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WMFL Trash Talk

Started: Oct 17th, 2011Trash Talk for week of October 16, 2011
You guys should really dock my pay. If you want the scores they are updated on the Google Calendar (see website for link), but I can't put the standings up until I get home, I promise to do that after dinner...should've been done Saturday afternoon, but one too many glasses of draught, I'm afraid.

As for the Skills Competition winners, I didn't write them down, so I'm not 100% sure, but I think it went like this...
Punt - Wes King
QB - Jay W Martin
FG - not Chambers? somebody hit a 50 yarder to win, but I'm not sure who it was
Fastest Man - I think Big Pete won this at the wire, but he didn't show up at Mel's to defend against JJ, so it went to him.

Actually...not many showed up at Mel's, this might be an interesting topic to discuss on the boards...the turnout back at the sponsor used to be good every week, this week the turnout for the party was like a bad week from the past. Any thoughts on this phenomenon?

Finally, on to the week ahead...Burgundy vs. Silver 9:30. The mouth that roared against...well, that could be either of them...who will be undefeated after this week?
Comments 79 Comments       Views5187 Views         Last Post Last Post: Oct 26th, 2011

Started: Oct 11th, 2011Trash Talk for Week of October 9th, 2011
Sorry guys I am a slacker...was sick in bed all day after our stunning tie on Saturday morning then got caught up in Thanksgiving festivities. You will notice that the standings have not yet been updated, funny thing about holidays, the traffic tends to make 2 hour trips from Kingston take 4 instead, so by the time I got home I just wasn’t in the mood to update the website...I can’t do that from work so I’ll do it tonight.

This week is the week of the mid-season party so mark your calendars and plan to come back to Melanie Pringles for some cold beer, free grub and live trash talk. I’m not sure what’s going on with the Skills Competition, you can see the schedule’s been modified to allow for it this week but I haven’t heard if the Exec is planning on running one or not, so stay tuned to these boards because if they’re not then late game times will revert to their normal schedule.

Still two undefeated teams on a collision course, if Burgundy can take care of Gold and if Silver can beat Orange (will Mike Hadden be there?) then we’ll see that showdown next week!
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Started: Oct 1st, 2011Trash Talk for Week of October 2, 2011
Getting better, update done and it's still Saturday. Good weekend of football on a colder and windy day out there today. Still two teams at 4-0 and two teams at 0-4. Time to start checking the schedule to see when Burgundy and Silver play and when Baby and Black square off. Next week's Thanksgiving, always brings up an upset or two as a key player ends up eating turkey somewhere instead of playing football.
Comments 32 Comments       Views4556 Views         Last Post Last Post: Oct 15th, 2011

Started: Sep 25th, 2011Trash Talk for Week of September 25, 2011
Sorry for the late update of the website after Week 3, beginning to sound like a broken record! The excuse this week…well, I had to wait for Burgundy to stop scoring on Black…oops, there’s another one. Next week will probably be late too - I’ll update from my hotel room Saturday night if I get the scores. Still two undefeated and two winless teams.
Comments 67 Comments       Views4771 Views         Last Post Last Post: Oct 10th, 2011

Started: Sep 19th, 2011Trash Talk for Week of September 18, 2011
Sorry for the late update of the website after Week 2 (AGAIN!)... same story, I couldn’t hang around and the scores were a little late getting to me (still haven’t gotten the Red-Green score, it was entered as a Green 8-0 win as I only had the winner – this will be fixed next week if I get the actual score). In future, if you could report your team's scores via text (somebody's gotta have a cell on the field, don't they?) to 905-409-7773 that would work best – I will be around this week though, so just find me (reffing middle game, playing late game, drinking beer after late game) and let me know the score.

So, apart from Black getting smoked in the first half against Orange (and not really getting much better after I left), what happened this week?
Comments 40 Comments       Views4677 Views         Last Post Last Post: Sep 25th, 2011

Started: Sep 12th, 2011Trash Talk for week of September 11
Sorry for the late update of the website after Week 1, I was out of town and the scores were a little late getting to me. In future, if you could report your team's scores via text (somebody's gotta have a cell on the field, don't they?) to 905-409-7773 that would work best - I won't be around this weekend either so send me your scores!

Also new this week is the new Trash Talk site (obviously you found it, congrats!) - a little streamlined and hosted ourselves (thanks for the work on this Drew!). I've left a link to the old Trash Talk site in case you want to go back and check out historical posts although Drew did bring over the pre-season posts as you can see.

So, what did I miss? Navy's upset of the defending champs surprised some. Did we learn anything else out there this week? Looking forward to reading all about it - you're hers, so may as well make use of the new TT site and let me know what I missed!

Comments 41 Comments       Views6401 Views         Last Post Last Post: Sep 20th, 2011

Started: Aug 29th, 2011Welcome to the 2011 Season!
The draft is one week from tonight, time to start talking about the new season. I don't have the answers to the questions, I have heard there will be some changes with the QBs though, so it might be an interesting season.

Come on out to the draft Wednesday, August 31st at 7PM at Melanie Pringles to say hi to old friends and meet new team mates.

Seeya there!
Comments 44 Comments       Views5598 Views         Last Post Last Post: Jan 13th, 2014
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