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Posted By Posted By: WMFL
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2023
Views Views: 914
Let the trash talk begin…

Posted By Posted By: TJ
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2023
Views Views: 907
Good win by team black, the ol’ boys showed up and put the league on notice that there’s some juice left in the legs.

Personally, while it felt good to be out there and doing a lot more than I figured I’d be able to, I *might* have been running a little hot out there. So apologies to the refs (except for Frank, who deserved every bit of it). I know we’ve got some new refs and some young guys, so this won’t be a week to week occurrence out of me — maybe just blowing off a bit of steam that comes with a year without ball. So apologies again, and can’t wait to get after it again soon.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2023
Views Views: 896
TJ, all my calls were correct and accurate. I'm never wrong when I am refereeing a game. They don't call me Angel Hernandez for nothing.

Team Green balled out today. 8 guys showed up with the expectation that heat and numbers would give us a disadvantage. But we came to play. A great game from Jelani and Co. but the Green Monsters came ready to dance. No one player stood above the others.

Both team Black and team Red looked good today. Both missing players. Both making great plays across the board. Watching TJ and TO make numerous one handed catches was a sight to see. Maybe that's the trick? Have a nickname/abbreviation of only 2 letters? From now on, just call me TK.

Posted By Posted By: Billy
Posted On Posted On: Sep 3rd, 2023
Views Views: 834
Where the stats at?

Posted By Posted By: Dufty
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2023
Views Views: 805
Standings ?

Posted By Posted By: Stats
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2023
Views Views: 799
Last year’s exec is holding the website password ransom.

Posted By Posted By: Glenn vrs Joe
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2023
Views Views: 763
Anyone new to the league want to play a double header next week I need players for the second game vs Joe. Or any vets what to play and help coach our new players??? Looking for 2 to 3 guys .

Posted By Posted By: Thank you Jesus
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2023
Views Views: 759
Oh and a big thank you to Joe for allowing us to pick up some guys . Spirit of the league

Thank you Jesus

Posted By Posted By: Neeraj
Posted On Posted On: Sep 4th, 2023
Views Views: 743
I'm in Glenn. If you need a player

Posted By Posted By: Week 1 Hot Takes
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2023
Views Views: 695
- WMFL exec needs more IT budget

- WMFL still best league around

- Clarkins are like Gremlins.. they get wet and they multiply

- Noah drafts a half dozen 6 foot 5 guys and he throws all his TDs to a 5 foot 6 guy

- 8 balanced teams with 8 good QBs makes for a fun season

- Spackman intends on getting his team a title this year

- Matt intends on repeating

Posted By Posted By: @Week 1 Hot Takes
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2023
Views Views: 682
+ Lot of absences week 1. Season should start 1 week later.

Posted By Posted By: Hot answers
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2023
Views Views: 657
- AI was blocking the stats from being uploaded because it flagged Joe’s stats. How does a QB throw two tuddies to himself?

- Historically QBs advocate for third Saturday in November finals. That requires Labour Day weekend start.

- Tournament weekend coming up. Lots of key absences this week too. Gotta start the season somewhere, and ideally not in mid-August.

Posted By Posted By: Stats Man
Posted On Posted On: Sep 5th, 2023
Views Views: 651
Where is TO's over the shoulder one-handed INT stat? Of all the stats to track, this one is the most memorable!
C'mon man!

Posted By Posted By: Go Sports
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2023
Views Views: 503
This comment section sucks without Colin Cowherd.

Posted By Posted By: Feelings
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2023
Views Views: 481
I miss playing football against Crowherd.

Posted By Posted By: Tank
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2023
Views Views: 442
Only stats that matter are WINS.

Posted By Posted By: Kitch
Posted On Posted On: Sep 8th, 2023
Views Views: 436
Go on Frank…

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Whitby Mens Football League