. If this is stopping. Geoff looks great with his sleeves rolled up and tanning those guns with 8 points. And Jules was probably Light Blue’s most consistent player in the middle for raf and added 6 points himself. Alex Lindsay for team royal wins the award for the tightest shirt 😉. Royal played great today and Joe got G for 8 points, Neeraj for 8 points, Tim had 6, Ben had 2, and Nick had 6. Joe through 0 ints also on the day. Not sure what to take from this game. Other than Light Blue is beatable and Royal can play with anyone. LightBlue has a revamped team black to play next with Jamie back. Don’t take them lightly. Royal has a strong Green team that looked shakey last week without TJ. Both Blue teams may be a sure bet for the coming week.

Green vs Black Where Colin was Right

I thought Green would win by 18 and they won by 12. This game was about the return of the king Jamie. Jamie balled out in this one. This was also a story about how the loss of TJ effects team Green. Black showed some Life with Jamie on the field even though they were missing 2 of their top 3, Murg and Jack. Had they have been there this could have been a very different game. I think the shirtless wonder, Synder was also absent. Team Black defense really stepped it up today getting 4 picks on the Mighty Noah. Jamie had 3 himself, shocker. And Riley grabbed an INT also. Jai was able to get a sack for team black. When team black was on offense, Jamie scored 6, Riley 6, and Daniel had 2. Rileys TD was a lovely long play. Jamie’s TD broke Z’s ankles and made Z look really old. Black also has the luxury to kick FGs from deep and Jamie hit 2. Unfortunately for black, Green was able to hall in 4 ints. 3 for Z, and one from Justin D, it may have been 2 for Justin as a late game sealer but the refs perhaps forgot to write it down? Not sure, will have to ask someone present at the game. Black was able to move the ball without Green having their defensive leader. When Green had the ball, Noah did Noah things, spreading the wealth around. Kyle got 6, Peter got 8, Justin D 6, TO had 6 and z had 6. I would like to see this game played again with the teams at full strength. It is possible for team Black, but Green needs to right the ship now with the loss of TJ. Green has a tough test vs Jesus next and they cant play sloppy or they will get blown out if royal has their guys there. Black has a very tough test vs an angry light blue team that wants to prove they are still the class of the league. Hopefully Black brings everyone out.

White vs Gray-

I don’t want to report on this game too much since it ended so quickly. I thought Gray would roll. Maybe these teams meet again? Rion scored 2, and Dylan 6 for gray. White had Bryce get 6, Danny 6, and new player Carson Pyefinch get 4. This game was really about NAILS. What a trooper he is. We wish him a speedy recovery. The game had to be stopped with gray players leaving in the ambulance. Never want to see an ambulance on the field.

Herd Hierarchy!! (Power rankings)

1) Light Blue- I know, I know. How are they still first. I cant see anyone taking top spot yet
2) Green- Good win but didn’t look the same without TJ so I cant move them to top spot
3) Red- Staying 3rd with a great win over gold. This is a top team.
4) Royal- Up from 6 after taking down the top team. This team is effing scary.
5) GrAy- Not much movement here. This team is on a mission for NAILS
6) Gold- I still like this team but 2 straight weeks where they didn’t ball out
7) White- Started well vs Gray but hard to move them without seeing a full game
8) Black- This team could easily be anywhere on this list with that roster.

1 and 2 on picks this week even though my scores are off. 11-4 on the season.

In no particular Order:

Markus NAILS Ottonen- Hero for handling that so well
Nick Clarkin- 20 pts
Jamie Whitter- 3 INTs and 12 pts

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2022
Views Views: 979
Noah, you are right. I actually stopped reading at the point you mentioned, since you seem to bring up that painful loss more than anyone else. Maybe you get off on being hurt? I guess you never really know what happens behind closed doors. I for one, get off on WINNING, something I haven't had much success of the last few years. however, that changes, and changes soon.

I do recall a game which made me realize just how great of a QB Noah is. One of those great barn burners that never should have happened. And I tell this story more than I maybe should. Although I was on the winning end of this one. Week 1 of a season about 6 or 7 years ago, Noah loses his top pick in a freak softball accident. Giorgio and I are laughing pregame about the cake walk we are about to experience. Noah proceeds to score on almost every drive, with the game ending 58-54 for the Tank and G dream team. Giorgio and I in disbelief after every drive that Noah was picking us apart non stop.

Nails will not have gone down in vain. His injury and inhuman pain tolerance, will prove to be the driving force behind team GrAy's power surge in the coming weeks. Much like Hurricane Ian, Team GrAy is about to wreak havoc on the WMFL and show that we are not to be taken lightly despite our record. Is that in bad taste? Probably not. Go GrAy!

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 27th, 2022
Views Views: 975
@Colin Cowherd

I also double nominate Nails as player of the week. Guy handled something in a way probably none of us could. I know that I would have been screaming and hollering in pain, in his position. He told paramedics he was at a 2/10 pain when they showed up and after they started moving him around, he was at a 4... Isn't the femur the most painful bone to break in the human body? I googled it right after asking and:

'The Femur is often put at the top of the most painful bones to break. Your Femur is the longest and strongest bone in your body, running from your hip to your knee. Given its importance, it's not surprising that breaking this bone is an incredibly painful experience, especially with the constant weight being put on it.'

To add to my nomination vote, he also caught his first pass of the season on a second and 20, juked out one of the best players in the league, and got the first down. If not for the injury, that catch could have gone for 30+ yards. A great way to start off, and end, his season.

Posted By Posted By: Junius
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2022
Views Views: 912
Thanks for the shoutout Colin Cowherd!

Just a correction though, Jesus threw many picks that game, they just weren't written down...lol

Posted By Posted By: Jesus
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2022
Views Views: 893
Blasphemy… never discredit our refs aand their data recording abilities.
As they are perfect in the eyes of the lord

Posted By Posted By: Colin Cowherd
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2022
Views Views: 846
Week 5 Predictions. On Fox Sports 1 I call this segment, the blazing 4. 1 and 2 last week so I need to pick it up. 11 and 4 on the season predictions.

Looking like a balmy weekend ahead for the first day of fall! Break out the pumpkin spice latees and the Halloween décor! This looks like a tough week for predictions.

9am North Field Jack (red) vs Spack (white)

Can someone send Colin the injury report on White. I heard they are missing players hence had to pick up Barry.

Team white had a good start to the last game before it was called off early. Perhaps the addition of the Pyefinch was the tell tale. This team should be coming into this one with confidence even after a mediocre start to the year. Red is coming off 2 impressive wins and is tied for first in the league at the moment. I hope both teams are at full strength because I think this is a close game. At QB Jack, is now rolling as he gets comfortable with his new team and his reliable Nick target rejoining him from last year. Jack is dangerous. Spack will find the open man and his achillies should be nearly healed to add more mobility to him. Spack leans on his top guys so I hope they show up. Advantage to Spack on white. While Mario has been balling out this year for white on both sides of the ball, I really cant see him matching up well with Nick on either side of the ball. I doubt there will be much man played by team white because no one on white can cover nick, but team red will be able to try some man to man so Red has the advantage here. Grae vs Bryce. Both are certainly acending players and entering their WMFL prime. I would love either player on my team (if I actually played in the league and didn’t just watch). Bryce rolls with size and speed combo, Grae has speed and agility. Leaning towards our scoring champ Bryce here for team white. Jordan vs Steve, if Jordan shows up and isn’t feigning injury, he can do some damage, last week he was healthy so I will have to take Jordan for red over steve here. Harrison and Noah are both having solid years. Harrison may be quicker but he is still learning the ins and outs of the WMFL and how to play with spack. Noah is balling out and he is in the top 10 for both points and INTs. Take Noah for Red. David Vs Carson is a matchup we will watch for years to come, both are new and electric and are getting better each week. Lets hope these two keep coming back. I am leaning David for red here with a little bit more of size and defensive ability, however, young carson in a few years may eclipse him. Rodney vs Alex, this is a tough matchup. Both players are solid. But I have to go Rodney here for Red. Wow Patrick vs Danny, both are steals this late in the draft. Patrick has game changer ability and is learning to come down with the ball when he jumps 10 feet up, his speed is also elite. Danny, while still an athletic Adonis has a rare ability to change the game with sacks. Have to lean towards Patrick here on team red but Danny should get his sacks on the immobile jack. James and Quincy, I believe both were on the same team last year, both have very similar play styles and get open when needed or make a play when they play short in the 4-2 D. Call this even. Alexander, Pete, Cody on red vs Glenn, P Money, Dick and Barry for white. Usually red wins this with Pete, but having Glenn, Peyton and Barry all being capable late rounders makes this an advantage to white. This game will be a close one. Preseason has this as a big advantage to red, and they do have the better roster. But I like Spacks ability to score and keep it close. Anyone will have trouble with Bryce and Mario and Spacks ball placement. I just cant see anyone on white or even a zone that will stop Nick, Grae, Jordy, Noah and company so Jack will score more but this will be a close one. Hopefully everyone shows up healthy and not hungover…Nick.
Red wins 34-26 One score Game

9am South Field Light Blue ( Matt) vs Black (Drew)

A couple of weeks ago this game may have been laughable with the way black was playing. But with Black having a full healthy roster this is a fun game to watch. Black should be able to wreck havoc on defence. Even last week without Synder, Jack and Murg they did. Raf’s team were stunned last week and they look to feast on team black here and prove they are the 1 seed. At QB, Matt has been scoring in bundles this season as he dances around back there or gets the ball out quickly, Matt is a top QB. Drew looked good last week without some weapons and he should be okay this week with his offense being retooled. JOE VS JAMIE, this is the matchup we all want to see and will wake up early for. Last years MVP vs this years leading candidate for MVP. People say Joe cant be stopped. People say Jamie cant be stopped. I think neither of them will fully shut down the other, but Jamie has more defensive ability and if healthy Ill take Jamie here all day for team black. Murg vs Tyler is a very even matchup of similar players that use their large frame well on both sides of the ball. If tyler is healthy I will call this even, but a little bird told me he was hurt last week so I will lean Murg, Murg also has a connection with Drew. Jack vs Geoff, Both are unreal 3rd round talents. Both play both sides of the ball with aggression and skill. I have to lean Jack for team black here since he should have been a 2nd round talent. This isn’t a slight to the great kitching, this is motivation for him to crush it. Mike raf vs Craig. Mike raf is looking super young this year and playing very well. Craig is dynamite this year on both sides of the ball. I used to think he was a defensive specialist, boy was I wrong. Take craig on team black here in a close one. Jake vs Synder. Jake has the wheels and the sometimes hands. Jake also has the quads. Synder has the hair and the chest, not the hair on the chest. Ill take Synder for his defence. Both seem equal on offense. Alex Lindsay vs Daniel. Daniel is a solid player! But Alex Lindsay wins this battle if he shows up. Alex is smart, he wears super tight jerseys so he doesn’t get his jersey tagged cheaply, or perhaps there is another reason. I have to go Lindsay here for light blue. Jesse vs Riley. No slight to Bambie here but Riley is a solid player becoming a top rounder every week as he develops under the tutelage of Drew, adventage to the team black protegee. I haven’t seen much of duffy, but Jai is showing flashes so give me Jai on black. Jules is a stud this year being used correctly on team light blue so he has his matchup over Brayden for now. Young Raf vs Young Synder, cant make this call yet. I need to watch this beautiful matchup. For years to come we will see this one. Miller vs joy. I love Miller Beers, they give me joy. I can see team black making a ton of plays on D which will make Light blue play tight and then Black will get some scores. Black has a loaded roster. As does Light Blue. Light Blue will win this game but this will be much closer than one may think. One week makes a big difference. Black is not going to be blown out, they are coming together. Light Blue has shown weakness and will look to rebound, or is it in their head that they are beatable?
Light Blue wins 28-26

10:45am North Field Jelani (GrAy) vs Kyle (Gold)

The gray team wants to come out and ball. They want to prove they are a contender just like they did against Royal. 1 and 3 is not indicative of their potential. Gold started off like Elton John’s Rocket man and were a top team, lately they have looked like tiny dancers. They need to get back on track this week. Jelani vs Kyle. Both have won in this league. One of them a few more titles to their name, the other is motivated to get it back. Both are accurate and design a great offense. Both are mobile and tough to sack. Both can play D. Frank vs Luc! Both excellent on both sides of the ball, both are quick, both have great hands, both are hyper aggressive, both are players that get fired up. Love this matchup. Rion is showing flashes of greatness every week and with more consistency he will be a first rounder, Remy is killing it with his speed and working on all the other intangibles. King vs Dylan. I doubt these two will matchup together on either side of the ball but Dylan brings a veteran presence and speed to O and D, King brings the same but brings size. The top 3 is so close but I have to lean gold on this one. Hopefully Kyle Clarkin can utilize that. Kyle Roberts vs Taylor. Have to go Taylor for gold here, Taylor is back to his old self as long as he is healthy. Wyatt vs Edwards. Preseason everyone would lean Edwards, but after 4 weeks wyatt is proving to be elite even when he shows up mangled. Wyatt for gold here. Tim vs JJ, even steven. Both are elder statesmen of the league and are a lovely bonus to any roster. Waleed vs Daren, Waleed for gold for me. He gets better every season, a young buck. Patrick, Steven, Dougy and Rodney for gold are all solid players, steven evens out seabiscuit and then Billy is left with Pringles. So the advantage goes to Gold’s depth. I hope both teams play to their potential here and it is a good game. I can see gold making more stops with all of their defenders. Even though I feel like Gray is more of an offensive team, they have some chops on the defensive side of things also. I think this one will be very close and come down to late game heroics by either Dyl the thrill or Wyatt.
Gold wins a close one 35-34 with a late kick by semanski set up by Wyatt

10:45 South Field Noah (Green) vs Jesus (Royal)

Green needs to not let the loss of TJ be the loss of the season. Royal needs to stop their flip flopping and decide if they are a good team like last week or a team that shows big weaknesses like earlier. Jesus vs Noah. Noah always marches the ball and scores in bundles. Even after a pick or bad series he isn’t rattled. Jesus is the same and he can also play defense. It seems Jesus uses his deity to his advantage and his INTs don’t get written down. Don’t like that. Jesus’ father wouldn’t like that either. Advantage to Noah, who built the arc and was favored by Jesus’ father. Z vs G, easy G is way better, kind of sounds like the artist EZ E, G is more elusive and faster, ad to royal. Neeraj vs T.O. Both are excellent players and both worthy of 2nd round status. 3rd and 20/ TO or Neeraj. Both are similar players. Not as fast as they once were but heck they get open and catch the ball. Even. Justin D vs Tim, Tim is having a renaissance style year as he brings back the clock, Ad to royal. Ben vs Will, both get open and are crazy fast at their ages, heck at any age they are fast. Both play hard on both sides of the ball. Slight ad to Ben here though. Jomo vs Jay. Will Jomo show up or will he be on vacay in Tampa where the hurriance is coming? Will Jay be here or is there an injury? Mike vs Tony. Tony has the potential and is still hungry to learn. Tony for green here. Peter is a stud for green and he wins the next matchup over Roberts. Dante for green also takes it over Bailey. Both will are valuable players. Justin C and Kyle for green are both great late picks as is Bryan, Nick and Buffet. I think id lead a little towards green here for their size. I am not sure how this game is going to go. Which version of each team will we get? No one can stop Green from scoring above 30 points and I don’t think Royal will be the first. But the question is if Green has the man power to slow down G, Neeraj, Tim and Ben. Man to man will be tricky. Perhaps disguise some zone to confuse jesus. Jesus will still score. This will be a high scoring affair I think and could go either way. Give me Royal, as long as they aren’t too complacent after last week.
Royal wins 40-32

As for the best game conversation in league history. I love to start a controversy but I have to go with the massive blowout a few years back. Forget who it was. Spack and Jamie maybe vs Frank and Warbird? Not really sure but I have to say it. If a team is up big, why should they have to stop playing hard and sacrifice their own fun? They can keep playing and having fun and crushing it. Spirit of the league says we don’t care about winning or losing and its about fun and enjoyment so we should just play hard right? I would be more insulted if I was getting crushed and the other team stopped trying and was dicking around or not playing their best guys. A challenge is awesome, I would love it.
Yes haters will say why kick a last min FG, why not? Why cant someone try a kick in a game situation.
Cheers gentlemen! No blow outs in store this week don’t worry. I just like to get the message board going!

Posted By Posted By: Light Blue Alex
Posted On Posted On: Sep 28th, 2022
Views Views: 818
@ Colin Cowherd I need to reduce drag anywhere possible. The compression is real.

Posted By Posted By: Comparable
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2022
Views Views: 800
I'd like to take a moment and compare Giorgio to Devin Hester. Watching Royal Blue's kickoff unfold, and seeing Giorgio turn on the jets was jaw dropping and an incredible feat to watch. An upset that most probably didn't expect after seeing baby blue explode vs every team.
Was also fun to watch Joe and Giorgio go at it for a while. Very exciting stuff.

Posted By Posted By: The Ghost of Paul
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2022
Views Views: 756
The Ghost of Paul
Weekly Quick Picks

Week 5 already? Slow down otherwise this is going to be over all too soon!! Interesting week last week, not as lopsided as the week before. As long as teams get their best lineups out there is a lot of parity in this league. Should be a really fun post-season!

Week 4 Recap (2-2)

Pick 1 - Gold by 10 - WRONG - Impressive showing by the Red team, especially the 2nd half defence. The question is whether it was their D or was Kyle throwing that bad? He seemed to be throwing it to Red as much as to Gold.

Pick 2 - Light Blue by 12 - WRONG - I still think that Light Blue wins this game if Tyler doesn't get hurt though. That being said, you play the game with the people there, so this was a very impressive showing by Royal. Man, I cant wait for the playoffs to see some of these games as rematches.

Pick 3 - Green by 20 - RIGHT - It wasn't 20, but Green did pull this game out. Black certainly likes to play every game close, but just can't seem to pull one out. They will, at some point, which may turn the playoffs upside down. Green needs to clean up the mistakes, but they are, as usual with Noah, gelling together to put up a strong run

Pick 4 - White by 2 - RIGHT - 'Nails' is it? Wow, toughness at a whole other level displayed. If I could give you one of my 8 legs I would, but I am not sure how I could live with just 7. The game was recorded as a win for White so I will take the credit for a win too.

Week 5 Picks

9am - Red vs White - Red by 8
9am - Light Blue vs Black - Light Blue by 6
10:45am - Grey vs Gold - Gold by 6
10:45am - Green vs Royal - Royal by 2

Wanted to say that I hear through the grapevine that all the refs are doing great work this year. Keep up the good work guys, and players please remember that the refs are there to have fun too!!!

Posted By Posted By: Some Bloke at the Tap & Tankard
Posted On Posted On: Sep 29th, 2022
Views Views: 724
That hit the spot.

Posted By Posted By: Shhhhhhhh...
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 644
Very quiet on the board leading up to tomorrow.

No Frank/Rion vs Luc/Remy talk??

No Nick/Grae vs Mario/Bryce??

No Giorgio vs Z talk? (although Colin gave the advantage to G) A quiet Z is a dangerous Z?!

For me the matchup of the week is the top 3 matchup between LB and Black.

Each side has one player not quite 100% (Tyler and Jamie), but who has the advantage Joe, Tyler and Kitch vs Jamie, Murg and Jack???

Seems like everyone is waiting to let their play on the field do the talking, but these games should be a lot of fun to watch for these matchups alone.

I love football season!!

Posted By Posted By: Dave z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 621
Yes G is better than I. But it won't matter. Jesus will be throwing the ball to green all day. Pick city is coming to bowmanville.

Posted By Posted By: WMFL Players Association
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 598
We are deeply concerned with the handling of our brother Zs state after reading his comments about tomorrows game, specifically his mentioning of playing in Bowmanville. He was seen by an independent expert last Saturday who cleared him to play before quickly loading into a van and heading for Buffalo where he was responsible for another botched evaluation of a well known quarterback. Player safety is our forefront concern. We believe Z should be sidelined along with the Slower Semanski until further tests can be conducted.

Posted By Posted By: Dave z
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 595
The great TJ is from bowmanville and we are dedicating our season to TJ our defensive coordinator

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 581
Luc may be the reigning top pick champion and have a couple titles under his belt, but I am Tank. I will Destroy team yellow this weekend. Gold stands for first, and after this weekend, yellow will be sitting at the bottom of the leaderboard. Remy, you are slow as fuck. im coming for you

Posted By Posted By: Jesus
Posted On Posted On: Sep 30th, 2022
Views Views: 573
See you in Bowmanville tomorrow Super. Save a cold one for me.

Ps. Jesus doesn’t throw picks in any city. Let’s Ride!!

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